New Year Top Tips – Staying Positive Amidst Uncertainty

Posted on: 01 January 2021

New Year is traditionally a time of reflection and a time to look to the year ahead, but in the middle of a global pandemic, amidst a host of restrictions and a wealth of uncertainty, how can we still use this time positively? Here, Psychologists from Trinity College Dublin share their top tips.

  1. Take a break

We can’t shout this loudly enough, you deserve a break! This has been a year of immense stress with a lot of our usual coping methods taken away. With all this stress, our bodies and brains are working under extra pressure and that can take its toll. This holiday period is an opportunity to proactively mind ourselves and plan breaks to allow ourselves to recharge for the year ahead.

  1. Reflect on 2020

Often in the New Year we jump to making resolutions and make plans. Don’t feel like you have to make resolutions, instead look back on the year you’ve had. Think about what have you learned about yourself? How have your values shifted? What has become more important to you? What has drifted off your priorities list?

  1. Gratitude/Look for the little things

Where once we looked forward to big holidays or events, now take some time to focus on the smaller, day to day gifts. When getting into bed or brushing your teeth, think about your day and find 3 things you were grateful for.  It can be as small as a good cup of tea, a comfy pair of socks or a conversation with a friend. This practice can help ground you into the moment and find the joy in life.

  1. Let go of what you can’t control

One of the things that’s contributed to the challenges of 2020 was the impact of circumstances beyond our control. This year try to consciously focus on what you can control. Let go of the actions of others or trying to predict the future – that is beyond your control, but you can control your own social distancing, your kindness and your engagement with the news.

  1. Remember – you are resilient!

You have come through an exceptionally difficult year, the likes of which no one has seen in living memory. Even on the darkest days, you’ve come through them. There may be uncertainty ahead, but you have come through it and you will again!

The holiday period can be a challenging time for many. If you find that you are struggling with your mental health, there are supports available to you.

For Trinity College Dublin, staff and students:

There is a 24/7 Crisis Text Line. Start a conversation by texting tcd to 50808. 

Members of the public and staff and students can also contact:

HSE Infoline

8.00am-8.00pm, Monday – Saturday
Lo-call 1850 24 1850

Pieta House

Call 1800 247 247


Drop in centre, 112 Marlboro Street, Dublin from 10am-10pm

24 hours help line call 116 123


Support for depression and bipolar disorder

Call 1800 80 48 48 – open daily 10am-10pm