MSc Human Resources Management Timetable and Modules
Note: Modules offered each academic year are subject to change. Listed below are the modules and timetable for 2024/2025.
Michaelmas Term |
Hilary Term |
Trinity Term |
Michaelmas Term (September to December)
- Human Resource Digitalisation and Analytics
- Human Resource Management
- Learning and Organisation Development
- Performance and Rewards Management
- Research Methods
Hilary Term (January to April)
- Developing Skills for Business Leadership and Coaching
- Employment Law and Business Ethics
- International Human Resource Management
- Managing Employment Relations
- Resourcing and Talent Management
- Work Design and Health
Trinity Term
- Dissertation This project allows students to showcase the knowledge they have gained and enhance their career potential by specialising in a particular area
Module Descriptions
Human Resource Digitalisation & Analytics (5 ECTS)
HR digitalisation and analytics, also known as digital transformation and people/workforce analytics, is rising up the agenda for organisations globally. With technology providing businesses more and more ways to collect people data, using this information to gain workforce insight, drive business performance and enhance employee experience is expected to grow. HR analytics enables HR practitioners and employers to gain insights into their workforce, HR policies and practices, with a focus on the human capital element of the workforce and can ultimately inform more evidence-based decision making. This module is intended to advance students’ knowledge in human resource management by building up their analytical capability and adding practice experiences to their study. Students will be led to a deep dive in HR analytics. Meantime, valuable opportunities will be provided to students to learn how real organizations manage their valuable human resources via company visits and workshops in the companies. The aim is to enhance student’s understanding of HR analytics and real HRM and how they are operated in a range of industries and how organizational culture influences the application of HRM and how HRM is aligned with organizational strategy.
Having successfully completed this module, the student should be able to:
- Understand HR digitalisation and analytics and describe the key steps in an effective HR analytics programme from framing the questions for analysis to reporting the results of the analysis.
- Describe how leading organisations have successfully implemented HR digitalisation and analytics.
- Critically review the role and responsibilities of the HR function and HRM process in the contemporary organizations.
- Critically evaluate the use of HR practices in specific organisations in terms of: (1) their alignment with the organisation’s strategy and context, and (2) their contribution to organisational performance.
- Identify organisational challenges in HR and provide best available evidence to address these challenges.
Human Resource Management (5 ECTS)
One of an organisation’s most valuable resources is its workforce. Understanding how organisations can leverage their employee's potential to achieve organisational success is key to organisation longevity. In this module students explore how human resource management (HRM) policies, practices and theories are essential to the survival and performance of organisations. Students will examine fundamental HRM concepts, strategies and frameworks that assist organisations to attract, select, manage, and develop people in ways that are consistent with the organisations mission, culture and strategy.
Having successfully completed this module, the student should be able to:
- Explain and apply the key concepts and theories of HRM into practice.
- Critically evaluate the role and responsibilities of the HR function in organisations and the context within which HR professionals operate.
- Assess the role and impact of sustainable HRM and its influences on employees and other societal actors.
- Critically evaluate and understand the use of HR practices (e.g., retention, training, performance management, etc.) and its influence on the organisation’s strategy and performance.
- Search for and identify reliable, appropriate and high-quality HR research, and evaluate its relevance to real-world HR practice and cases, independently and in teams.
Learning and Organisation Development (5 ECTS)
The module is designed to develop the professional knowledge and skills necessary to perform effectively in specialist roles related to the design, delivery, and evaluation of L&D. It encourages learners to critically reflect on theory and practice from an ethical and professional standpoint while providing opportunities for applied learning and continuous professional development. Additionally, the module introduces learners to concepts of organizational development, theories of change, and organizational culture.
Having successfully completed this module, the student should be able to:
- Explain, evaluate, and critically analyse the internal and external contextual factors impacting the design, delivery, and assessment of organisational learning plans and interventions.
- Evaluate, select and apply a range of approaches and processes for establishing learning and development needs at organisational, group/team, occupational and individual levels in collaboration with relevant stakeholders
- Critically evaluate various learning and instructional design theories and principles and apply them to select and justify appropriate learning and development methods.
- Demonstrate skills of delivery and facilitation of learning through a range of methods and for employees at a range of organisational levels and a range of occupational groups
- Design and implement appropriate evaluation methods to assess the success and effectiveness of learning plans and interventions
- Describe, analyse, and critically evaluate the methods and procedures of organisation development, and critically evaluate possible change management approaches and activities, through the application of organisation development strategies
- Describe, analyse, and critically evaluate organisation culture, norms, and behaviours.
Performance and Rewards Management (5 ECTS)
Reward management is the art of aligning the interests of employees with those of the employer to deliver a high performing organisation. It is an integral part of a talent management strategy, but often characterised simply as an analytical process focused on pay market benchmarking. This module aims to explore the ways in which reward can influence behaviour and how the best organisations communicate their values and encourage performance through reward strategies that are tailored to their business needs.
Having successfully completed this module, the student should be able to:
- Plan effective performance management policies and practices to improve organisational and employee performance.
- Devise and sustain arguments for using appropriate performance management techniques, rewards and sanctions to improve performance.
- Critically evaluate the effectiveness and key issues in performance and reward management.
- Explore the conceptual apparatus and theoretical debates informing reward management.
- Critically discuss traditional, contingent and knowledge bases for transactional and relational rewards.
- Design internally consistent reward structures that recognise labour market and equity constraints.
- Analyse executive and expatriate rewards in an international context.
Research Methods (Online) (5 ECTS)
This module is designed to facilitate master’s students to develop the skills and knowledge needed for conceiving, planning, and implementing empirical social science research projects. It is designed to help students to conduct responsible research in the fields of Entrepreneurship, HRM, Operations and Supply Chain Management, and Responsible Business and Sustainability.
The module covers a broad range of topics including the philosophical foundations of research, key elements of social science research, different types of research contributions, the role of theory, how to review and use extant literature, different methodological approaches, considerations for planning data collection and analysis, as well as pragmatic considerations such finding appropriate samples.
Delivered fully online, the module takes a hands-on approach, culminating in the development of a research proposal and an individually prepared introduction to a research paper. These assignments serve as vehicles for achieving the module’s learning outcomes and help students plan their dissertation research. However, it’s important for students to understand that the quality of their research proposals depends largely on their application of the key learnings from the module, supplemented by additional work such as preparation for the sessions, additional topic-related and methodology-related outside reading, research on potential research settings, and learning of analytical approaches and procedures beyond the module’s content.
Having successfully completed this module, the student should be able to:
- Acquire the knowledge and appreciation for the principles and practices of responsible research in social sciences.
- Be able to debate and evaluate major theories relating to research design and methods for collecting and analysing data.
- Recognise the contribution research makes to social sciences theory and practice.
- Identify a research question and justify the research design required to address it.
- Recognise appropriate data collection techniques and data analysis methods.
- Increase confidence and ability to conduct a research project in social sciences.
Developing Skills for Leadership and Coaching (5 ECTS)
In this module, we will cover topics, which will contribute to your understanding of effective and responsible leadership and develop your leadership skills. The content of this module draws on contemporary research and practice of leadership and focuses on the following topics:
- The Essence of Leadership
- Leader Behaviours
- Leadership and Ethics
- Servant Leadership
- The Leadership Situation
- The Leader as a Coach - Leadership Development
Having successfully completed this module, students should be able to:
- Gained a comprehensive understanding of a variety of leadership approaches.
- Learned how to apply different leadership and coaching skills contingent on situational considerations to facilitate their team’s effectiveness.
- Demonstrated and trained their leadership skills in individual and group exercises as well as simulations.
- Considered ethical practices of leadership to facilitate team effectiveness in a human and sustainable way.
Employment Law and Business Ethics (5 ECTS)
This course addresses a range of employment legislation which affects employer and employee rights and obligations during the course of employment. The course is aimed at exploring legal issues faced by HR practitioners and begins by analysing key features of the employment law system and the role of tribunals. Students will learn about contracts of employment, employment status and a range of individual employment rights. Protection through Employment Equality law: protecting against discrimination on grounds of sex/gender, race/ethnicity including, disability, age, sexual orientation, religion, and belief will also be examined. Importantly, the module will also critically assess the legal principles governing, termination of the employment relationship.
Having successfully completed this module, the student should be able to:
- Critically evaluate the core principles that underpin employment law in Ireland.
- Analyse and advise colleagues about significant legal implications of decisions, plans and proposals in the area of employment law.
- Take a leading role in determining an appropriate response when legal action is anticipated, threatened or taken.
- Demonstrate up-to-date knowledge of developments in employment law, and be able to critically analyse the implications of these developments.
- Evaluate the fairness, effectiveness and efficiency of employment law on the basis of academic and practitioner commentary.
International Human Resource Management (5 ECTS)
This module provides a comprehensive examination of the strategies, practices, and challenges associated with managing human resources in an international context. As businesses increasingly operate across borders, understanding the complexities of managing a global workforce becomes critical. This module is designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the global HR landscape effectively. The module covers key topics such as the differences between domestic and international HRM, cultural diversity and cross-cultural management, global talent management, international performance management, and the ethical considerations of IHRM. Students will engage with both theoretical frameworks and practical applications, allowing them to develop a deep understanding of how HRM practices are adapted to meet the demands of diverse cultural and regulatory environments.
Having successfully completed this module, the student should be able to:
- Understand factors that influence HRM practices within MNCs
- Have an in depth knowledge and understanding of core IHRM literature, theories and concepts.
- Understand the importance of social and ethical challenges related to IHRM.
- Have the ability to critique, evaluate, implement and reflect on different approaches to and styles of IHRM.
- Develop sound understanding of how to deal and manage human resource management challenges in MNCs both independently and in teams
Managing Employee Relations (5 ECTS)
Employment relations is in essence the study of employment in that, how it is shaped by institutional and political factors in the society within which the employment occurs. However in a neo-liberal, globalised world, the factors that shape employment can occur far from ‘home’. In this module, we explore how employment is shaped and experienced at the individual level.
This module will provide an overview of the legal, social economic and psychological exchange inherent in employment relations. The broad aim is to review the nature and evolution of Employment Relations up to and including contemporary challenges and developments in the international domain.
Having successfully completed the module, students should be able to understand:
- Understand the different theoretical perspectives in employment relations.
- Engage with roles and functions of different parties to control and manage the employment relationship.
- Appreciate government policy and legal regulation and how these shape and impact on organisational and HR strategies and HR practices.
- Appraise psychological processes at individual level and how they are shaped by organisational policies and practices.
- Critically appraise integration of employment relations processes and how they impact on policy, practice and organisational outcomes such as performance and employee engagement.
Resourcing and Talent Management (5 ECTS)
This module focuses on resourcing and talent management. Answering why organizations need talent management for securing human resources, the module introduces talent management with a special focus on job analysis and workforce planning. Following this strategic perspective on talent management, the module will cover talent management along the employee experience. Key topics will be recruiting and selection processes, performance management, training, and retention. Across all of these human resource practices, the module will highlight how diversity can be addressed for creating and implementing inclusive talent management systems in organizations.
The module covers current practices in organizations and discusses the theories within human resource management that guide these practices. Given the current changes in the world of work, the module will not only shed light on the advantages but also the limitations of current practices to foster students’ critical thinking and discussion of future improvements.
Having successfully completed this module, the student should be able to:
- Understand how key contemporary labour market trends influence talent management.
- Identify and explain the key activities involved in talent management.
- Know how to undertake core talent planning activities.
- Understand the HR resourcing process and critically evaluate the key personnel selection methods that are used to hire talent in contemporary organisations.
- Understand the key challenges associated with performance management.
- Understand how to maximise employee retention.
- Be able to promote and contribute to inclusive talent management strategies in contemporary organisations.
Work Design and Health (5 ECTS)
In this course, we will cover topics, which will contribute to your understanding of the key principles of design of work environments, ergonomics and the importance of health and safety. The content of this course draws on contemporary research and practice of work environments, ergonomics and the importance of health and safety and focuses on the following topics:
Having successfully completed this module, the student should be able to:
- Key principles of work design for developing effective work environments
- Stress at work. Understanding how an organisation can tackle stress at work, and causes and consequences of stress at work
- Improving Psychological Health and Well-Being: Work Design and Job Crafting
- Positive Psychology
- The principles of psychological, psycho-social and physiological factors in process, organisational and environmental design.
International Human Resource Management (5 ECTS)
This module provides a comprehensive examination of the strategies, practices, and challenges associated with managing human resources in an international context. As businesses increasingly operate across borders, understanding the complexities of managing a global workforce becomes critical. This module is designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the global HR landscape effectively. The module covers key topics such as the differences between domestic and international HRM, cultural diversity and cross-cultural management, global talent management, international performance management, and the ethical considerations of IHRM. Students will engage with both theoretical frameworks and practical applications, allowing them to develop a deep understanding of how HRM practices are adapted to meet the demands of diverse cultural and regulatory environments.
Having successfully completed this module, the student should be able to:
- Understand factors that influence HRM practices within MNCs.
- Have an indepth knowledge and understanding of core IHRM literature, theories and concepts.
- Understand the importance of social and ethical challenges related to IHRM.
- Have the ability to critique, evaluate, implement and reflect on different approaches to and styles of IHRM.
- Develop sound understanding of how to deal and manage human resource management challenges in MNCs both independently and in teams
Research Dissertation (30 ECTS)
The dissertation is an in-depth individual research study of a particular issue within the field of human resource management. The Company Project and Research Dissertation are two options for students to conduct an in-depth individual research study of a particular issue within the field of HRM. Both options require that students demonstrate their capabilities to engage with academic literatures and both an understanding of and an ability to apply HR related theory and concepts to solve HR related problems. The difference is that in the Company Project, students need to solve a real HR issue/challenge faced within a current business context while for the research dissertation, students need to identify a research topic arising from important themes within the academic literature. Both options require students to analyse their research issue using the concepts, techniques and tools introduced to them in the Researching HRM Module. They will be expected to demonstrate a good understanding of the applicability of these techniques (statistical, numerical, qualitative), and an ability to communicate their work to a broad audience effectively and efficiently. This flexible approach allows students to select a company/industry sector or an academic topic that is relevant to the next stage of their career.
Having successfully completed this module, the student should be able to:
- Identify and justify a HR issue that is of strategic relevance to the theory and practice;
- Critically analyse and discuss existing literature, contemporary HR policy and practice relevant to the chosen issue;
- Compare and contrast the relative merits of different research methods and their relevance to different situations;
- Undertake a systematic analysis of quantitative and/or qualitative information and present the results in a clear and consistent format;
- Draw realistic and appropriate conclusions and make recommendations based on costed options;
- Present arguments in a coherent manner written in a clear style and a coherent conclusion that follows correctly from the analysis;
- Write a reflective account of what has been learned during the project and how this can be applied in the future.