Trinity Week to explore the impact of energy on research and culture

Posted on: 06 April 2018

Between Monday April 9th and Friday April 13th, researchers from Trinity will be opening the eyes of the public to the myriad ways in which energy influences our lives during Trinity Week. They will be showcasing the impact energy has on research and culture, and considering how we may meet related challenges in the future.

The events, which will appeal to curious minds – both young and old – focus on the cost of energy, how new fuels and technologies may power a greener tomorrow, and how musicians and artists channel energy to elevate their performances — with the University of Dublin Choral Society set to heighten the spectacle in Fellows’ Square.

A highlight of the week is the Trinity Week Academic Symposium – Energy – in all its forms, which begins at 9:00 am on Wednesday 11th. The emphasis on the 12 talks from researchers is shared between four pillars: fuels and technologies; resources and materials; energy dysfunction and disease; policy and sustainability. Among the speakers are keynotes Jim Gannon (CEO, Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland), and Donal O’Shea (Professor, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland).

Meanwhile, those attending the Cost of Energy pop-up at 10:00 am on Tuesday 10th will have the chance to chat with researchers about energy costs and potential savings while playing a host of interactive games. Answers await to questions such as: Should I buy an electric car? Changing tack a little is the De-extinction revival – what would it really cost? at the Science Gallery at 6:30 pm on Wednesday 11th, where you can learn about scientific advances that may allow us to bring extinct animals back from the dead, and ponder the social, ethical and legal ramifications if we are to lean on this next-gen conservation strategy in the future.

In addition to the symposia, lectures and talks, there are numerous interactive events on offer. These include guided walks, numerous sports and exercise classes in Trinity College’s Sports Centre, popular annual events such as the Chariots of Fire race, musical performances, and an amateur photo competition focused on the theme of Energy. Additionally, Trinity College Dublin’s new Scholars and Fellows will be announced at 10:00 am on Monday 9th by the Provost of Trinity, Dr Patrick Prendergast, in what is one of the oldest and most colourful occasions in the College’s calendar.

Trinity’s Faculty of Engineering, Mathematics and Science is hosting Trinity Week this year. The events will take place between April 9th and 13th in Trinity College Dublin.  The full programme, with more details, can be found at:

Media Contact:

Thomas Deane, Media Relations Officer | | +353 1 896 4685