Dr. Radu Dimitriu
Associate Professor in Marketing, Trinity Business School
Email RADU.DIMITRIU@tcd.ie Phone https://www.tcd.ie/business/people/radu-dimitriu.phpBiography
Dr Radu Dimitriu is Associate Professor in Marketing. He acted as Director of Trinity's Full Time MBA between 2020-2023. He continues to be involved with the Trinity MBA, as Academic Coordinator of MBA Company Projects. Radu has a PhD from BI Norwegian Business School in Oslo, and prior to joining TCD worked with Cranfield University in the UK (2010-2018). His research is focused on branding, consumer behaviour and psychology, social media marketing, CSR and prosocial behaviour, consumer responses to sensory-enabling technologies, and consumers' adoption of AI-enabled technologies such as autonomous products and chatbots. On the Trinity MBA, Radu is also coordinating the programme's capstone Strategic Company Projects, as well as lecturing on Marketing Strategy. Radu has been consulting for blue chip companies and regularly engages with the industry; recent engagements include that of Judge at the Ireland User Experience Awards and of Speaker at the Customer Experience Professional Association Day. A citizen of the world, he speaks several languages including English, Spanish, French, Norwegian, Portuguese and his mother tongue, Romanian.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
- Radu Dimitriu, Luk Warlop, Bendik Meling Samuelsen, Brand extension similarity can backfire when you look for something specific, European Journal of Marketing, 51, (5/6), 2017, p850--868Journal Article, 2017
- Radu Dimitriu, Rodrigo Guesalaga, Consumers" Social Media Brand Behaviors: Uncovering Underlying Motivators and Deriving Meaningful Consumer Segments, Psychology and Marketing, 34, (5), 2017, p580--592Journal Article, 2017
- Zoe O. Rowe, Hugh N. Wilson, Radu M. Dimitriu, Katja Breiter, Fiona J. Charnley, The Best I Can Be: How Self-Accountability Impacts Product Choice in Technology-Mediated Environments, Psychology and Marketing, 34, (5), 2017, p521--537Journal Article, 2017
- Lorna Walker, Paul R. Baines, Radu Dimitriu, Emma K. Macdonald, Antecedents of Retweeting in a (Political) Marketing Context, Psychology and Marketing, 34, (3), 2017, p275--293Journal Article, 2017
- Guy Champniss, Hugh N. Wilson, Emma K. Macdonald, Radu Dimitriu, No I won't, but yes we will: Driving sustainability-related donations through social identity effects, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 111, 2016, p317--326Journal Article, 2016
- Kamran Razmdoost, Radu Dimitriu, Emma K. Macdonald, The Effect of Overconfidence and Underconfidence on Consumer Value, Psychology and Marketing, 32, (4), 2015, p392--407Journal Article, 2015
- Zoe O. Rowe, Hugh N. Wilson, Radu Dimitriu, Fiona J. Charnley, Giovanna Lastrucci, Pride in my past: Influencing sustainable choices through behavioral recall, Psychology and Marketing, 2019Journal Article, 2019
- Adeel Tariq, Fred Selnes, Radu Dimitriu, Very useful, no risk involved? The impact of consumers' task expertise on the intention to adopt autonomous products, American Marketing Association (AMA) Winter Academic Conference, Austin, US, 22-24 February, 2019Conference Paper, 2019
- Radu Dimitriu, Consumer Evaluations of Brand Extensions Sold through Specialized vs. Diversified Assortment Retailers, European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), Glasgow, 29 May - 1 June, 2018Conference Paper, 2018
- Dmytro Moisieiev, Radu Dimitriu, Happy for Your Loss: Why Schadenfreude Makes Consumers More Satisfied With Their Choices, European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), Glasgow, 29 May - 1 June, 2018Conference Paper, 2018
- Leslie Pidcock, Radu Dimitriu, Emma Parry and Simon Knox, Exploring the Employee Outcomes of Corporate Brand Heritage, COBIIR, Middlesex, London, 7-8 September, 2017Conference Paper, 2017
- Ajmal Hafeez, Fred Selnes, Marit Engeset, Radu Dimitriu , Consumer Adoption of Radically New Products: The Role of Expected Learning Opportunities, American Marketing Association (AMA) Winter Academic Conference, Orlando, US, 17-19 February, 2017Conference Paper, 2017
- Zoe Rowe, Hugh Wilson, Fiona Charnley, Radu Dimitriu , The Best I Can Be: Self-accountability in Sustainable Product Choice, European Social Marketing Conference, Espoo, Finland, 22-23 September, 2016Conference Paper, 2016
- Guy Champnis, Hugh Wilson, Emma K. Macdonald, Radu Dimitriu , Bypassing the Attitude-Behavior Gap: Using Social Identity and Norm Effects to Engender Sustainable Consumer Behaviors, Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) World Marketing Congress, Paris, 19-23 July, 2016Conference Paper, 2016
- Radu Dimitriu, Luk Warlop , Service Brand Extensions - The Broader Boundaries, Brand Camp of the University of Innsbruck, Obergurgl, Austria, 20-22 March, 2015Conference Paper, 2015
- Guy Champniss, Hugh Wilson, Radu Dimitriu, Emma K. Macdonald , Many Hands Make Different Work: How Group Effects Can Foster Prosocial Behaviours from Consumers, Australia New Zealand Marketing Association Conference (ANZMAC), Brisbane, Australia, 1-3 December, 2014Conference Paper, 2014
- Radu Dimitriu, Luk Warlop , Reaching Further: Why Service Brands Can Extend to Other Low Similarity Service Categories, Australia New Zealand Marketing Association Conference (ANZMAC), Brisbane, Australia, 1-3 December, 2014Conference Paper, 2014
- Kamran Razmdoost, Radu Dimitriu , Consumers' Supplementary Knowledge Calibration as Predictor of Really-New Product Comprehension, Australia New Zealand Marketing Association Conference (ANZMAC), Brisbane, Australia, 1-3 December, 2014Conference Paper, 2014
- Radu Dimitriu, Luk Warlop , The Broader Boundaries: The Importance of Service-Specific Associations in Service Brand Extensions, European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), Valencia, Spain, 4-6 June, 2014Conference Paper, 2014
- Kamran Razmdoost, Radu Dimitriu, The Effect of Objective, Subjective and Calibration of Supplementary Knowledge on Really-New Product Adoption Behaviour, European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), Valencia, Spain, 4-6 June, 2014Conference Paper, 2014
- Guy Champniss, Hugh Wilson, Radu Dimitriu, Emma K. Macdonald , All For One and One For All: How Quickly-Formed Consumer Groups Can Encourage Prosocial Behaviour, European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), Valencia, Spain, 4-6 June, 2014Conference Paper, 2014
- Guy Champniss, Hugh Wilson, Emma K. Macdonald, Radu Dimitriu, Together We Can Do It: Using Group Influence to Motivate Prosocial Consumer Behavior, American Marketing Association (AMA) Summer Academic Conference, Boston, US, 9-11 August, 2013Conference Paper, 2013
- Kamran Razmdoost, Radu Dimitriu, Overconfidence and Underconfidence in the Usage Experience, Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Conference, Monterey, US, 15-18 May, 2013Conference Paper, 2013
- Radu Dimitriu, Tamira King, Does the Retail Outlet Impact Brand Extension Evaluation? An Experimental Study, Academy of Marketing (AM) Conference, Southampton, UK, 2-5 July, 2012Conference Paper, 2012
- Radu Dimitriu, Costas Leonidou and Ioannis Assiouras , Brand Positioning and Consumer Reactions to Corporate Social Responsibility-related News, European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), Lisbon, Portugal, 22-25 May, 2012Conference Paper, 2012
- Radu Dimitriu, Tamira King, The Influence of the Retail Outlet on Brand Extension Evaluation, European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), Lisbon, Portugal, 22-25 May , 2012Conference Paper, 2012
- Simon Knox, Radu Dimitriu, Letitia Hristodorescu , Marketing to Communities: A Framework for Identifying Community Structure and Member Roles, European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), Lisbon, Portugal, 22-25 May, 2012Conference Paper, 2012
- Radu Dimitriu, Luk Warlop, Bendik Samuelsen , The Dark Side of Brand Extension Similarity, European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), Copenhagen, Denmark, 1-4 June, 2010Conference Paper, 2010
- Ali Faraji Rad, Radu Dimitriu , The Impact of Online Reviews: When Does Reviewer Similarity Make a Difference?, European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), Copenhagen, Denmark, 1-4 June, 2010Conference Paper, 2010
- Dmytro Moisieiev, Radu Dimitriu , Reversibility and Variety: Reversible Decisions Vary, Interact with Variety Seeking in Affecting Choice Satisfaction, American Marketing Association (AMA) Winter Conference, New Orleans, US, 23-25 February, 2018Poster, 2018
- Dmytro Moisieiev, Radu Dimitriu, I'm So Happy (for Your Loss): Consumer Schadenfreude Increases Choice Satisfaction, Society for Consumer Psychology (SCP) Conference, Dallas, US, 15-17 February, 2018Poster, 2018
- Dmytro Moisieiev, Radu Dimitriu, Unmake up Your Mind: Why Some Reversible Decisions Impact Satisfaction More Positively than Others, Society for Consumer Psychology (SCP) Conference, Dallas, US, 15-17 February, 2018Poster, 2018
- Ajmal Hafeez, Marit Engeset, Radu Dimitriu, The Effect of Perceived Learning Opportunity on Consumers' Evaluations of Really New Products, Association of Consumer Research (ACR) Conference, Berlin, Germany, 27-30 October, 2016Poster, 2016
- Kamran Razmdoost, Radu Dimitriu, The Effect of Overconfidence and Underconfidence on Consumer Value, European Association of Consumer Research (EACR) Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 4-7 July, 2013Conference Paper, 2013
- Radu Dimitriu, Fred Selnes, Investigating Multipurpose Customers, Marketing Science (MS) INFORMS Conference, Houston, US, 9-11 June, 2011Conference Paper, 2011
- Crisafulli, Benedetta; Dimitriu, Radu and Singh, Jaywant, Joining hands for the greater good: examining social innovation launch strategies in B2B settings, Industrial Marketing Management, 2020Journal Article, 2020
- Radu Dimitriu, Benedetta Crisafulli, Rodrigo Guesalaga, An application of means-end and extended self theories to explore enablers and inhibitors of autonomous car adoption , European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), Budapest, Hungary, 2020Conference Paper, 2020
- Leslie Pidcock, Radu Dimitriu, Emma Parry, Simon Knox, Exploring Effects of Corporate Heritage Characteristics on Employee Outcomes, European Academy of Management (EURAM), 2020Conference Paper, 2020
- Dmytro Moisieiev, Radu Dimitriu and Shailendra P. Jain, So happy for your loss: Consumer schadenfreude increases choice satisfaction, Psychology & Marketing, 37, 2020, p1525 - 1538Journal Article, 2020, DOI , URL
- Radu Dimitriu, Luk Warlop, Is similarity a constraint for service-to-service brand extensions?, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 39, (4), 2022, p1019 - 1041Journal Article, 2022, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Radu Dimitriu, Fred Selnes, Adeel Tariq, Tobias Heußler, Christof Backhaus, David Dose, The impact of consumers" task expertise on the intention to adopt autonomous products, The European Marketing Academy - EMAC, Budapest, 24-27 May 2022, 2022Conference Paper, 2022
- Benedetta Crisafulli, Rodrigo Guesalaga and Radu Dimitriu, Consumers" Adoption of Autonomous Cars as a Human Personal Values-directed Behavior, AMA (American Marketing Association) Winter Conference, St. Pete Beach, FL, 23-25 Feb 2024, 2024Conference Paper, 2024
- Yuxin Fu, David B. Dose, Radu Dimitriu, Gift giving in the age of AI: The role of social closeness in using AI gift recommendation tools, Psychology & Marketing, 41, (10), 2024, p2214-2238Journal Article, 2024
- Benedetta Crisafulli, Rodrigo Guesalaga, Radu Dimitriu, Consumers" adoption of autonomous cars as a personal values-directed behavior, Journal of Business Research, 189, 2025, p1 - 17Journal Article, 2025, DOI , URL
- Laura Berry, Radu Dimitriu, Olivia Petit, Gareth Young, Smell the Difference: How Olfactory-Enabled Product Presentations in VR Enhance Consumer Evaluation, Intention, and Behavior, Association of Consumer Research (ACR) Annual Conference, Paris, France, 26-29 Sep 2024, 2024Conference Paper, 2024
Research Expertise
Radu's research is focused on branding, consumer behaviour and psychology, social media marketing, CSR and prosocial behaviour, consumer responses to sensory-enabling technologies, and consumers' adoption of AI-enabled technologies such as autonomous products and chatbots.