Trinity Monday Programme 2006

Posted on: 08 May 2006


10.00 am     Announcement of elections to Fellowship and Scholarship

10.30 am     Service of Commemoration and Thanksgiving

Address:     Dr Alison Elliot, Centre for Theology and Public Issues. University of Edinburgh

11.30 am     Memorial discourse in the Graduates’ Memorial Building by

Professor Dennis Kennedy, F.T.C.D


Samuel Barclay Beckett (1906 – 89)

5.30 pm     Annual General Meeting of the Trinity College Dublin Association and Trust in the Graduates’ Memorial Building

7.15 sharp     Photograph of the Scholars of the Decades and New Fellows in the Examination Hall

7.45 for 8pm     Dinner for Fellows and Scholars in the Dining Hall

Tuesday of Trinity Week

11.00 am     Swearing in ceremony of the new Scholars in the Provost’s Library.