Adjunct Professor Michael Haenlein holds the Chair in Responsible Research in Marketing at the University of Liverpool Management School and is a Professor of Marketing at ESCP Business School.
Michael has a Ph.D. from the WHU, Otto Beisheim School of Management, and a Habilitation from the Pantheon-Sorbonne University. He holds Visiting Positions at Kozminski University in Warsaw (Poland) and Trinity Business School in Dublin (Ireland). As a consultant, he has worked with many international companies in various industry sectors, such as telecommunications, financial services, technology, and private equity.
His research interest and expertise deal with analyzing the impact of new technologies on firms and consumers. He has examined issues such as video gaming, mobile gaming, artificial intelligence, social media, and influencer marketing. Haenlein has published over 50 articles in academic and practitioner-oriented journals. He received the 2021 Jan-Benedict Steenkamp Award for long-term impact and several Best Paper awards.
Michael has been part of the Academic Council of the American Marketing Association (AMA) since July 2021 and will join the Executive Committee as President Elect-Designate beginning July 2024. The AMA Academic Council is a 12-member council that represents the diversity of scholarly interests in managerial, behavioral, modeling, and public policy perspectives with attention to strategic marketing implications.
In May 2023, Michael joined the Steering Committee of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC) as the Vice President of Publications, where he is responsible for the association’s publications, particularly the association’s journal – the International Journal of Research in Marketing (IJRM). The European Marketing Academy (EMAC) is a professional society for people involved or interested in marketing theory and research, established in 1975. The European Marketing Academy aims to provide a society for persons professionally concerned with or interested in marketing theory and research. The Academy has over 1000 members from over 50 countries on all five continents.
He counts among the top 30 most cited marketing academics worldwide, based on Google Scholar. Michael is part of the editorial or advisory boards of the Journal of Marketing, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (JAMS), and International Journal of Research in Marketing (IJRM), as well as the Journal of Retailing and the California Management Review.