Leading World Medics including Former UK Under Secretary of Health Lord Darzi Conferred with Honorary Degrees at Trinity College Dublin Bronnadh Céimeanna Oinigh ar roinnt de na hOibrithe Leighis is Fearr ar Domhan
Posted on: 04 November 2011
A special honorary degree ceremony at Trinity College Dublin marked the conclusion of Trinity’s Tercentenary Celebrations of its School of Medicine. Former UK Under Secretary of Health, Lord Darzi, among other leading world medical scientists and doctors were conferred with honorary degrees.
Chancellor of the University, Dr Mary Robinson, Lord Ara Warkes Darzi of Denham, Professor Esther M Sternberg and Provost, Dr Patrick Prendergast.
Lord Ara Warkes Darzi of Denham was conferred with a Doctor in Laws (LL.D). Professor Darzi came to Ireland at the age of 16 and studied medicine at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland and later was awarded with a Doctor in Medicine (M.D) at Trinity College Dublin. He is one of the world’s leading surgeons and works at Imperial College London. As a pioneer in the field of minimally invasive and robot-assisted surgery he has pioneered many new techniques and technologies. In the previous British government he served as Under-Secretary and spokesperson on health. He has just been appointed Chairman of his University’s Institute of Global Health Innovation.
Professor Charles Dinarello was conferred with a Doctor in Medicine (M.D). He is one of the world’s most eminent medical researchers in the area of inflammatory and infectious diseases and an adviser to Trinity’s School of Biochemistry and Immunology. A pioneer in the discovery of the key-protein IL-1, which has been the subject of over 60,000 publications, he is listed as the world’s fourth most cited scientist during the period 1987-2007. A member of many Academies of Sciences, Governing Bodies and Advisory Boards, he also received the Paul Ehrlich prize in 2010, the world’s most prestigious prize in the field of Infection and Inflammation.
Professor Parveen Kumar was conferred with a Doctor in Education (D.Ed). She studied medicine in the UK and spent most of her working life in the British NHS in the North and East End of London. Her research is in the area of small bowel disorders and coeliac disease, in which she is an international expert, but she is known first and foremost as a committed and distinguished medical educator. Professor Kumar has authored the mandatory textbook for Trinity’s medical students and is a household name for generations of medical graduates in Ireland and a powerful role model within the profession. She has been President of the British Medical Association and Chairman of the Medicine Commission UK.
Professor Sir Michael Marmot was conferred with a Doctor in Medicine (M.D). He is Research Professor of Epidemiology and Public Health at University College London. He has been a pioneer in very influential broad longitudinal studies in the UK on the links between the social environment, social status and psychosocial influences and the risk of cardiovascular and other diseases. Arising from this research he is now an advisor to the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing led by TCD. He has won the Balzan Prize for Epidemiology in 2004 and the William B. Graham Prize for Health Services Research in 2008.
Professor Esther M Sternberg was conferred with a Doctor in Medicine (M.D). She is currently Chief of the Section on Neuroendocrine Immunology and Behaviour at the US National Institute of Mental Health. Her research has been at the forefront of neuroimmunology for over 25 years. Professor Sternberg has described and analysed the impact of psychological stress upon susceptibility to arthritis and other diseases in over 140 journal articles and numerous books. As an excellent communicator she has deepened the public’s understanding of the relationship between stress and illness with a number of popular books arising out of her research such as The Balance Within: The Science connecting Health and Emotions.
Professor Harriet Wallberg-Henriksson was conferred with a Doctor in Medicine (M.D). She is President of the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm since 2004, one of Europe’s leading Research Institutes for Medicine and TCD’s partner in the Eurolife Network of European Universities in Life Sciences. She is also a Member of the Nobel Assembly which awards the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. From 2001 and 2003 she was Secretary General of the Swedish Research Council. Her own research is in the field of diabetes where she has published over 130 scientific articles.
Bronnadh Céimeanna Oinigh ar roinnt de na hOibrithe Leighis is Fearr ar Domhan, lena n-áirítear iar-Fho-Rúnaí Sláinte na Ríochta Aontaithe, an Tiarna Darzi, ag Coláiste na Tríonóide Baile Átha Cliath.
Tionóladh searmanas bronnta céime oinigh speisialta i gColáiste na Tríonóide inniu le déanaí le clabhsúr a chur le Comóradh 300 Bliain Scoil Leighis Choláiste na Tríonóide. Bronnadh céimeanna oinigh ar iar-Fho-Rúnaí Sláinte na Ríochta Aontaithe, an Tiarna Darzi, chomh maith le roinnt de na heolaithe leighis agus dochtúirí eile is fearr ar domhan.
BronnadhDochtúireacht sa Dlí (LL.D)ar an Tiarna Ara Warkes Darzi as Denham. Tháinig an tOllamh Darzi go hÉirinn nuair nach raibh sé ach 16 bliain d’aois agus rinne sé staidéar ar an leigheas i gColáiste Ríoga na Lianna agus na Máinlianna in Éirinn agus bhronn Coláiste na Tríonóide Baile Átha Cliath Dochtúireacht sa Leigheas (M.D) air ina dhiaidh sin. Tá sé ar dhuine de na máinlianna is fearr ar domhan agus oibríonn sé san Imperial College London. Mar cheannródaí sa réimse máinliachta íosionsaithí le cúnamh ó róbait, is iomaí teicníc agus teicneolaíocht nua atá tugtha isteach aige. D’fhóin sé ina Fho-Rúnaí agus ina urlabhraí sláinte sa rialtas deireadh sa Bhreatain. Ceapadh é le gairid ina Chathaoirleach ar Institiúid Nuála Sláinte Domhanda a Ollscoile. .
Bronnadh Dochtúireacht sa Leigheas(M.D) ar an Ollamh Charles Dinarello. Tá sé ar dhuine de na taighdeoirí leighis is mó le rá ar domhan sa réimse galair athlastacha agus aicídeacha, agus is comhairleoir é de chuid Scoil na Bithcheimice agus na hImdhíoneolaíochta, Coláiste na Tríonóide. Ba cheannródaí é maidir le teacht ar an bpríomh-phróitéin IL-1, ar ábhar é d’os cionn 60,000 foilseachán, agus tá sé liostaithe ar an gceathrú eolaí is mó a luadh a chuid oibre le linn na tréimhse 1987-2007. Is iomaí Acadamh Eolaíochta, Comhlacht Rialaithe agus Bord Comhairleach a bhfuil sé ina chomhalta leo,agus bhuaigh sé duais Paul Ehrlich in 2010, an duais is fearr ar domhan sa réimse aicídithe agus athlasadh.
Bronnadh Dochtúireacht sa Leigheas(M.D) ar an Ollamh Parveen Kumar. Rinne sí staidéar ar an leigheas sa Ríocht Aontaithe agus chaith sí formhór a saol oibre in NHS na Breataine i dTuaisceart agus in Oirthear Londan. Is le neamhoird sa stéig bheag agus leis an ngalar céiliach a luíonn a cuid taighde. Is saineolaí idirnáisiúnta í sna réimsí sin ach is mar oideoir leighis díograiseach den scoth a bhfuil aithne uirthi, go príomha. Is í an tOllamh Kumar a scríobh an téacsleabhar éigeantach do mhic léinn leighis Choláiste na Tríonóide agus aithníonn na glúinte céimithe leighis in Éirinn a hainm. Is eiseamláir iontach sa ghairm leighis í.
Bronnadh Dochtúireacht sa Leigheas(M.D) ar an Ollamh Sir Michael Marmot. Is Ollamh Taighde san Eipidéimeolaíocht agus sa tSláinte Phoiblí é ag Coláiste na hOllscoile, Londain. Ba cheannródaí é i staidéar fadtéarmach leathan a raibh an-tionchar aige ar an nasc idir an timpeallacht shóisialta, stádas sóisialta agus tionchair síceasóisialta agus an baol ó thaobh galar cardashoithíoch agus galair eile. De bhun an taighde sin is comhairleoir anois é de chuid Staidéar Fadtéarmach na hÉireann ar Aosú faoi cheannas TCD. Bhuaigh sé Duais Balzan d’Eipidéimeolaíocht in 2004 agus Duais William B. Graham do Thaighde ar Sheirbhísí Sláinte in 2008.
Bronnadh Dochtúireacht sa Leigheas(M.D) ar an Ollamh Esther M Sternberg. Is í Ceannaire na Rannóige ar Imdhíoneolaíocht Néar-Inchríneach agus Iompair í in Institiúid Stáit Aontaithe Mheiriceá ar Mheabhairshláinte. Tá a cuid taighde chun tosaigh sa néar-imdhíoneolaíocht le breis agus 25 bliain anuas. Tá cur síos agus anailís déanta ag an Ollamh Sternberg in os cionn 140 alt in irisí agus in go leor leabhar ar an tionchar a bhíonn ag strus síceolaíoch ar sho-ghabhálacht airtrítis agus galair eile. Is saineolaí cumarsáide í agus chuir sí go rímhór le tuiscint an phobail ar an ngaol idir strus agus breoiteacht. Scríobh sí roinnt leabhar de bhun a cuid taighde, mar shampla The Balance Within: The Science connecting Health and Emotions.
Bronnadh Dochtúireacht sa Leigheas(M.D) ar an Ollamh Harriet Wallberg-Henriksson. Tá sí ina hUachtarán ar an Karolinska Institutet in Stócólm ó 2004, ceann de na hInstitiúidí Taighde Leighis is ceannródaí san Eoraip, agus comhpháirtí TCD sa Líonra Eurolife d’Ollscoileanna Eorpacha sna hEolaíochtaí Beatha. Tá sí ina Comhalta leis den Tionól Nobel a bhronnann Duais Nobel Fiseolaíochta nó Leighis. Bhí sí ina hArd-Rúnaí ar Chomhairle Taighde na Sualainne ó 2001 go dtí 2003. Baineann a cuid taighde féin leis an diaibéiteas agus tá os cionn 130 alt eolaíochta foilsithe aici.