Dr. Isilay Talay, BSc, MSc, PhD is an Assistant Professor in Operations and Supply Chain Management at Trinity Business School, Trinity College Dublin. She holds a Ph.D. in Operations Management from Duke University (USA), a MSc in Industrial Engineering from Koc University (Turkey), and BSc in Industrial Engineering from Istanbul Technical University (Turkey). She had practical training in healthcare operations and database management in Duke University Medical Center and she has previously worked as an Assistant Professor of Business Administration at Antalya Bilim University (Turkey). Her recent research interests lie in interplay of production and financing decisions, international trade, optimal staffing and workforce allocation. Her past published work includes optimal procurement and production with uncertain yield, dynamic pricing and replenishment with stochastic demand, and optimal staffing in healthcare with uncertain attrition.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
- TALAY ISILAY,BAYRAM ORKUN, Efficient Payment System Selection in Global Supply Chains and International Trade Management, Ataturk University Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 34, (3), 2020, p945 - 972Journal Article, 2020, DOI , URL
- TALAY ISILAY, ÖZDEMIR AKYILDIRIM ÖZNUR, Optimal procurement and production planning for multi-product multi-stage production under yield uncertainty, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OFOPERATIONAL RESEARCH, 275, (2), 2019, p536 - 551Journal Article, 2019, DOI , URL
- TALAY ISILAY, ÖZDEMIR AKYILDIRIM ÖZNUR, Datasets on mathematical modeling of multi-product multi-stage production to analyze the relationship between production yield, demand, and costs, Data in Brief, 22, 2019, p1027 - 1030Journal Article, 2019, DOI , URL
- ÖZDEMIR AKYILDIRIM ÖZNUR,TALAY ISILAY, Optimal staffing of specialized programme trainees under uncertainty, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 66, (1), 2015, p66 - 75Journal Article, 2015, DOI , URL
- Talay Isilay, Holmes Casey J, Kuo Paul C, Jennings Otis B, An Analytic Decision Support Tool for Resident Allocation, Journal of Surgical Education, 70, (1), 2013, p31 - 35Journal Article, 2013, DOI , URL
- GAYON JEAN-PHILIPPE,TALAY ISILAY,KARAESMEN AHMET FIKRI,ÖRMECI ALIOGLU EGEMEN LERZAN, Optimal Pricing and Production Policies of a Make-To-Stock System with Fluctuating Demand, PROBABILITY IN THE ENGINEERING AND INFORMATIONAL SCIENCES, 23, (02), 2009, p205 - 230Journal Article, 2009, DOI , URL
- ÖRMECI ALIOGLU EGEMEN LERZAN,GAYON JEAN PHILIPPE,TALAY ISILAY,KARAESMEN AHMET FIKRI, Optimal Policies under Different Pricing Strategies in a Production System with Markov-Modulated Demand, 22nd IFIP TC7 Conference, Turin, Italy, July 18-22, 2005, edited by F. Ceragioli, A. Dontchev, H. Futura, K. Marti, L. Pandolfi , 199, 2005, pp239 - 249Conference Paper, 2005, DOI , URL
- BAYRAM ORKUN,TALAY ISILAY, Effective Supply Chain Management based on Financing Techniques in International Trade, Ankara, Turkey, Nobel Akademik Yayincilik, 2020, 108ppBook, 2020, URL
- SOUMMAKIE BUSHRA,TALAY ISILAY, Efficiency and Performance Measurement of Turkish Universities via Data Envelopment Analysis, Hacettepe University Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 38, (1), 2020, p115 - 138Journal Article, 2020, DOI , URL
- TALAY DEGIRMENCI ISILAY,KARAYÜN ISMAIL,ÖZDEMIR AKYILDIRIM ÖZNUR, Cold Chain Logistics for Frozen Food at Tourism Destinations, Journal of Management Marketing and Logistics, 4, (2), 2017, p159 - 167Journal Article, 2017, DOI , URL
- TALAY ISILAY, Asymptotic analysis and performance-based design of large scale service and inventory systems, Duke University, 2010Thesis, 2010, URL
- TALAY ISILAY, Use of Internet of Things (IoT) in Cold Chain Logistics for International Trade, Third Sector Social Economic Review, 55, (2), 2020, p1169 - 1187Journal Article, 2020, DOI , URL
- Atakan Adem Selanik, Orkun Bayram, Isilay Talay Degirmenci, Historical Development and Implementation Area of the Vienna Sales Agreement (Contract for the International Sale of Goods (CISG)), Gaziantep University Journal of Social Sciences, 17, (4), 2018, p1353 - 1367Journal Article, 2018, DOI , URL
- Orkun Bayram, Isilay Talay, Global supply chain design under fluctuating antidumping tax rates for export, Conference Abstract Book, EURO 2019-Dublin Congress Board, Dublin, Ireland, 23 - 26 JUNE 2019, 2019, pp103 - 103Meeting Abstract, 2019, URL
- Isilay Talay, Orkun Bayram, Optimal payment scheme selection in global supply chains, Conference Abstract Book, EURO 2019-Dublin Congress Board, Dublin, Ireland, 23 - 26 JUNE 2019, 2019, pp103 - 103Meeting Abstract, 2019, URL
- Uluslararasi ticaret ve tedarik zincirlerinde Blockchain uygulamalari in, editor(s)Yalcin, A. , Bilimsel Arastirmalar Kitabi Iktisadi ve Idari Bilimler, Ankara, Turkey, Akademisyen Yayinevi, 2018, pp277 - 288, [Orkun Bayram, Isilay Talay]Book Chapter, 2018, URL
- Orkun Bayram, Isilay Talay, Mete Feridun, Can Fintech Promote Sustainable Finance? Policy Lessons from the Case of Turkey, Sustainability, 14, (19), 2022, p12414Journal Article, 2022, DOI , URL
- Mete Feridun, Isilay Talay, Principles for responsible banking and sustainable development goals: an empirical investigation on European wholesale and retail banks, Applied Economics Letters, 31, (19), 2024Journal Article, 2024, DOI , URL
- Isilay Talay, Orkun Bayram, Nearshoring versus Offshoring under Uncertain Yield and Tardiness Penalty, 12th European Decision Sciences Conference, Dublin, May 29-June 1, 2022, Dublin City University, EDSI, the European Division of the Decision Sciences Institute (DSI), 2022, pp56Conference Paper, 2022, URL
- Meryemhan Gül, Isilay Talay, André van Stel, Orkun Bayram, Investigation of common success factors for refugee entrepreneurs in Türkiye, Migrant Entrepreneurship: Developments at the Intersection of Policy and Practice FINAL CONFERENCE OF THE PROJECT MIG.EN.CUBE, Bologna, Italy, April 27-28, 2023, edited by Daniela Bolzani, Giuseppe Simone , 2024, pp55 - 56Conference Paper, 2024
- Kisito F. Nzembayie, Anthony Buckley, Isilay Talay, Experiential Pedagogies for Cultivating Entrepreneurial Mindsets: Action Design Learning as Tailored Framework, Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy, 2024Journal Article, 2024, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Bayram O, Talay I, Kutlu SN, Impact of Fintech Innovation on Cross-border Payments: SWIFT vs. Blockchain, Boston University PLATFORM STRATEGY RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM, Boston University, 2024, 2024Conference Paper, 2024, URL
Research Expertise
My research focuses on the exploration and analysis of factors of uncertainty for organizations and supply chains to develop decision-making mechanisms. For Policy Development for Critical Services: Healthcare, I conducted research at Duke University Medical Center in 2011, on attrition uncertainty in medical residency programs. This effort resulted in two publications (SCI-E in 2013 and ABS-3 in 2015), along with a manuscript currently under revision (ABS-2). Applying the stochastic optimization method developed for these projects to Operations and Supply Chain Management led to two other former publications (ABS-4, ESCI) in 2019. Within the Operations and Finance Interface domain, I've published two works (SCI-E/Q2 in 2022 and ABS-1 in 2023) with funding from the European Union Scholarship Programme for the Turkish Cypriot Community to support hosting my co-author for a research visit to Trinity. My ongoing work in this area includes the project "Why integrate blockchain into the cross-border payments system at banks? SWIFT vs Ripple," a collaborative effort with Dr. Sule Nur Kutlu (University of Calgary, Canada) and Dr. Orkun Bayram (Istanbul Gedik University, Türkiye), aiming to construct a game-theoretic model of global cross-border payment systems. My other ongoing research: 1) focuses on Policy Development for Critical Services, specifically Entrepreneurial Support Structures for Refugees. I presented this project at an EU-funded conference in April 2023, the project's extended abstract is published, and the manuscript is under review for an ABS-3 journal. 2) include Policy Development for Critical Services in Higher Education, with a manuscript currently under review (ABS-1), and 3) Operations Management and Marketing Interface. In this latter domain, I expanded my research methods portfolio, incorporating machine learning tools for customer churn prediction (manuscript currently under review ABS-1) alongside stochastic optimization applied to pricing problems in two publications from my doctoral years (SCI-E in 2009, and a proceeding in 2005).
Transportation, logistics and supply chains, Economics and Business Administration,
- International Scientific Publication Award, The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey 03/06/2015
- International Scientific Publication Award, The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey 09/06/2020
- PhD Scholarship, Duke University Fuqua School of Business 2004-2010
- MSc Scholarship, Koc University Graduate School of Sciences & Engineering 2002-2004
- Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP) Academic Member
- INFORMS Regular Member
- Production and Operations Management Society (POMS) Regular Member
- Reviewer for International Journal on Food System Dynamics (Scopus)
- Reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management (ABS-3)
- Reviewer for Humanities & Social Sciences Communications (SSCI/Q1)
- Session Chair for the session 'Supply Chain Finance' in POMS 2021 and 2022 Annual Conferences May 2021
- Member of International Committee of Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP) 2022-2023
- Editorial Board Member of the Humanities & Social Sciences Communications (SSCI/Q1) with the JCR category ranking of WoS, Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary 19/110. Jan 19, 2024
- Reviewer for Bloomsbury Publishing (for a textbook on Quantitative Methods)
- Reviewer for EurOMA 2023 Conference (3-5 July 2023) in Leuven
- Reviewer for Production Planning and Control (ABS-3)
- Reviewer for European Journal of Operational Research (ABS-4)
- Session Chair for the session 'Queuing Applications in Manufacturing and Maintenance' in INFORMS Annual Meeting October 2009
- Session Chair for the session 'Global Operations' in 12th European Decision Sciences Institute (EDSI) Conference in 2022 May 2022
- Reviewer for Data in Brief (Scopus, ESCI)
- Session Chair for the session 'Global Supply Chains' in EURO2019 June 2019