Dr. Sinéad Monaghan
Associate Professor, Trinity Business School
Email SINEAD.MONAGHAN@tcd.ie Phone3531896 3127Biography
Sinéad Monaghan is Associate Professor of International Business and Global Strategy. She is also Director of the MSc in International Management. Her research operates at the nexus of international business, international entrepreneurship and economic geography, centring on the process of firm internationalization. In particular, Sinéad seeks to understand the mechanisms of how firms rapidly move into international markets and what locational factors enable market insidership. To date, her work has received significant interest within the academic community with publications in the Journal of International Business Studies, British Journal of Management, Journal of Business Research and Industry and Innovation, amongst others. She regularly presents her work at leading international conferences and is a member of the Academy of International Business, Strategic Management Society and Academy of Management. Sinéad has also received several prestigious honors, including the 'Neil Hood and Stephen Young Prize for the Most Original New Work' (2012), and research funding from the Irish Research Council. She serves on the editorial board of the Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of World Business and Transnational Corporations. Sinéad is the IE-Scholar Regional Ambassador for the UK and Ireland and is the Membership Officer on the executive committee of AIB (UKI Chapter). Prior to joining Trinity, Sinéad was Assistant Professor of International Business at Rutgers Business School (USA), having previously held a visiting position in University College Dublin and a post-doctoral scholarship at the University of Limerick. She has taught in the areas of International Business, Global Management and Strategy and International Human Resource Management at graduate and post-graduate levels and has delivered distinguished lectures and invited presentations at a number of leading international universities. Having worked closely with many international firms and government agencies, Sinéad has written a number of teaching cases and case study reports. Sinéad is also a qualified Business and Executive Coach and Chartered Organizational Psychology. She works closely with individuals and firms to support change, growth and performance, and integrates her academic, personal, and professional experience to support leaders, executives, and organizations in maximizing their potential.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
- Monaghan, S., Gunnigle, P. & Lavelle, J., Subnational Location Capital: The role of socio-spatial factors in firm location, British Journal of Management, 31, (3), 2020, p618 - 635Journal Article, 2020, URL
- Monaghan, S. & Tippmann, E., Becoming a multinational enterprise: Using industry recipes to achieve rapid multinationalization, Journal of International Business Studies, 49, (4), 2018, p473 - 495Journal Article, 2018, URL
- Gunnigle, P., Lavelle, J. & Monaghan, S., Multinational Companies and HRM in Recession: A Retrospective from a Highly Globalised Economy, Thunderbird International Business Review, 61, (3), 2019, p481 - 489Journal Article, 2019, URL
- Monaghan, S., Gunnigle, P. & Lavelle, J., Firm-location dynamics and subnational institutions: Creating a platform for collocation activities, Industry and Innovation, 25, (3), 2018, p242 - 263Journal Article, 2018, URL
- Monaghan, S., Gunnigle, P. & Lavelle, J., Mapping Networks: Exploring the utility of social network analysis in management research and practice, Journal of Business Research, 76, 2017, p136 - 144Journal Article, 2017, URL
- Monaghan, S., Gunnigle, P. & Lavelle, J., 'Courting the multinational enterprise': Subnational institutional capacity and foreign market insidership, Journal of International Business Studies, 45, (2), 2014, p131 - 150Journal Article, 2014, URL
- Almond, P., Gonzalez Menendez, M., Gunnigle, P., Lavelle, J., Monaghan, S., & Murray, G. , Multinationals and regional economies: embedding the regime shoppers?, Transfer, 20, (2), 2014, p237 - 253Journal Article, 2014, URL
- O'Shea, D., Monaghan, S. & Ritchie, T., Career attitudes and satifaction during recessionary times., Journal of Managerial Psychology, 29, (3), 2014, p226 - 245Journal Article, 2014, URL
- Gunnigle, P., Lavelle, J. & Monaghan, S., Weathering the storm? Multinational companies and human resource management through the global financial crisis, Journal of International Manpower, 34, (3), 2013, p214 - 231Journal Article, 2013, URL
- Monaghan, S., Attraction and retention of foreign direct investment: The role of subnational institutions in a small highly globalised economy, Irish Journal of Management, 31, (2), 2012, p45 - 61Journal Article, 2012
- Multinational corporations, Sub-national governance and Human Resources: A Cross-national comparison for Western Europe in, editor(s)Richet, X., Delteil, V. and Dieuaide, P. , Strategies of Multinational Corporations and Social Regulations: European and Asian Perspectives, Berlin, Germany, Springer, 2014, pp107 - 121, [Almond, P., Ferner, A., Gonzalez Menendez, M., Lavelle, J., Balbona Luque, D. & Monaghan, S. ]Book Chapter, 2014
- Monaghan,S., Digitization, Disintermediation and Internationalization, Academy of Management , Chicago, USA, August 7, 2018, Professor Becky Reuber and Professor Erkko AutioInvited Talk, 2018
- Monaghan, S., Tippmann, E. & Coviello, N., Born digitals: Thoughts on their internationalization and a research agenda, Journal of International Business Studies, 51, (1), 2020, p11 - 22Journal Article, 2020, URL
- Monaghan, S. & Tippmann, E., Industry Recipe-based Internationalization: Understanding recipe modifications in the context of rapid multinationalization of SaaS firms, European International Business Academy, University of Leeds, UK, December 2019, 2019Conference Paper, 2019
- HR function at MNC subsidiary level: Mediating challenges and tensions in, editor(s)Tony Dundon and Adrian Wilkinson , Case studies in work, employment and human resource management, United Kingdom, Edward Elgar Publishing , 2020, pp216 - 222, [Jonathan Lavelle, Patrick Gunnigle, Sinéad Monaghan]Book Chapter, 2020
- Reuber, R.A., Tippmann, E. & Monaghan, S., Global Scaling as a Logic of Multinationalization, Journal of International Business Studies, 52, (4), 2021, p1031 - 1046Journal Article, 2021
- Whole Networks in, editor(s)Professor Bruce Frey , The SAGE Encyclopedia of Research Design (2nd), Thousand Oaks, CA, USA, SAGE, 2021, [Sinéad Monaghan]Book Chapter, 2021
- Di Pietro, F., Monaghan, S. & O'Hagan-Luff, M., Entrepreneurial Finance and HRM Practices in Small Firms, British Journal of Management, 2021Journal Article, 2021, TARA - Full Text
- Piaskowska, D., Tippmann, E. & Monaghan, S., Scale-up modes: Profiling activity configuration in high-growth strategies, Long Range Planning, 54, (6), 2021Journal Article, 2021, URL
- Tippmann, E., Monaghan, S. & Reuber, A.R., Navigating the paradox of global scaling, Global Strategy Journal, 2022Journal Article, 2022, URL
- 5. Tippmann, E., Ambos, T., Del Giudice, M., Monaghan, S. & Ringov, D. , Scale-ups and Scaling in an international business context, Journal of World Business, 58, (1), 2023, p101397Journal Article, 2023, URL
- O'Shea, Deirdre, Monaghan, Sinéad, The Millennial Generation: Insights into increasing work-related satisfaction., OMT, 2009Report
- Sinead Monaghan, Rapid Multinationalization: Navigating the growth and scaling of firms, International Business and Enterprise Cluster, Adam Smith Business School, University of Glasgow, 2018Invited Talk
- Sinead Monaghan and Esther Tippmann, 'Digging deeper: how Irish subsidiaries drive international expansion', Irish Times, Irish Times, 2019, -Broadcast, URL
- Sinead Monaghan, The road I travelled, Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference,, Babson College, 2018Invited Talk
- Sinead Monaghan, Navigating the global scaling paradox, RAISED Seminar, Rutgers Business School, 2018Invited Talk
- Kim, J.K., Lee, A., Monaghan, S. & Mudambi, R., Fotonation: Leveraging international knowledge connectivity, 2016Case Study, URL
- Tippmann, E. & Monaghan, S., Qualtrics: Rapid International Expansion, 2018Case Study, URL
- Reuber, A.R., Tippmann, E. & Monaghan, S., Scaling a business globally: An integrative approach, Rotman Management Magazine, 2022Journal Article, URL
Research Expertise
TitleSynergistic Networks between Multinational Subsidiaries and Subnational ActorsSummaryFunding AgencyIrish Research CouncilDate FromSeptember 2010Date ToSeptember 2013
TitleEvolutionary economic geography, international business and foreign direct investment (FDI)SummaryFunding AgencyIrish Research CouncilDate FromJanuary 2013Date ToSeptember 2013
Economics and Business Administration, Social sciences,
- Best Reviewer Award, Journal of World Business (ABS 4) 2019
- Best Reviewer Award, Journal of International Business Studies (FT50/ABS4*) 2020
- New Foundations Award, Irish Research Council 2012
- Neil Hood and Stephen Young Prize for the Most Original New Work (AIB-UKI) 2012
- Trinity Business School Research Excellence Award 2020
- European Science Foundation 2011
- Government of Ireland Doctoral Scholarship 2010
- Rutgers Advanced Institute for the Study of Entrepreneurship and Development (RAISED) 2015
- Arts and Social Sciences Benefactions Fund 2020
- Trinity Business School Research Excellence Award 2019
- European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC) present
- Association for Coaching (AC) present
- Academy of Management Present
- Strategic Management Society present
- Academy of International Business Present
- Psychological Society of Ireland (PSI) - Chartered Psychologist Present
- JIBS Paper Development Workshop, European International Business Association (EIBA) December 2018, 2019
- AIB UK&I Executive Committee Member January 2020
- Journal of World Business (ABS4), Editorial Board Member August 2019
- External Examiner of PhD Thesis, University of East Anglia April 2020
- Panel Organiser "Global Scaling: Scale-ups and Scaling in International Business", Academy of International Business (Annual Meeting) July 2020
- Panel Organiser "Global Scaling: Scale-ups and Scaling in International Business", Academy of International Business (Annual Meeting) July 2020
- Journal of World Business (ABS4), Editorial Board Member August 2019
- Panel Organiser "Time, speed and pace of multinational activity", Academy of International Business (Annual Meeting) June 2016
- Panel Organiser at AIB-UKI 'International Entrepreneurship: Tips and Techniques for Effective Teaching' April 2021
- External Examiner of PhD Thesis, University of East Anglia April 2020
- Journal of International Business Studies (ABS4*/FT50), Editorial Board Member February 2018
- Host, Academy of International Business (UK&I Chapter), Paper Development Workshop 2019 and 2020 October 2019
- IE-Scholar, Regional Ambassador for UK and Ireland November 2018
- JIBS Paper Development Workshop, Academy of International Business (UK&I Chapter) April 2019, 2020
- External Examiner of PhD Thesis, University of Oviedo April 2017
- Panel Organiser "Time, speed and pace of multinational activity", Academy of International Business (Annual Meeting) June 2016
- Panel Organiser at AIB-UKI 'International Entrepreneurship: Tips and Techniques for Effective Teaching' April 2021
- Transnational Corporations (ABS2), Editorial Board Member April 2019
- AIB UK&I, Membership Officer January 2021
- Co-founder, sponsor and organiser of Special Interest Group (SIG) in International Business at Irish Academy of Management (IAM) September 2013
- Transnational Corporations (ABS2), Editorial Board Member April 2019
- AIB UK&I, Membership Officer January 2021
- Co-founder, sponsor and organiser of Special Interest Group (SIG) in International Business at Irish Academy of Management (IAM) September 2013
- AIB UK&I Executive Committee Member January 2020
- JIBS Paper Development Workshop, European International Business Association (EIBA) December 2018, 2019
- JIBS Paper Development Workshop, Academy of International Business (UK&I Chapter) April 2019, 2020
- IE-Scholar, Regional Ambassador for UK and Ireland November 2018
- External Examiner of PhD Thesis, University of Oviedo April 2017
- Journal of International Business Studies (ABS4*/FT50), Editorial Board Member February 2018
- Host, Academy of International Business (UK&I Chapter), Paper Development Workshop 2019 and 2020 October 2019