Dr. Norah Campbell
Associate Professor, Trinity Business School
Email Norah.Campbell@tcd.ie Phone3531896 3609http://people.tcd.ie/kmarxBiography
Norah Campbell is a lecturer in critical marketing. Her teaching is in management theory, and science and technology studies. Her research interests are in nano-bio-info-cogno markets, climate change, and the food industry. This work has been published in both science journals (Nature Nanotechnology) and social science journals (Science, Technology and Human Values).
Publications and Further Research Outputs
- Campbell, Norah, Deane, Cormac and Murphy, Padraig, Advertising Nanotechnology: Imagining the Invisible, Science, Technology & Human Values, 40, (6), 2015, p965 - 997Journal Article, 2015, DOI , URL
- Campbell, Norah, Desmond, John, Ficthett, Kavanagh, Donncha, McDonagh, Pierre, O'Driscoll, Aidan, Prothero, Andrea , Myth and the Market, Ist, Dublin, University College Dublin, 2014, 1 - 423ppBook, 2014
- Campbell, Norah, Gerard McHugh and Paul Ennis, Climate Change is Not a Problem: Speculative Realism at the End of Organisation, Organization Studies, https://doi.org/10.1, 2018, p1-20Journal Article, 2018, URL
- Campbell, N., Deane, C., Murphy, P., The sounds of nanotechnology, Nature Nanotechnology, 12, (7), 2017, p606-610Journal Article, 2017
- Kavanagh, D., Desmond, J., Fitchett, J., Campbell, N., Myth and the market: An introduction, Culture and Organization, 2015, p1-6Journal Article, 2015
- Campbell, N., McHugh, G., Ooo: Oooh!, Assembling Consumption: Researching Actors, Networks and Markets, 2015, p92-102Journal Article, 2015
- Norah Campbell, Aidan O"Driscoll, Marketing and Quality of Life, Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research, 2014, p3825--3828Journal Article, 2014
- Campbell, N., O'Driscoll, A., Saren, M., The posthuman: The end and the beginning of the human, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 9, (2), 2010, p86-101Journal Article, 2010
- Campbell, Norah and Cormac Deane, Bacteria and the Market, Marketing Theory, https://doi.org/10.1, 2018, p1 - 21Journal Article, 2018, URL
- Norah Campbell, Gary Sinclair and Sarah Browne, Preparing for a world without markets: legitimising strategies of preppers, Journal of Marketing Management, 2019Journal Article, 2019, URL
- Norah, Stephen Dunne and Paul E. Ennis , Immaterialism, Objects and Social Theory, Theory Culture and Society, 36, (3), 2019, p121 - 137Journal Article, 2019, URL , TARA - Full Text
- N. Campbell G. Sinclair and S. Browne, Preparing for a world without markets: legitimising strategies of preppers, Journal of Marketing Management, 35, 2019, p789 - 817Journal Article, 2019
- Norah Campbell Francis Finucane Sarah Browne Marius Claudy Mélissa Mialon Francisco Goiana-Silva Serge Hercberg, The Gift of Data: Industry-Led Food Reformulation and the Obesity Crisis in Europe , Journal of Public Policy and Marketing , doi:10.1177/07439156, 2021Journal Article, 2021, URL
- Claudy M, Doyle G, Marriott L, Campbell N, O'Malley G., re Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Taxes Effective? Reviewing the Evidence Through a Marketing Systems Lens, Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, 2020Journal Article, 2020, URL
- Viruses and Bacteria in, editor(s)Alan Bradshaw and Joel Hietanen , Dictionary of Coronavirus Culture, London, Penguin Random House, 2020, pp363 - 371, [Norah Campbell ]Book Chapter, 2020
- Norah Campbell, Really Long Range Planning: Cixin Liu's Rememberance of Earth's Past, Academy of Management Education and Learning , 19, (3), 2020, p433 - 434Review Article, 2020, URL
- Campbell, Norah, Sarah Browne, Francis Finucane, Kathryn Reilly and Mélissa Mialon , How does framing work as a corporate political activity? The case of the sugar lobby in Ireland, Social Science and Medicine , 264, (113215), 2020, p12Journal Article, 2020
- M. Steele, M. Mialon, S. Browne, N. Campbell, F. Finucane, Obesity, public health ethics and the nanny state, Ethics, Medicine and Public Health, 19, 2021, phttps://doi.org/10.1016/j.jemeJournal Article, 2021, URL
- F. Finucane, N. Campbell, Sobering evidence that higher taxes will mitigate alcohol-related cancer harms, The Lancet Regional Health Europe, 11, 2021, p100246-Journal Article, 2021, URL
- Claudy, Marius, Vijayakumar, Suhas, Campbell, Norah, Reckless spreader or blameless victim? How vaccination status affects responses to COVID-19 patients , Social Science and Medicine, 2022Journal Article, 2022, URL
- Norah CampbelNorah Campbell, Sarah Browne, Marius Claudy, Kathryn Reilly, Francis M. Finucane, Ultra-Processed Food: The Tragedy of the Biological Commons, International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 2023Journal Article, 2023, URL , TARA - Full Text
- "The Technological Gaze" Irish Marketing Review, 19, 1/2, (2007), 1 - 19p, Aidan O Driscoll, [eds.]Journal, 2007
- Norah Campbell, Aidan O'Driscoll, Michael Saren, Marketing the Primitive, Technology and Horror, European Advances in Consumer Research, Milan, edited by Cele Otnes , 8, 2006, pp166 - 167Conference Paper, 2006
- Visual Culture in, editor(s)Dale Southerton , Encyclopedia of Consumer Culture, Thousand Oaks, Sage Publications, 2011, pp1506 - 1510, [Campbell, Norah and Jonathan Schroeder]Book Chapter, 2011
- Campbell, Norah, Aidan O'Driscoll and Michael Saren, The Posthuman: The End and the Begining of the Human, European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management, Milan, 2-3 April 2009, edited by Avi Shankar, Bernard Cova, Antonella Caru , 2009Conference Paper, 2009
- Campbell, Norah, Aidan O'Driscoll and Michael Saren, The Posthuman: The End and the Beginning of the Human, Journal of Consumer Behaviour , 9, (2), 2010, p86 - 101Journal Article, 2010, DOI
- Campbell, Norah, Michael Saren and Aidan O'Driscoll, The Primitive, Technology and Horror: A Posthuman Biology, ephemera: theory and politics in organization, 10, (1), 2010, p152-176Journal Article, 2010, URL , TARA - Full Text
- Campbell, Norah and O'Driscoll, Aidan, Bodies of Technology: Life as 'informational', 'complex' and 'networked', European Advances in Consumer Research, Royal Holloway, London, 1-3 July 2010, edited by Alan Bradshaw, Pauline Maclaran and Chris Hackley , 2011Conference Paper, 2011
- Campbell, Norah, Future Sex: Cyborg Bodies and the Politics of Meaning, Advertising and Society Review, 11, (1), 2010, p75-100Journal Article, 2010, URL
- Campbell, Norah, Regarding Derrida: the tasks of visual deconstruction, Qualitative Research in Organization and Management, 7, (1), 2012, p1 - 23Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- The Posthuman Consumer in, editor(s)Russell Belk and Rosa Llamas , The Routledge Companion to Digital Consumption, London, Routledge, 2012, pp96 - 125, [Campbell, Norah]Book Chapter, 2012, DOI
- Signs and Semiotics of Advertising in, editor(s)Jonathan Schroeder, Sam Warren and Emma Bell , The Routledge Companion to Visual Organisation , London, Routledge, 2013, pp258 - 279, [Campbell, Norah]Book Chapter, 2013, DOI
- The Politics of Consumption: Ephemera: theory and politics in organization, 13, 2, (2013), 279p, Bradhaw, Alan, Norah Campbell and Stephen Dunne, [eds.]Journal, 2013
- Campbell, Norah Aidan O'Driscoll and Michael Saren, Reconceptualising Resources: A Critique of Service Dominant Logic, Journal of Macromarketing , 33, (4), 2013, p306 - 321Journal Article, 2013, DOI , URL
- Norah Campbell, 'Podcast: Climate Change and the Speculation of Quentin Meillassoux', Field Day Podcast Series, https://fieldday.ie/field-day-podcast/, 2017, -Broadcast, URL
- Campbell, Norah, 'Marketing is Killing Us I: The Case of Food', Village Magazine, August 2017, 2017, -Broadcast, URL
- Campbell, Norah , 'Marketing is Killing Us II: The Case of Fashion', Village Magazine, Village Magazine, 2017, -Broadcast, URL
Research Expertise
Food lobbying and public relations Critical, historical and ontological aspects of capitalism Climate change and the role of the university
TitleBacteria and the MarketSummaryWe present a psychoanalytic reading of 332 images of bacteria in advertising and public service announcements in the period since 1848. The non-rational mechanisms that are at play in these images suggest that the depiction of bacteria in advertising operates according to a dialectic of alienation and belonging that is the foundation of our social world. There are four recurring discursive-aesthetic categories that draw bacteria into visuality: cuteness, overpopulation, the lower classes, and sex. We propose that bacteria may be viewed as symptoms of the fears and pleasures that are awakened by living in mass market society and in the midst of a plethora of microscopic Others. We then identify an antibacterial sinthome at play, which makes it possible to ask why these symptoms appear to us in the way that they do. The antibacterial sinthome expresses and gives form to our ambivalent position as individuals in a market society, where our lives are preoccupied with identifying and controlling enemies and incorporating allies. In this way, the antibacterial sinthome enacts an autoimmune logic that encourages us to ignore the macro and long-term consequences of living in an antibacterial society.Date FromSeptember 2016
Other Humanities, Psychology and cognitive sciences, Philosophy, Ethics and Religion, Economics and Business Administration,
- Fellow, Trinity College Dublin 2018
- Editorial Policy Board - Journal of Macromarketing (Sage)
- Editorial Board - Consumption, Markets and Culture (Routledge)