Dr. Andre Van Stel
Senior Research Fellow, School Office Trinity Business School
Email vanstela@tcd.ie PhonePublications and Further Research Outputs
- Burke, A.E, Hartog, C. van Stel, A. and Suddle, K, How does entrepreneurial activity affect the supply of informal investors?, Venture Capital Journal, 12, (1), 2010, p21 - 47Journal Article, 2010, URL
- Kgoroeadira, R., Burke, A.E. and van Stel, A, Small business online loan crowdfunding: who gets funded and what determines the rate of interest?, Small Business Economics, 52, 2019, p67 - 87Journal Article, 2019, DOI
- André van Stel, Ana Millán, José María Millán, Concepción Román, The relationship between start-up motive and earnings over the course of the entrepreneur's business tenure, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 28, (1), 2018, p101 - 123Journal Article, 2018
- Jerzy Cieslik, André van Stel, Explaining university students' career path intentions from their current entrepreneurial exposure, Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 24, (2), 2017, p313--332Journal Article, 2017
- Concepción Román, Ana Millán, José María Millán, André van Stel, Does the Effectiveness of Employment Incentive Programs Vary by Firm Size?, Journal of Economic Issues, 51, (1), 2017, p222--237Journal Article, 2017
- Brigitte Hoogendoorn, Cornelius A. Rietveld, André van Stel, Belonging, believing, bonding, and behaving: the relationship between religion and business ownership at the country level, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 26, (3), 2016, p519--550Journal Article, 2016
- Martin Carree, Emilio Congregado, Antonio Golpe, André van Stel, Self-employment and job generation in metropolitan areas, 1969-2009, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 27, (3-4), 2015, p181--201Journal Article, 2015
- Ana Millán, José María Millán, Concepción Román, André van Stel, Unraveling the relationship between the business cycle and the own-account worker's decision to hire employees, International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 11, (2), 2015, p321--342Journal Article, 2015
- Gerard Scholman, André van Stel, Roy Thurik, The relationship among entrepreneurial activity, business cycles and economic openness, International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 11, (2), 2015, p307--319Journal Article, 2015
- José María Millán, Emilio Congregado, Concepción Román, Mirjam van Praag, André van Stel, The value of an educated population for an individual's entrepreneurship success, Journal of Business Venturing, 29, (5), 2014, p612--632Journal Article, 2014
- André van Stel, Sander Wennekers, Gerard Scholman, Solo self-employed versus employer entrepreneurs: determinants and macro-economic effects in OECD countries, Eurasian Business Review, 4, (1), 2014, p107--136Journal Article, 2014
- Emilio Congregado, Antonio A. Golpe, André van Stel, The role of scale economies in determining firm size in modern economies, The Annals of Regional Science, 52, (2), 2014, p431 - 455Journal Article, 2014
- André van Stel, José María Millán, Concepción Román, Investigating the impact of the technological environment on survival chances of employer entrepreneurs, Small Business Economics, 43, (4), 2014, p839--855Journal Article, 2014
- Jerzy Cieslik, André van Stel, Comparative Analysis of Recent Trends in Private Sector Development in CEE Transition Economies, Entrepreneurship Research Journal, 4, (2), 2014, p205 - 235Journal Article, 2014
- Sierdjan Koster, André van Stel, The relationship between start-ups, market mobility and employment growth: An empirical analysis for Dutch regions, Papers in Regional Science, 93, (1), 2014, p203--217Journal Article, 2014
- Ana Millán, José María Millán, Concepción Román, André van Stel, How does employment protection legislation influence hiring and firing decisions by the smallest firms?, Economics Letters, 121, (3), 2013, p444--448Journal Article, 2013
- Lorraine M. Uhlaner, André van Stel, Valérie Duplat, Haibo Zhou, Disentangling the effects of organizational capabilities, innovation and firm size on SME sales growth, Small Business Economics, 41, (3), 2013, p581--607Journal Article, 2013
- Mirjam van Praag, André van Stel, The more business owners, the merrier? The role of tertiary education, Small Business Economics, 41, (2), 2013, p335--357Journal Article, 2013
- Emilio Congregado, Antonio A. Golpe, André van Stel, Exploring the big jump in the Spanish unemployment rate: Evidence on an `added-worker' effect, Economic Modelling, 28, (3), 2011, p1099--1105Journal Article, 2011
- Sierdjan Koster, André van Stel, Mickey Folkeringa, Start-ups as drivers of market mobility: an analysis at the region-sector level for The Netherlands, Small Business Economics, 39, (3), 2012, p575--585Journal Article, 2012
- Mickey Folkeringa, Andre Van Stel, Kashifa Suddle, Sita Tan, Measuring business dynamics among incumbent firms in The Netherlands, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 12, (2), 2011, p185Journal Article, 2011
- Jolanda Hessels, André van Stel, Entrepreneurship, export orientation, and economic growth, Small Business Economics, 37, (2), 2011, p255--268Journal Article, 2011
- A. Roy Thurik, Martin A. Carree, André van Stel, David B. Audretsch, Does self-employment reduce unemployment?, Journal of Business Venturing, 23, (6), 2008, p673--686Journal Article, 2008
- Dirk De Clercq, Jolanda Hessels, André van Stel, Knowledge spillovers and new ventures' export orientation, Small Business Economics, 31, (3), 2008, p283--303Journal Article, 2008
- André van Stel, Kashifa Suddle, The impact of new firm formation on regional development in the Netherlands, Small Business Economics, 30, (1), 2008, p31--47Journal Article, 2008
- Pamela Mueller, André van Stel, David J. Storey, The effects of new firm formation on regional development over time: The case of Great Britain, Small Business Economics, 30, (1), 2008, p59--71Journal Article, 2008
- Martin Carree, André Van Stel, Roy Thurik, Sander Wennekers, The relationship between economic development and business ownership revisited, Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 19, (3), 2007, p281--291Journal Article, 2007
- André van Stel, David J. Storey, A. Roy Thurik, The Effect of Business Regulations on Nascent and Young Business Entrepreneurship, Small Business Economics, 28, (2-3), 2007, p171--186Journal Article, 2007
- Sander Wennekers, Roy Thurik, André van Stel, Niels Noorderhaven, Uncertainty avoidance and the rate of business ownership across 21 OECD countries, 1976-2004, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 17, (2), 2007, p133--160Journal Article, 2007
- Niels Bosma, André van Stel, Kashifa Suddle, The geography of new firm formation: Evidence from independent start-ups and new subsidiaries in the Netherlands, International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 4, (2), 2008, p129--146Journal Article, 2008
- Ingrid Verheul, André Van Stel, Roy Thurik, Explaining female and male entrepreneurship at the country level, Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 18, (2), 2006, p151--183Journal Article, 2006
- André van Stel, Viktor Stunnenberg, Linking business ownership and perceived administrative complexity, Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 13, (1), 2006, p7--22Journal Article, 2006
- André van Stel, Empirical Analysis of Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth, Springer, 2006Book, 2006
- Sander Wennekers, André van Stel, Roy Thurik, Paul Reynolds, Nascent Entrepreneurship and the Level of Economic Development, Small Business Economics, 24, (3), 2005, p293--309Journal Article, 2005
- André van Stel, Martin Carree, Roy Thurik, The Effect of Entrepreneurial Activity on National Economic Growth, Small Business Economics, 24, (3), 2005, p311--321Journal Article, 2005
- André van Stel, COMPENDIA: Harmonizing Business Ownership Data Across Countries and Over Time, The International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 1, (1), 2005, p105--123Journal Article, 2005
- Adriaan Van Stel, David Storey, The Link between Firm Births and Job Creation: Is there a Upas Tree Effect?, Regional Studies, 38, (8), 2004, p893--909Journal Article, 2004
- Niels Noorderhaven, Roy Thurik, Sander Wennekers, Andre van Stel, The Role of Dissatisfaction and per Capita Income in Explaining Self-Employment across 15 European Countries, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 28, (5), 2004, p447--466Journal Article, 2004
- A. Van Stel, M. Carree, Business Ownership and Sectoral Growth: An Empirical Analysis of 21 OECD Countries, International Small Business Journal, 22, (4), 2004, p389--419Journal Article, 2004
- Adriaan J. Van Stel, Henry R. Nieuwenhuijsen, Knowledge Spillovers and Economic Growth: An Analysis Using Data of Dutch Regions in the Period 1987-1995, Regional Studies, 38, (4), 2004, p393--407Journal Article, 2004
- David B. Audretsch, Martin A. Carree, Adriaan J. van Stel, A. Roy Thurik, Impeded Industrial Restructuring: The Growth Penalty, Kyklos, 55, (1), 2002, p81--98Journal Article, 2002
- Types and Roles of Productive Entrepreneurship: A Conceptual Study in, editor(s)G. Ahmetoglu, T. Chamorro-Premuzic, B. Klinger, T. Karcisky , Wiley Handbook of Entrepreneurship, 2017, pp37--69 , [S. Wennekers and A. van Stel]Book Chapter, 2017
- Understanding the drivers of an `entrepreneurial' economy: Lessons from Japan and the Netherlands in, editor(s)J. Bonnet, M. Dejardin, D. García-Pérez-de-Lema , Exploring the Entrepreneurial Society: Institutions, Behaviors and Outcomes, 2017, pp3--21 , [H. Okamuro, A van Stel, I. Verheul]Book Chapter, 2017
- Investigating the Impact of Small Versus Large Firms on Economic Performance of Countries and Industries in, editor(s)D. Bögenhold, J. Bonnet, M. Dejardin, D. García-Pérez-de-Lema , Contemporary Entrepreneurship: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Innovation and Growth, 2016, pp51--73 , [J. Albiol-Sanchez, A. van Stel]Book Chapter, 2016
- Ambitious Entrepreneurship, High-Growth Firms, and Macroeconomic Growth in, editor(s)M. Minniti , The Dynamics of Entrepreneurship: Evidence from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Data, 2011, pp231--249 , [E. Stam, C.M. Hartog, A.J. van Stel, A.R. Thurik]Book Chapter, 2011
- Types of Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth in, editor(s)A. Szirmai, W. Naudé, M. Goedhuys , Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Economic Development, 2011, pp78--95 , [E. Stam, A.J. van Stel]Book Chapter, 2011
- Entrepreneurial Diversity and Economic Growth in, editor(s)J. Bonnet, D. Garcia-Pérez-de-Lema, H. Van Auken , The Entrepreneurial Society: How to Fill the Gap Between Knowledge and Innovation, 2010, pp17 - 36, [I. Verheul; A.J. van Stel]Book Chapter, 2010
- High-Growth Entrepreneurs, Public Policies, and Economic Growth in, editor(s)J. Leitao, R. Baptista , Public Policies for Fostering Entrepreneurship: A European Perspective, 2009, pp91--110 , [E. Stam, K. Suddle, J. Hessels, A.J. van Stel]Book Chapter, 2009
- Global Entrepreneurship Monitor and Entrepreneurs' Export Orientation in, editor(s)E. Congregado , Measuring Entrepreneurship: Building a Statistical System, 2008, pp265--278 , [J. Hessels and A.J. van Stel]Book Chapter, 2008
- Self-Employment and Unemployment in Spanish Regions in the Period 1979-2001 in, editor(s)E. Congregado , Measuring Entrepreneurship: Building a Statistical System, 2008, pp191--204 , [A. Golpe and A.J. van Stel]Book Chapter, 2008
- Entrepreneurship, Industrial Restructuring and Unemployment in Portugal in, editor(s)E. Santarelli , Entrepreneurship, Growth, and Innovation: The Dynamics of Firms and Industries, 2006, pp223--241 , [R. Baptista, A.J. van Stel, A.R. Thurik]Book Chapter, 2006
- Burke, A.E., Millán, J.M., Román, C. and van Stel, A., Exploring the impact of different types of prior entrepreneurial experience on employer firm performance, Journal of Business Research, 90, (September), 2018, p107 - 122Journal Article, 2018, URL
- Berrill, J., O'Hagan-Luff, M. and Van Stel, A. , The moderating role of education in the relationship between FDI and entrepreneurial activity, Small Business Economics, 2018, p1 - 19Journal Article, 2018
- Jerzy Cieslik, Eugene Kaciak, André van Stel, Country-level determinants and consequences of overconfidence in the ambitious entrepreneurship segment, International Small Business Journal: Researching Entrepreneurship, 36, (5), 2018, p473 - 499Journal Article, 2018
- Burke, A., Lyalkov, S., Millán, A., Millán, J.M., & Van Stel, A., How does country R&D change the allocation of self-employment across different types?, Small Business Economics, 56, 2021, p695 - 721Journal Article, 2021, URL
- Fok, D., van Stel, A., Burke, A.E. and Thurik, R. , How entry crowds and grows markets: the gradual disaster management view of market dynamics in the retail industry , Annals of Operations Research, 283, (1-2), 2019, p1111 - 1138Journal Article, 2019, DOI , URL
- André van Stel, Boris Lokshin, Nardo de Vries, The Effect of SME Productivity Increases on Large Firm Productivity in the EU, Kyklos, 72, (2), 2019, p332 - 353Journal Article, 2019
- A.J. van Stel, S. Lyalkov, A. Millan and J.M. Millan, The Moderating Role of IPR on the Relationship between Country-level R&D and Individual-level Entrepreneurial Performance, Journal of Technology Transfer, 44, (5), 2019, p1427 - 1450Journal Article, 2019
- Berrill, J., Cassells, D, O'Hagan-Luff, M. and Van Stel, A., The relationship between financial distress and well-being: Exploring the role of self-employment, International Small Business Journal, 39, (4), 2021, p330 - 349Journal Article, 2021
- Millán, J.M., Lyalkov, S., Burke, A., Millán, A., van Stel, A., `Digital divide' among European entrepreneurs: Which types benefit most from ICT implementation?, Journal of Business Research, 125, 2021, p533-547Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- van Stel, A., van der Zwan, P., Analyzing the changing education distributions of solo self-employed workers and employer entrepreneurs in Europe, Small Business Economics, 55, (2), 2020, p429-445Journal Article, 2020, DOI
- de Vries, N., Liebregts, W., van Stel, A., Explaining entrepreneurial performance of solo self-employed from a motivational perspective, Small Business Economics, 55, (2), 2020, p447-460Journal Article, 2020, DOI
- van Stel, A., Kaciak, E., Cieslik, J., Hiring plans by solo entrepreneurs at the time of start-up: The role of education and the desire for self-expression, Journal of Business Research, 119, 2020, p58-66Journal Article, 2020, DOI
- Congregado, E., Golpe, A., van Stel, A., The 'recession-push' hypothesis reconsidered, International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 8, (3), 2012, p325-342Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- Carree, M., Van Stel, A., Thurik, R., Wennekers, S., Economic development and business ownership: An analysis using data of 23 OECD countries in the period 1976-1996, Small Business Economics, 19, (3), 2002, p271-290Journal Article, 2002, DOI
- Wennekers, S., Van Stel, A., Carree, M., Thurik, R., The relationship between entrepreneurship and economic development: Is it U-Shaped?, Foundations and Trends in Entrepreneurship, 6, (3), 2010, p167-237Journal Article, 2010, DOI
- Congregado, E., Carmona, M., Golpe, A.A., Van Stel, A., Unemployment, gender and labor force participation in Spain: Future trends in labor market, Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting, 17, (1), 2014, p53-66Journal Article, 2014
- Berrill, J., O'Hagan-Luff, M., van Stel, A.J., The Moderating Role of Education in the Relationship between FDI and Entrepreneurial Activity, Small Business Economics, 54, (4), 2020, p1041 - 1059Journal Article, 2020
- André, The COMPENDIA Data Base: COMParative ENtrepreneurship Data for International Analysis, Measuring Entrepreneurship, 2008, p65--84Journal Article, 2008, DOI
- , Business Dynamics and Employment Growth, Empirical Analysis of Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth, 2006, p161--178Journal Article, 2006, DOI
- , Business Ownership and Sectoral Growth, Empirical Analysis of Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth, 2006, p39--70Journal Article, 2006, DOI
- , COMPENDIA: Harmonizing Business Ownership Data, Empirical Analysis of Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth, 2006, p179--204Journal Article, 2006, DOI
- , Economic Development and Business Ownership, Empirical Analysis of Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth, 2006, p11--38Journal Article, 2006, DOI
- , Knowledge Spillovers and Economic Growth, Empirical Analysis of Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth, 2006, p85--112Journal Article, 2006, DOI
- , Overview and Conclusions, Empirical Analysis of Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth, 2006, p205--213Journal Article, 2006, DOI
- , The Link between Firm Births and Job Creation, Empirical Analysis of Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth, 2006, p113--144Journal Article, 2006, DOI
- , Total Entrepreneurial Activity Rates and Economic Growth, Empirical Analysis of Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth, 2006, p145--160Journal Article, 2006, DOI
- Elaine Laing, Andre Van Stel and David Storey, Formal and Informal Entrepreneurship: A Cross-country Policy Perspective, Small Business Economics, 59, (3), 2022, p807 - 826Journal Article, 2022, DOI
- André van Stel, Jorge Barrientos-Marín, Leonel Caçador-Rodrigues, Ana Millán, José María Millán, Measuring performance differentials across entrepreneurship types, International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 19, (3), 2023, p981 - 1016Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- ICT usage at work as a way to reduce the gender earnings gap among European entrepreneurs in, editor(s)Lechman, E. , Technology and Women's Empowerment, London, UK, Routledge, 2021, pp101 - 118, [Barrientos, J.H., Fu, N., Millán, J.M, & van Stel, A. ]Book Chapter, 2021
- How IPR Can Shape Knowledge Diffusion Processes in Europe in, editor(s)M. Guerrero, D. Urbano , Technology Transfer and Entrepreneurial Innovations: Policies Across Continents, Springer, 2021, pp143--173 , [André van Stel, Jorge Barrientos-Marín, Serhiy Lyalkov, Ana Millán, José María Millán]Book Chapter, 2021, DOI
- J. Cieslik; E. Nolan; M. O'Hagan-Luff; A. van Stel, Overconfidence among Solo Entrepreneurs: The Role of National Culture, Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 30, (4), 2023, p667 - 691Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- B.A. Atarah; V. Finotto; E. Nolan; A. van Stel, Entrepreneurship as Emancipation: A Process Framework for Female Entrepreneurs in Resource-constrained Environments, Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 30, (4), 2023, p734 - 758Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- J. Cieslik; A. van Stel, Solo Self-employment -- Key Policy Challenges, Journal of Economic Surveys, 38, (3), 2024, p759 - 792Journal Article, 2024, DOI
- Kgoroeadira, R., Burke A., Di Pietro, F. & van Stel, A., Determinants of firms' default on unsecured loans in the P2P crowdfunding market, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 89, 2023, p101882Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- van Stel, A., Lyalkov, S., Millán, A., Millán, J.M., The moderating role of IPR on the relationship between country-level R&D and individual-level entrepreneurial performance, Journal of Technology Transfer, 44, (5), 2019, p1427-1450Journal Article, 2019, DOI
- B Hoogendoorn, M O'Hagan-Luff, S Ramezani, A van Stel, Does self-employment provide a bridge to retirement?, Cambridge Journal of Economics, 48, (4), 2024, p767 - 784Journal Article, 2024, DOI
- Y. Zhang and A. van Stel, Who Should Be Running Ahead? The Roles of Two Types of Entrepreneurship in China's Regional Economies, Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 2024, phttps://doi.org/10.1007/s13132Journal Article, 2024, DOI
- J.D. Ramos-Poyatos, J. Barrientos-Marín, A. Millán, J.M. Millán and A. van Stel, Mind the Digital Gap: The Role of Regional-Level General and Digital Human Capital in Shaping ICT Use of Different Types of Entrepreneurs, Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 2024, phttps://doi.org/10.1007/s13132Journal Article, 2024, DOI
- Growth Dynamics of Solo and Employer Start-Ups During the Business Formation Stage in, editor(s)W. Conen and E. Reuter , Research Handbook on Self-Employment and Public Policy, Cheltenham, UK, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2024, pp30 - 48, [J. Cieslik, J.M. Millán and A. van Stel]Book Chapter, 2024, DOI
- Perceptions of the Self-employed and Wage-employed Regarding Institutional Conditions Affecting Entrepreneurship in, editor(s)W. Conen and E. Reuter , Research Handbook on Self-Employment and Public Policy, Cheltenham, UK, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2024, pp282 - 295, [D. Bögenhold, M. O'Hagan-Luff, Z. Parastuty and A. van Stel]Book Chapter, 2024, DOI
- Burke. A.E. and van Stel, A.J., Entry and Exit in Disequilibrium, Journal of Business Venturing, 29, (1), 2014, p174 - 192Journal Article, 2014, URL
- Burke, A.E., van Stel, A., Hartog, C. and Ichou, A., What determines the level of informal venture finance investment? Market clearing forces and gender effects, Small Business Economics, 42, 2014, p467 - 484Journal Article, 2014, URL
- Burke, A.E, van Stel, A.J and Thurik R., Blue Ocean vs. Five Forces, Harvard Business Review, (May), 2010Journal Article, 2010, URL
- Ranked 5th in Ireland in the 2023 Ranking of Best Scientists in Economics and Finance by the platform Research.com: https://research.com/scientists-rankings/economics-and-finance/ie
- Ranked 6th in Ireland in the 2023 Ranking of Best Scientists in Business and Management by the platform Research.com: https://research.com/scientists-rankings/business-and-management/ie
- Co-Editor International Review of Entrepreneurship 2020-present
- Associate Editor International Review of Entrepreneurship 2016-2019