The Ebola Outbreak – Is Africa Really Rising?
Associate Professor in Geography in the School of Natural Sciences at Trinity College Dublin, Padraig Carmody, says: “Much of Africa has made substantial socio-economic progress in the last decade in particular, but for the continent to truly “rise”, a new relationship with the international system and a new state-citizen bargain is required.”
27 Nov 2014
The Future of Sustainable Urban Planning Requires an Understanding of Urban Metabolism
If we are to plan for a sustainable future, it is vital that we assess material and energy flows in and out of cities and plan for some flexibility in their changes, says Dr Ainhoa Gonzáles Del Campo, Teaching Fellow in Trinity's School of Natural Sciences.
22 Oct 2014
Ireland’s obesity problem affects people from all walks of life – it can no longer be ignored or considered ’someone else’s problem’.
Obesity is affecting a growing proportion of older Irish adults and Dr Siobhan Leahy, TILDA Research Fellow and lead author of the July 2014 TILDA report: 'Obesity in an Ageing Society" discusses what is needed now and in the future to address this national epidemic.
2 Oct 2014
Let those damaged by the Irish asylum system tell their stories
A statutory review into the excessive use of Irish mental hospitals is needed according to Dr Damien Brennan from Trinity's School of Nursing and Midwifery. He argues however, that it would be an error for such a review to be incorporated within the inquiry into mother-and-baby homes.
22 Jul 2014
Assessing Ireland’s Hidden ‘Natural Capital’ Wealth Requires Collaboration Between Environmentalists and Economists
A Natural Capital Forum (NCF) for Ireland will be established to advance an economic assessment of all the resources, goods and services produced by the Irish environment, but Dr Jane Stout, Director of the Trinity Centre for Biodiversity Research, says the task ahead is a tricky one.
22 May 2014