Finding a Supervisor
Potential Supervisors
The School of Business faculty includes world leading experts from many fields of business and management. Members of faculty are research driven and the majority supervise graduate research students of interest to their specialist academic domain. See below for a list of potential supervisors and their research interests.
Although having identified a proposed supervisor is not mandatory it is highly recommended. Candidates should approach potential supervisors in good time, having familiarised themselves with their research and engage in discussions around potential areas of mutual interest. Candidates with identified agreed supervisors are much more likely to be admitted than those without.
Contacting Supervisors
Applicants are strongly advised to contact potential supervisors to discuss and explore further their research interests. Applicants do not need to have secured a potential supervisor’s commitment to supervision before applying, but it will help an application if a potential supervisor has already indicated some level of interest in the proposed programme of research.
Additional Note
Applicants should note that potential supervisors will not review CVs and research proposals in isolation. Applicants must submit a formal online application, with the required supporting documentation, before a potential supervisor can make a proper assessment in relation to the applicant and his or her proposed programme of research.
If an applicant is unable to make contact with a member of the academic faculty, he / she can still apply for entrance. The Research Degree Programme Committee will endeavour to align the research interests of the applicant with a potential academic supervisor.
Nomination of Supervisors
A principal academic supervisor will be nominated when an applicant is offered a place on the Research Degree Programme. A second academic supervisor may be nominated if there is a requirement to provide additional knowledge, skill and expertise beyond that of the principal academic supervisor. Academic supervisors, once nominated, oversee all aspects of the research journey and monitor progress on an ongoing basis.