Dr Paul Ryan has lectured in international business strategy and management at the Smurfit Business School, University College Dublin and Cairnes Business School, National University of Ireland, Galway and as visitor at the Universities of La Coruna, Spain and Coimbra, Portugal. He completed his PhD at the University of Cambridge. His research focuses on MNE subsidiary strategy, industrial clusters, entrepreneurial ecosystems and international entrepreneurship. His work has been published in California Management Review, International Business Review, Global Strategy Journal, Regional Studies, European Journal of International Management, International Marketing Review, Industrial Marketing and Management, World Economy, Industry & Innovation, Technovation, Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, International Journal of Innovation & Technology Management and Organizational Research Methods. He is a member of the Academy of International Business. He previously worked as a business consultant and analyst in Hong Kong and has completed strategy consulting projects in the private, public and non-profit sectors.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
- Ryan, P. and Giblin, M. , High-Tech Clusters, Innovation Capabilities and Technological Entrepreneurship: Evidence From Ireland, World Economy, 6, (5), 2012, p266 - 289Journal Article, 2012, URL
- Smith, A., Ryan, P. and Collings, D. , 'Born Global Networks: The Role of Connectors, European Journal Of International Management, 6, (5), 2012, p223 - 239Journal Article, 2012, URL
- Giblin, M. and Ryan, P., 'Tight or Loose Networks? The Critical Role of Inward Investment in Cluster Creation, Regional Studies, 46, (2), 2012, p245 - 258Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- Dundon, T. and Ryan, P., Interviewing Reluctant Respondents: Strikes, Henchmen and Gaelic Games, Organizational Research Methods, 13, (3), 2010, p562 - 581Journal Article, 2010, DOI
- Ryan, P. and Dundon, T., The Qualitative Research Interview: Fashioning Respondent Affinity, Jourmal of Management Research, 1, (1), 2009, p12 - 25Journal Article, 2009, DOI
- Ryan, P. and Dundon, T., Case Research Interview: Eliciting Superior Quality Data, International Journal of Case Method Research and Application, 20, (4), 2008, p443 - 457Journal Article, 2008
- Ryan, P., Moroney, M., Cunningham, J. and Geoghegan, W. , A Framework For Strategic Repositioning: The Case of Bulmers Original Cider, Irish Journal of Management, 28, (2), 2007, p24 - 37Journal Article, 2007, DOI
- Dundon, T., Ryan, P., Morgan, D. and Maloney, M., Conceptualising the Dynamics of Employee Information and Consultation: Evidence from Ireland, Industrial Relations Journal, 37, (4), 2006, p492 - 512Journal Article, 2006, DOI
- Ryan, P., Suppliers' Perspectives of Lean Operation and Business-to-Business Relations from the Periphery of an Industrial Market, Irish Marketing Review, 14, (1), 2001, p5 - 14Journal Article, 2001
- Ryan, P. and Cooke, S., Brand Alliances: From Reputation Endorsement to Collaboration on Core Competences, Irish Marketing Review, 13, (2), 2000, p36 - 41Journal Article, 2000
- Giblin, M. and Ryan, P., Anchor, Incumbent and Late Entry MNEs as Propellents of Technology Cluster Evolution, Industry and Innovation, 22, (7), 2015, p553 - 574Journal Article, 2015, DOI
- Inside the Born Globals' International Network: A Microscopic Examination in, editor(s)Larimo, J., Nummela, N. and Mainela, T. , Handbook of International Alliance and Network Research, Cheltenham: UK, Elgar, 2015, pp297 - 319, [Ryan, P., Evers, N. and Smith, A. ]Book Chapter, 2015, URL
- Significance of International Business and Local Business Clusters for the Preparation for Sudden Structural Changes in Regions in, editor(s)Hautamaki, J. and Vesasto, M. , Proactive Approach to Structural Change, Lahti: Finland, Lahti University Publishing., 2013, pp55 - 80, [Ryan, P., Clancy, J. and Hautamaki, J.]Book Chapter, 2013, URL
- Strategic Repositioning: A Case Study of Bulmers Original Cider in, editor(s)Dundon, T. and Wilkinson, A. , Case Studies in Global Management, Vicroria: Australia, Tilde Publishing, 2012, pp13 - 20, [Ryan, P.]Book Chapter, 2012
- Combating Information Suspicion: Guinness. Sports and Glassblowing in, editor(s)Townsend, K. and Burgess, J . , Method in Madness: Research Stories You Don't Read in Textbooks , Oxford: UK, Chandos Publishing, 2009, pp60 - 75, [Ryan, P. and Dundon, T.]Book Chapter, 2009
- Bulmer's Original Cider: A Case in Strategic Repositioning in, editor(s)Cunningham, J. and Harrington, D. , Irish Management 2.0, Dublin: Ireland, Blackhall, 2008, pp179 - 190, [Ryan, P., Moroney, M. & Geoghegan, W. ]Book Chapter, 2008
- Bulmer's: A Case In Strategic Learning in, editor(s)De BĂșrca, S., Fletcher, R. A. and Brown, L. , International Marketing: An SME Perspective , Dublin: Ireland, Prentice Hall, 2004, pp211 - 217, [Ryan, P., Moroney, M., Geoghegan, W. & Hayes, M.]Book Chapter, 2004
- Industrial Clusters - The Role of organisations and Institutions in, editor(s)Genoff, R. and Sheather, G , Innovation and the Knowledge Economy , Adelaide: Australia, Playford, 2003, pp144 - 158, [Paul Ryan., Majella Giblin. and Roy Green. ]Book Chapter, 2003
- Ryan, P., Giblin, M., Andersson, U. and Perri, A., The Role of Partner Heterogeneity in MNEs' knowledge creation and protection, European International Business Association, Rio de Janeiro, December 1-3, 2015, 2015, pp25 - 41Conference Paper, 2015
- Smith, A., Ryan, P. and Evers, N., The International Network Structure for A Set of Born Global Firms, Irish Academy of Management Annual Conference, Galway, Ireland, 2-4 September, 2015, 2015, pp1 - 9Conference Paper, 2015
- Ryan, P., Evers, N. and Smith, A. , Bridging the Structural Holes across Born Globals' International Network, European International Business Association Annual Conference,, Uppsala University, Sweden, December 12-14, 2014, 2014, pp1 - 12Conference Paper, 2014
- Ryan, P., Andersson, U. and Clancy, J. , MNE Subsidiary Relationships and R&D role evolution at the Dual Context Nexus, Academy of International Business UK and Ireland Chapter Conference, York, UK., April 10-12, 2014, 2014, pp1 - 16Conference Paper, 2014
- Hautamaki, J., Ryan, P. and Clancy, J. , Divergent and Convergent Paths to Cluster Formation and Evolution: A Study of an Exogenous and Endogenous Success Route, Regional Studies Association Winter Conference, London, UK., November 13-14, 2013, 2013, pp12 - 24Conference Paper, 2013
- Ryan, P., Giblin, M., Collings, D. and Fahy, J., Industry Clusters Life Cycle Extension Flagship: Specialisation, Adaptation and Connectivity in Staving off Extinction, Academy of International Business Annual Meeting,, Istanbul, Turkey., July 3-6, 2013, 2013, pp1 - 18Conference Paper, 2013
- Ryan, P., Giblin, M. and Fahy, J. , Satellite High-Tech Clusters, Flagship MNE Subsidiaries and Mothership Ecosystems: Specialisation, Adaptation and Connectivity in Staving off Cluster Malaise, DRUID Annual Conference, Barcelona, Spain, June 17-19, 2013, 2013, pp1 - 20Conference Paper, 2013
- Ryan, P., Andersson, U., Perri, A. and Giblin, M, Knowledge Creation and Protection in Subsidiaries Embedded in Local Technology Clusters, Academy of International Business UK and Ireland Annual Conference, Birbeck College, University of London, April 7-9, 2016, 2016, pp1 - 28Conference Paper, 2016
- Ryan, P. Andersson, U; Perri, A; Giblin, M., Subsidiary Strategies for Local Knowledge Sourcing and Protection: The Role of Partner Heterogeneity, Academy of International Business Annual Meeting,, New Orleans, USA, June 27-30, 2016 , 2016, pp1 - 20Conference Paper, 2016
- Ryan, P., Clancy, J., Andersson, U., Giblin, M., Coevolution for the Dually Embedded MNE Subsidiary, European International Business Academy Annual Conference, Wien University, Vienna, December 2-4, 2016, 2016, pp10 - 25Conference Paper, 2016
- Clancy, J., Ryan, P., Giblin, M. Andersson, U., The Janus-Faced Subsidiary: A Coevolutionary Framework of Dual Network Embeddedness, Irish Academy of Management Annual Conference, University College Dublin, 31st August - 2nd Se, 2016, pp20 - 34Conference Paper, 2016
- Ryan, P; Andersson, U; Perri, A; Giblin, M., Knowledge Creation and Protection in Subsidiaries Embedded in Local Technology Clusters, Academy of International Business UK and Ireland Annual Conference, Henley Business School, University of Reading, 6-9 April, 2017, pp10 - 30Conference Paper, 2017
- Ryan, P., Evers, N., Smith, A. Anderson, S., Accelerated Internationalisation via Membership of a Community of Practice, Entrepreneurship Research: Past, Present & Future Conference, Paris, May 10-12, 2017, pp25 - 50Conference Paper, 2017
- Ryan, P., Clancy, J., Giblin, M., Amdersson, U., MNE Subsidiary Survival and Advancement in a Coevolving Dual Context, Academy of International Business Annual Conference, Dubai, July 2-5, 2017, pp350 - 380Conference Paper, 2017
- Ryan, P., Evers, N., Smith, A. Anderson, S., Communities of Practice: A Creator and Accelerator of Born Global Ventures, McGill International Entrepreneurship Conference, National University of Ireland, Galway, 30-31 August, 2017, pp55 - 78Conference Paper, 2017
- Giblin, M.; Ryan, P. and Clancy, J., A Dynamic Ambidexterity Strategy: the Evolving Subsidiary Role of Exploiter and Explorer, European International Business Academy Annual Conference, Politechno de Milano, Milan, 14-16 December, 2017, pp126 - 148Conference Paper, 2017
- Ryan, P., Evers, N., Smith, A. Anderson, S., Cartoon Network: Rapid Internationalisation for Born Global Members of a Community of Practice, European International Business Academy Annual Conference, Politechno de Milano, Milan, December 14-16, 2017, pp52 - 76Conference Paper, 2017
- Ryan, P., Buciuni, G., Giblin, M., Andersson, U., Intra-MNE Global Value Chain orchestration for Innovation, iBEGIN Annual Conference, University of Venice, December 18-19, 2017, pp20 - 40Conference Paper, 2017
- Ryan, P., Giblin, M., Andersson, U., ad Clancy, J., Subsidiary Knowledge Creation in Co-evolving Contexts, International Business Review, 27, (5), 2018, p915 - 932Journal Article, 2018, DOI , URL
- Ryan, P., Geoghegan, W., and Hilliard, R., The Microfoundations of Firms' Explorative Innovative Capabilities Within the Triple Helix Framework, Technovation, 77, 2018, p15 - 27Journal Article, 2018, DOI
- Ryan, P., Giblin, M., Andersson, U., and Clancy, J., A Dynamic Ambidexterity Strategy: An evolving subsidiary role of exploiter and explorer, Academy of International Business UKI Annual Conference, Birmingham, UK, 12-14 April, 2018, 2018, pp221 - 237Conference Paper, 2018
- Subsidiary Combinative Capability for Knowledge Creation as a Co-evolutionary Development Process in, editor(s)Castellani, D., Narula, R., Nguyen, Q., Surdu, I. and Walker, J. , Contemporary Issues in International Business: Institutions, Strategy and Performance, Palgrave MacMillan, 2018, pp221 - 229, [Clancy, J., Ryan, P., Andersson, U. and Giblin, M.]Book Chapter, 2018, DOI
- Ryan, P., Evers, N., Smith, A. and Andersson, S., Local horizontal network membership for accelerated global market reach, International Marketing Review, 36, (1), 2019, p6 - 30Journal Article, 2019, DOI
- Ryan, P., Evers, N., and Smith, A. , Home Country Knowledge Sharing and Congenital Learning Rapid Internationalisation for a BG Community of Practice, Academy of International Business UKI Annual Conference, Brighton, UK, 26-27 April, 2019, 2019, pp222 - 245Conference Paper, 2019
- Ryan, P., Buciuni, G., Giblin M., Kogler, D., ., The Role of MNEs in the Genesis and Growth of a Resilient Entrepreneurial Ecosystem, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 33, (1), 2021, p36 - 53Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- Ryan, P., Giblin, M., Andersson, U., , The Boundary Spanning Function of the MNE subsidiary: The Effects on Charter and Role Evolution, EIBA Annual Conference, Leeds, 13-15 December, 2019, 2019, pp1 - 25Conference Paper, 2019
- Ryan, P., Buciuni, G., Giblin M., and Andersson, U.., ., Subsidiary Upgrading and Global Value Chain Governance in the Multinational Enterprise, Global Strategy Journal, 10, (3), 2020, p496 - 519Journal Article, 2020, DOI
- Ryan, P., Andersson, U. and Giblin, M., MNE Subsidary's Multiple Boundary Spanning for New Product Innovation, Academy of International Business Annual Conference, Online, July 1-9, 2020, pp1 - 25Conference Paper, 2020
- Cho., D., Ryan., P. and Buciuni, G., Evolutionary Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: a Research Pathway, Small Business Economics, 2021, p1 - 20Journal Article, 2021, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Complementary frameworks for examining global innovation: aligning GVCs, industrial clusters and entrepreneurial ecosystems in, editor(s)Castellani, D., Perri, A., Scalera, V. and Zane, A. , Cross-Border Innovation in a Changing World, Oxford University Press, 2022, pp143 - 159, [Buciuni, G., Cho, D. and Ryan, P.]Book Chapter, 2022
- The role of MNEs in the genesis and growth of a resilient entrepreneurial ecosystem in, editor(s)O'Connor, A., Mason, C., Miles, M. and Audretsch, D. , The Dynamics of Entrepreneurial Ecosystems, Routledge, 2022, pp36 - 53, [Ryan, P., Giblin, M., Buciuni, G. and Kogler, D.]Book Chapter, 2022
- Buciuni, G. Cho, D. and Ryan, P., Rethinking GVC governance in a post-pandemic world, Regional Studies Association Annual Conference, Online, June 2-21 2021, 2021, pp1 - 20Conference Paper, 2021
- Ryan, P., Giblin, M., Andersson, U. and Buciuni, G., The evolution of dynamic boundary spanning capabilities in MNE subsidiaries, European International Business Academy Annual Conference, Madrid, 10-12 December, 2021, 2021, pp1 - 38Conference Paper, 2021
- Ryan, P., Buciuni, G., Giblin, M. and Andersson, U., Global Value Chain Governance in the MNE: A Dynamic Hierarchy Perspective, California Management Review, 2022, p1 - 22Journal Article, 2022, DOI
- Ryan, P; Giblin, M. and Andersson, U., The Evolution of Dynamic Boundary Spanning Capabilities for Subsidiary Innovation, Irish Academy of Management, Dublin, 24-25 August, 2022, 2022, pp1-16Conference Paper, 2022
- Ryan, P., Giblin, M. and Andersson, U., The Evolution of Dynamic Boundary Spanning Capabilities for Subsidiary Innovation, Academy of International Business, Miami, July 6-9, 2022, 2022, pp1-20Conference Paper, 2022
- Ryan, P., Andersson, U. and Giblin, M., Transforming Knowledge for Innovation: The Role of Dynamic Boundary Capabilities in an MNE Subsidiary, Academy of International Business UK&Ireland, Reading, 8-9 April, 2022, 2022, pp1-20Conference Paper, 2022
- Cho, D., Ryan, P., and Buciuni, Exiguous multinational enterprise alumni spinouts in an entrepreneurial ecosystem, European International Business Academy, Oslo, 8-10 December, 2022, 2022, pp1-20Conference Paper, 2022
- Ryan, P., Buciuni, G. and Finnotto, V., Assessing the Consolidation of Entrepreneurial Ecosystems in Low-Tech Industries: Evidence from the Craft Beer Sector, Beeronomics, Dublin, 20-23 June, 2022, 2022Conference Paper, 2022
- Pattinson, S., Nicholson, J., Ehret, M., Velu, C. and Ryan, P., Innovation ecosystems in B2B contexts: Owning the space, Industrial Marketing Management, 2023, p1 - 9Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- O'Riordan, N., Ryan, P. and Andersson, U., The subsidiary strategising process for a competence-creating role, Multinational Business Review, 31, (4), 2023, p459 - 476Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- Subsidiary Governance and Strategy in the Multinational Enterprise in, editor(s)Eds , Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Business and Management, Oxford:UK, Oxford University Press, 2023, pp1 - 22, [O'Riordan, N., Ryan, P. and Andersson, U.]Book Chapter, 2023, DOI
- Andersson, U., Ryan, P., Giblin, M. and Perri, A., Subsidiary Knowledge Creation, Selective Disclosure and Knowledge Protection in its Local Environment, Academy of International Business Annual Conference, Warsaw, July 6-9, 2023, 2023Conference Paper, 2023
- Cho, D., Ryan, P. and Buciuni, G., MNE Spinouts and Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Evolution, European Academy of Management Annual , Trinity College Dublin, June 14-16, 2023, 2023Conference Paper, 2023
- Giblin, M., Ryan, P., Andersson, U. and Perri, A., `When the Stakes are High": Managing knowledge disclosures in local external subsidiary initiatives, Irish Academy of Management Annual Conference, University of Galway, 23-24 August, 2023, 2023Conference Paper, 2023
- Andersson, U., Ryan, P., Giblin, M. and Perri, A., Selective Disclosure for Subsidiary Knowledge Creation and Knowledge Protection, Academy of International Business UK&Ireland Annual Conference, Glasgow, 13-15 April, 2023, 2023Conference Paper, 2023
- Ryan, P. And Buciuni, G., Gorillas can dance: lessons from Microsoft and other corporations on partnering with startups, Review of Gorillas can dance: lessons from Microsoft and other corporations on partnering with startups, by Shameen Prashantham , Journal of International Business Studies, 2024, p1-4Review, 2024, DOI
- Cho, D., Buciuni, G. and Ryan, P., Saints and Sinners: The Doubled-Edged Impact of Multinational Enterprises on the Evolution of an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem, Academy of International Business Annual Conference, Seoul, July 2-6, 2024, 2024, pp1-28Conference Paper, 2024
- Paul Ryan, Majella Giblin and Edel Walshe, From subcontracted R&D to joint collaboration: the role of trust in facilitating this process', International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, 1, (2), 2004, p205 - 231Journal Article, 2004, DOI
- Paul Ryan, Why talent management became a (wrong) business obsession, 2019, -Miscellaneous
- Paul Ryan, The secret to upgrading a subsidiary office's role, 2018, -Miscellaneous
- Andersson, U., O'Riordan, N. and Ryan, P., What is Subsidiary Strategy? An International Business Research Conundrum, EIBAzine, 2022Journal Article
Research Expertise
MNE subsidiary strategy, industrial clusters, entrepreneurial ecosystems and international entrepreneurship.
TitleREMAKINGSummaryFunding AgencyEU
Economics and Business Administration,
- Academy of International Business; European International Business Academy; Irish Academy of Management