Upcoming research seminars

At Trinity Business School, we host research seminars during Michealmas and Hilary terms, bringing together esteemed scholars to share innovative insights across diverse areas of business and management. These seminars aim to enrich our academic community, foster collaboration, and inspire cutting-edge research discussions. For more information, please contact us at tbs.research@tcd.ie.

Previous research seminars

Seminar Title: The Elephant and Donkey in the Room: Political Dissimilarity at Work during Elections

  • Michael HaenleinESCP Business School, University of Liverpool Management School, Trinity Business School, Jan 30 2025

Seminar Title: Conducing Research for Long-Term Impact

Seminar Title: How to handle R&R's when publishing in top journals

  • Trevor Yu, Nanyang Technological University, Nov 21 2024

Seminar Title: Word-of-Mouth on Social Media: An Investigation of Valance Effects on Prehire Outcomes

Seminar Title: Beyond Intuition: Transforming Palliative Triage with Data-Driven Decision Systems

Seminar Title: Offshoring, Automation, and the Legitimacy of Efficiency

Seminar Title: Are VR Headsets the ‘Final Platform’ for Hedonic Media? Understanding Consumer Responses to High Immersive Virtual Experiences

  • Pingshu Li, University of Texas-Rio Grande Valley, Oct 24 2024

Seminar Title: ESG Performance and Capital Market Survival: Evidence from Foreign Firms’ Title: This Ain’t My First Rodeo: How Past and Current Negative Event Experience Jointly Affect Employee Turnover Intentions

Seminar Title: ESG Performance and Capital Market Survival: Evidence from Foreign Firms’ Delisting on U.S. Stock Exchanges

  • Neil Morgan, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Oct 10 2024

Seminar Title: Bases of Firm Competitive Advantage: Assessment and New Insights

Seminar Title: The past, present and future of business and management studies