Professor Martin Fellenz
Professor In, Trinity Business School
Email Martin.Fellenz@tcd.ie Phone3531896 2630http://people.tcd.ie/mfellenzPublications and Further Research Outputs
- Martin Fellenz, Mary Keating, Paul Coughlan, Investigating Training and Learning in Organisations: A New Conceptual Framework and Research Agenda, Annual Meeting of the Psychological Society of Ireland, Ennis, Co. Clare, November, 1997Conference Paper, 1997
- Looking Beyond the Individual: The Role of Resource-based Training and Learning in Teams in, editor(s)Bruscogliani, M. et al. , The during-the-job training method: a structured approach to training and learning during work, MIP, Milan, 1998, pp79 - 96, [Fellenz, Martin R. and Keating, Mary A. and Coughlan, Paul]Book Chapter, 1998
- Martin Fellenz, Complexity of Attributions About Work: Development and Validation of a Self-report Instrument., Annual Meeting of the Psychological Society of Ireland, Ennis, Co. Clare, November 1997, 1997Conference Paper, 1997
- Martin Fellenz, Individual Flexibility in Organizations: A New Conception and a Validated Measure, Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, MA, Aug-97, 1997Conference Paper, 1997
- Martin Fellenz, Organisations and Flexibility: Towards Clarification of an Elusive Concept, Fifth European Congress of Psychology, Dublin, July 1997, 1997Conference Paper, 1997
- Martin Fellenz, Does it Make Sense?: The Case for a Focus on Activities in Organisational Learning and Knowledge Research, Fifth European Congress of Psychology, Dublin, July 1997, 1997Conference Paper, 1997
- Martin Fellenz, Individual Adaptation to Organizational Change: Evidence from Eastern Germany., Annual Meeting of the Southern Management Association, New Orleans, LA., Nov-94, 1994Conference Paper, 1994
- Martin R. Fellenz, Control Theory in Organizational Behavior: A Review and Constructive Critique., Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Dallas, TX, August 1994, 1994Conference Paper, 1994
- Martin Fellenz and Ashley Gallagher, Towards Progress in Organisational Learning: The Role of Scale Development for Theory and Empirical Research, 3rd International Conference on Organisational Learning, Lancaster University, June 1999, 1999Conference Paper, 1999
- Martin Fellenz and Ashley Gallagher, Organisational Learning and Knowledge Creation Processes: Research Needs and Requirements for an Assessment Instrument., Inaugural Conference of the Irish Academy of Management, Galway, September 1998, 1998Conference Paper, 1998
- Fellenz, M.R., & Brady, M., Learning as Development: Reconceptualising reflective learning as a driver of learner (trans-)formation, Inaugural EuroSoTL Conference: "Bridging Boundaries through the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning", Cork, June 8-9, 2015Conference Paper, 2015
- Chen, I.-S., & Fellenz, M.R., Extending the Job Demands-Resources Model of Work Engagement: The Role of Demands and Resources from Other Domains, 12th EAOHP (European Association of Occupational Health Psychology) Conference, Athens, Greece, April 11 - 13, 2016Conference Paper, 2016
- Martin, J., & Fellenz, M.R., Organizational Behaviour & Management, 5th ed., Andoover, UK, Cengage, 2017, 1 - 642ppBook, 2017, URL
- Pitman, S., & Fellenz, M.R., An exploration of the relationship between patient treatment engagement and its influence on patient clinical and subjective care outcomes, Nottingham Engagement Workshop, Nottingham University, June 7, 2017, edited by Heidi Winklhofer , 2017Conference Paper, 2017
- Chen, I.-S., & Fellenz, M.R., The Impact of Non-work Demands and Resources on Work Engagement, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, USA, August 10-14, 2018, 2018Conference Paper, 2018
- Butler, P., Collins, N., Fellenz, M.R., Theory-building in political marketing: Parallels in public management, Journal of Political Marketing, 6, (2-3), 2007, p91-107Journal Article, 2007
- Fellenz, M.R., Toward fairness in assessing student groupwork: A protocol for peer evaluation of individual contributions, Journal of Management Education, 30, (4), 2006, p570-591Journal Article, 2006
- Loizos Heracleous, Martin R Fellenz, On the applicability of `alien" concepts to organisational analysis, Thinking Organization, 2005, p97Journal Article, 2005
- Fellenz, M.R., Using assessment to support higher level learning: The multiple choice item development assignment, Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 29, (6), 2004, p703-719Journal Article, 2004
- Fellenz, M. R. , A Deeper Malaise: Rejoinder to "The Menace of Misinformation: Faculty Misstatements in Management Education and their Consequences", Journal of Management Education, 43, (4), 2019, p420 - 426Journal Article, 2019, URL
- MacMahon, M., & Fellenz, M.R., Conceptualizing the Team-Level Innovation Process: Roles for Exploration and Exploitation, Annual Academy of Management Meeting, Boston, MA, August 2019, 2019Conference Paper, 2019
- Adopting Assessment for Learning (AfL) in Higher Education: Implications for Technology Deployment in, editor(s)Stuart Allen, Kim Gower and Danielle Allen , Handbook of Teaching With Technology in Management, Leadership, and Business., USA, Edward Elgar Publishing Inc., 2020, pp1-400 , [Brady, Mairead, Fellenz, Martin and Devitt Ann]Book Chapter, 2020
- Brady, M., Fellenz, M.R., & Devitt, A., Using a theory-based online simulation game to support student learning: Unintended consequences with obvious and hidden lessons for adopters, The All Ireland Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 11, (2), 2019, p1 - 17Journal Article, 2019
- Fellenz, M.R. & Brady, M., Academy of Management Annual Conference, August , In:Assessment Design & Re-design: How to Meet Changing Requirements While Supporting Student Learning, 2019, BostonMeetings /Conferences Organised, 2019
- Brady, M. & Fellenz, M. R. , Teaching with Technology: Seeing Past the Constraints of Technology, Academy of Management Conference, PDW: Teaching with Teaching (S. Allen, K. Gower & L. Stickney), , Vancouver, August 2020, 2020, pp1 - 6Conference Paper, 2020
- Brady, M., Fellenz, M.R., McMahon, M., & Nicol, D. , Increasing feedback in a manageable way. Leveraging internal feedback through deploying deliberate comparison processes, Improving University Teaching (IUT) - Annual Global Conference, Padua, Italy (Virtual Conference), July 1-3, 2020, pp1 - 6Conference Paper, 2020
- Fellenz, M.R., Hoidn, S., & Brady, M. (Eds.), The Future of Management Education, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, Routledge, 2022, 1 - 272ppBook, 2022, URL
- Fellenz, M.R., Brady, M., & McMahon, M., Educators' experiences with the use of comparison-based feedback to support self-regulated student learning, EDULearn: 12th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Virtual, July 5 - 7, 2020, pp1 - 10Conference Paper, 2020
- Chen, I-S., & Fellenz, M.R. , Personal Resources and Personal Demands for Work Engagement: Evidence from Employees in the Service Industry, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 2020, p1 - 13Journal Article, 2020, URL
- van der Werff, L., Lance, C., Fellenz, M.R., & Cullinane, S.-J., Trust and Affect - Modelling Bivariate Change in New Relationships, SIOP Annual Conference, New Orleans, April 15 - 17, 2021Conference Paper, 2021
- Fellenz, M.R., Brady, M., MacMahon, M., & Dukes, J., Comparison activities to support students' self-regulated learning in computing education, SIGCSE The 52nd ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, Virtual, March 2021, edited by Alvaro Monge, Pam Cutter, Judithe Sheard , 2021, pp1 - 8Conference Paper, 2021, URL
- Brady, M., Fellenz, M. R. & Hoidn, S., (Symposium organisers) , Academy of Management Conference, August 2021, In:Bringing the Manager Back into Management, 2021, Virtual, The Future of Management EducationMeetings /Conferences Organised, 2021
- 'May you live in interesting times': Considering the future of management education in, editor(s)Fellenz, M. R., Hoidn, S., and Brady, M., , The Future of Management Education, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, Routledge , 2022, pp3 - 12, [Fellenz, Martin, Brady, Mairead and Hoidn, Sabine]Book Chapter, 2022, URL
- Quo Vadis? Reconsidering the future of management education in, editor(s)M.R. Fellenz, S. Hoidn & M. Brady , The Future of Management Education, Routledge, 2022, pp1 - 11, [Hoidn, S., Brady, M., & Fellenz, M.R.]Book Chapter, 2022, URL
- Saxena, D, Brady M., Fellenz M.R., and Lamest, M, Bridging the marketing-finance divide: use of customer voice in managerial decision-making", Qualitative Market Research, 2022, p1 - 18Journal Article, 2022
- van der Werff, L., Lance, C., Fellenz, M.R., & Cullinane, S.-J., The Chicken or the Egg: Modelling Change in Trust and Emotion in New Coworker Relationships, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Virtual, August 2021, 2021, pp1-5Conference Paper, 2021, URL
- Martin Fellenz, Michelle MacMahon & Mairead Brady, Professional Development Workshop on "Maximising teaching impact: An easy guide to turbocharging learning through comparison activities", August 2022, In:82nd Annual Conference of the Academy of Management, 2022, Seattle, Academy of Management Conference, 1-6Meetings /Conferences Organised, 2022
- Lefevre, D., Fellenz, M., & Brady M., (2022) Understanding the complexity and challenges ahead. Web 2.0 technology life cycle, pandemic accelerated progress and the next generation of technologies, In: Allen, Stuart & Mitchell, Jordan (organisers) , Professional Development Workshop on Teaching with Technology: Preparing Managers for the Future, August 2022, In:Academy of Management Conference, 2022, Seattle, 1-6Meetings /Conferences Organised, 2022
- Andre Martinuzzi, Brady. M., Lefevre, David & Fellenz, M, Forgetting what we learned? Rethinking management education after the Covid pandemic", Academy of Management Conference, Boston , August, 2023, pp1-25Conference Paper, 2023
- Mairead Brady, Martin Fellenz, David Lefevre, Denni Cawley, Leonardo, Caporarello, Stuart Allen, Anna Holland, Cynthia Fukami. WINNER MED Best Junior Faculty & Doctoral Student Consortium-Related Professional Development Workshop Award, Teaching with technology: In the Shadow of AI , 2023 August, In:Academy of Management Conference, 2023, BostonMeetings /Conferences Organised, 2023
- Brady., M, Leferve, D., & Fellenz, M.,, Mapping the potential impacts of artificial intelligence and machine learning on the business education system, Services Science Forum, Naples - WINNER OF THE BEST PAPER AWARD - SERVICE SCIENCE, Italy, 2023, 2023, pp1 - 8Conference Paper, 2023
- Mairead Brady and Martin Fellenz (Organisers), Teaching with Technology: Unraveling Emerging AI Practices in the Classroom. Shortlisted for BEST PDW 2024 for MED at the Academy of Management, American., August, 9-12, 2024, Chicago, Illinois., 1-6Meetings /Conferences Organised, 2024, TARA - Full Text
- "On the applicability of 'alien' concepts to organisational analysis: Some criteria for inter-domain conceptual transfer" in, editor(s)Stephen Linstead & Alison Linstead , Thinking Organization, London, Routledge, 2005, pp97 - 111, [with L. Heracleous]Book Chapter, 2005
- Martin R. Fellenz, "Using assessment to support higher-level learning: The multiple-choice item development assignment", Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 29, (6), 2004, p703 - 719Journal Article, 2004
- Fellenz, M.R., Towards fairness in assessing student groupwork: A protocol for peer-evaluation of individual contribution to student group work, Journal of Management Education, 30, (4), 2006, p570 - 591Journal Article, 2006, DOI
- Butler, P., Collins, N., & Fellenz, M.R., Theory building in political marketing: Parallels in public management, Journal of Political Marketing, 6, (2/3), 2007, p91 - 107Journal Article, 2007
- Uno schema concettuale per l'indagine sulla formazione e sull'apprendimento nelle organizzazioni. in, editor(s)M. Bruscaglioni et al. , Il Modello della Formazione 'During the job': Un Approccio Strutturato per la Formazione e l'Apprendimento Durante il Lavoro, Milan, Italy, MIP, 1998, pp9 - 26, [Martin R. Fellenz, Mary Keating, & Paul Coughlan]Book Chapter, 1998
- Oltre l'apprendimento individuale: Il ruolo della formazione basata sulle risorse per l'apprendimento dei team in, editor(s)M. Bruscaglioni et al. , Il Modello della Formazione 'During the job': Un Approccio Strutturato per la Formazione e l'Apprendimento Durante il Lavoro, Milam, Italy, MIP, 1998, pp85 - 103, [Martin R. Fellenz, Mary Keating, & Paul Coughlan]Book Chapter, 1998
- Mary Keating, Paul Coughlan, Martin Fellenz, & Fidelma Kilbride, A Strategic Analysis of the Irish Food Industry: Implications for Human Resource Practice', Occasional Paper Series 2, Dublin, Labour Relations Commission, 1998Book, 1998
- Marion Lindemanns & Martin Fellenz, Off the beaten path: A critical review of organisational justice theory and research , Annual Conference of the Irish Academy of Management, Dublin, September 2003, 2003Conference Paper, 2003
- Marion Lindemanns & Martin Fellenz, Prospects and challenges in the measurement of organisational change , Annual Conference of the Irish Academy of Management, Waterford, September 2002, 2002Conference Paper, 2002
- Loizos Heracleous & Martin R. Fellenz, On the applicability of "alien" concepts to organisational analysis: Some criteria for inter-domain conceptual transfer, European Group for Organization Studies 17th Colloquium, Lyon, France, July 2001, 2001Conference Paper, 2001
- Martin Fellenz & Brian Lucey, A peer-evaluation protocol for assessing student group work: A discussion of key success factors, 2001 EDINEB (Education in Economics and Business) Conference , Nice, France, June 2001, 2001Conference Paper, 2001
- Paula Duffy & Martin R. Fellenz, Organisational justice and teams: Towards a research agenda, Annual Conference of the Irish Academy of Management, Limerick, September 1999, 1999Conference Paper, 1999
- Fellenz, M.R., and Brady, M.,, Why the Tail Should Not Wag the Dog:Integrating the Deployment of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Service Innovation and Delivery, Irish Academy of Management, University College Cork, September, 2006, pp1-19Conference Paper, 2006, TARA - Full Text
- Marion Fortin & Martin R. Fellenz, Organisational Justice: A Radical View, 14th International Symposium on Ethics, Business and Society, Barcelona, Spain, May 2006, 2006Conference Paper, 2006
- Marion Fortin & Martin R. Fellenz, Once bitten, still shy? Consequential effects of fairness judgments during organizational change, 11th Conference on Social Justice Research , Berlin, Germany, August 2006, International Society for Justice Research, 2006Conference Paper, 2006
- Armstrong, C., Fellenz, M. R., Brady, M., and Winklhofer, H., , Are Marketers Prepared for the Implementation of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)?, Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC) Conference,-, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, 1, December,, 2006, pp1 - 5Conference Paper, 2006
- Brady, M., Fellenz, M.R. and Brookes, R., Researching the role of information and communication technology (ICT) in contemporary marketing practices, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 23, (2), 2008, p108 - 114Journal Article, 2008, URL , TARA - Full Text
- Fortin, M., & Fellenz, M.R., Hypocrisies of Fairness: Towards a More Reflexive Ethical Base in Organizational Justice Research and Practice, Journal of Business Ethics, 78, (3), 2008, p415-433Journal Article, 2008
- Fellenz, M and Brady, M, Managing the Deployment of Information & Communication Technologies for Global Service Organizations, The American Academy of Management, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, , August 2007, 2007, pp1 - 12Conference Paper, 2007
- Fellenz, M.R. and Brady, M., Managing the Deployment of Information & Communication Technologies for Global Service Organizations, Academy of Management, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, , August 2007, 2007, pp1 - 12Conference Paper, 2007
- Fortin, M., & Fellenz, M.R., The role of the past in consequential effects of justice experiences, Research Advances in Organisational Behaviour, HRM, & CSR, Toulouse, France, May 23 - 25, , 2007, pp1-35Conference Paper, 2007
- Fortin, M., & Fellenz, M.R., Fairness Judgments Over Time: The role of the past depends on what you know about now, British Academy of Mangement, University of Warwick, UK, September 11 - 13, 2007, pp1-6Conference Paper, 2007
- Brady, M. Fellenz, M.R. and Armstrong, C., Too Much Data, Too Little Information: The Challenges of RFID Implementation, Conference CDROM, British Academy of Management, Warwick University, September 11 - 13, 2007, pp1-15Conference Paper, 2007
- Fellenz, M. R., Brady, M., Greene J., Cannon, B., Woodward, N., and Cholakova M., Reconsidering Financial Flows in Supply Chain Management, Information Management in the Networked Economy: Issues and Solutions, 8th International Business Information Management Association Conference (IBIMA), Dublin, June 20-22, edited by K.S. Soliman , IBIMA, 2007, pp246 - 249Conference Paper, 2007, URL , TARA - Full Text
- The History of IT in Contemporary Marketing Practice (CMP): The Challenges and Opportunities for Reframing ICT within the CMP Framework in, editor(s)Amitabha Ghose , Technology and Marketing Strategy, Kolkata, India, Icfai Press, 2007, pp16 - 52, [Brady, M., Fellenz, M.R., & Brookes, R.]Book Chapter, 2007
- Forster, S., Haddad, S., Hogan, D., Kavanagh, J. Nesbitt, J., Brady, M., & Fellenz, M.R., Technological Innovation and the Use of RFID at the Consumer Interface: A Three-Tiered Hierarchy of Benefits Perspective, Academy of Marketing Conference (UK) , London, July 3 - 6, 2007, pp1 - 14Conference Paper, 2007
- Brady, M., & Fellenz, M.R. (symposium convenors), The Dynamics of Global Business Systems: Technological Innovations in Global Supply Networks, September 9 - 11, In:British Academy of Management, 2007, Warwick UniversityMeetings /Conferences Organised, 2007
- Are Marketers Prepared for the Implementation of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)?. " in, editor(s)Amitabha Ghose , Technology and Marketing Strategy, Kolkata, India, Icfai Press, 2007, pp53 - 62, [Armstrong, C., Fellenz, M.R., Brady, M., & Winklhofer, H.]Book Chapter, 2007
- Wray, T., & Fellenz, M.R., Communicating change - changing communication? Towards a model of communication in planned organisational change, Irish Academy of Management Annual Conference, Belfast, September 3-5, 2007, pp1-20Conference Paper, 2007
- Cholakova, M., & Fellenz, M.R., Pushing the right buttons: The role of identity negotiation in coping with organizational change, Irish Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Belfast, September 3 - 5, 2007, pp1-26Conference Paper, 2007
- Brady, M., & Fellenz, M.R., The Service Paradox: Supporting Service Supply Chains with Product-oriented ICT, IEEE/INFORMS International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics (SOLI) , Philadelphia, USA, August 27-29, 2007, pp1-6Conference Paper, 2007
- Fortin, M., & Fellenz, M.R., Fairness Judgments Over Time: The role of the past depends on what you know about now, 10th Annual Cognition in the Rough Workshop (Academy of Management), Philadelphia, August 5, 2007, pp1-5Conference Paper, 2007
- Fellenz, M.R., & Brady, M., Technological and Organisational Challenges in Supply Chain Finance, British Academy of Management, Warwick University, September 11 - 13, 2007Conference Paper, 2007
- Fellenz, M.R., & Brady, M., Managing the Innovative Deployment of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for Global Service Organizations, International Journal of Technology Marketing, 3, (1), 2008, p39 - 55Journal Article, 2008, DOI
- Fellenz, M. R., and Brady, M.,, RFID and Data Capture Technologies in Global Service Supply Chains: Meeting the Information Management Challenge, The International Business Information Management Conference (10th IBIMA) , Maylasia , June, (ISBN: 0-9753393-9-7)), 2008, pp1-18Conference Paper, 2008
- Brady, M., Fellenz, M., and Cholakova, M , 'Towards an IT-enabled Customer Centric Service Supply Chain', , Academy of Marketing Conference (UK), Kingston University, Surrey, July 2007, 2007, pp1 - 15Conference Paper, 2007
- Fellenz, M.R., Flexibility in Management Theory: Towards Clarification of an Elusive Concept, Journal of Strategic Management Education, 4, 2008Journal Article, 2008, URL
- Managing customer-centric information in, ZongWei Luo (ed.) , Service Science and Logistics Informatics: Innovative Perspectives, Hershey, PA, IGI Global, 2010, pp46 - 64, [Fellenz, M.R., & Brady, M.]Book Chapter, 2010, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Fellenz, M.R., Augustenborg, C., Brady, M., & Greene, J., Requirements for an Evolving Model of Supply Chain Finance, International Business Information Management Conference, Cairo, Egypt, January 4-6, edited by Soliman, K.S. , 2009, pp1171 - 1179Conference Paper, 2009, URL
- Cholakova, M., & Fellenz, M.R., An individual or an interpersonal chameleon: Which personality factors support coping with identity change in organizations?, 14th European Conference on Personality, Tartu, Estonia, July 16-20, 2008, 2008Conference Paper, 2008
- Russell, V., Wyness, L., McAuliffe, E., & Fellenz, M.R. , The social identity of hospital consultants as managers , Journal of Health Organisation and Management , 24, (3), 2010, p220 - 236Journal Article, 2010, DOI , URL
- Fellenz, M.R., & Brady, M., RFID and Data Capture Technologies in Global Service Supply Chains: Meeting the Information Management Challenge , Communications of the IBIMA, 4, (5), 2008, p41 - 49Journal Article, 2008, URL
- Fellenz, M.R., Augustenborg, C., Brady, M., & Greene, J. , Requirements for an evolving model of supply chain finance: A technology and service providers perspective, Communications of the IBIMA, 10, 2009, p227 - 235Journal Article, 2009, URL
- Cholakova, M., & Fellenz, M.R., Cognition and Change: The Role of Self-Unity, Complexity and Need for Structure in Coping and Identity Negotiation, Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Individual Differences (ISSID), Chicago, IL, July 18-22, 2009, 2009Conference Paper, 2009
- Fellenz, M. R., and Brady, M., , Managing customer-centric information: The challenges of information and communication technology (ICT) deployment in service environments, International Journal of Applied Logistics, 1, (3), 2010, p88 - 105Journal Article, 2010, DOI , URL
- Martin, J., & Fellenz, M.R., Organizational Behaviour and Management, 4th ed., Andover, UK:, Cengage, 2010, 1 - 642ppBook, 2010, URL
- Bevan, E., Kavanagh, E., O'Hanlon B., Brady, M., and Fellenz, M., Marketing and the Recession: Is Marketing the solution?, Intertnational Academy of Management and Business, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain, June 28-30, 2010, pp1-9Conference Paper, 2010
- Boyle, C., Posy Bullman, E., Hogan, L., O'Rourke, K., Pratt, J., Brady, M.,and Fellenz M. R., Exploring a practice perspective for customer centricity and value creation, International Academy of Management and Business Conference (IAMB), Complutense University of Madrid, Spain, , June 28-30, 2010, pp1-7Conference Paper, 2010
- Cholakova, M., & Fellenz, M.R., Avoiding an early escape: The role of cognitive structural factors in coping with organizational change. , 15th EAPP European Conference on Personality, Brno, Czech Republic, July 20 - 24, 2010, 2010, pp1-Conference Paper, 2010, URL
- Freeney, Y.M., & Fellenz, M.R., The role of engagement in the link between organizational justice and performance, European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Maastricht, NL, May 25-28, 2011, 2011Conference Paper, 2011
- Freeney, Y. & Fellenz, M.R., Selecting tomorrow's physicians: The role of individual differences in shaping medical career expectations and work engagement, American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Washington D.C., USA, 4-7 August 2011, 2011Conference Paper, 2011
- Freeney, Y., & Fellenz, M.R., The role of student engagement in academic performance and commitment to college, NAIRTL 5th Annual Conference: Engaging Minds - Active Learning, Participation and Collaboration in Higher Education, Galway, June 9 - 10, 2011Conference Paper, 2011
- Freeney, Y.M., & Fellenz, M.R., Fostering work engagement in maternity hospitals: The role of relational resources, Improving People Performance in Healthcare Conference, Kings College London, September 9, 2011, 2011, pp1 - 26Conference Paper, 2011
- Freeney, Y., & Fellenz, M.R., Work engagement, job design and the role of social context in healthcare: Exploring antecedents from a relational perspective, 8th International Organisational Behaviour in Healthcare Conference, Dublin, April 15-18, 2012, 2012Conference Paper, 2012
- Fellenz, M.R., Transforming learning and learners: The promise of process oriented threshold concepts, 4th Biennial Threshold Concepts Conference & 6th Annual NAIRTL Conference, Dublin, June 27-29, 2012Conference Paper, 2012
- Freeney, Y.M., & Fellenz, M.R., Optimising quality of care and well-being through work engagement: A study with midwives, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, August 3-7, 2012Conference Paper, 2012
- Anchoring, P.C. Flood & Y.M. Freeney, Wiley Encyclopedia of Management - Organizational Behaviour, 3rd Edition, Vol. 11 , Wiley, 2015, [Fellenz, Martin R.]Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc, 2015, URL
- Equity Theory, P.C. Flood & Y.M. Freeney, Wiley Encyclopedia of Management - Organizational Behaviour, 3rd Edition, Vol. 11 , Wiley, 2015, [Fellenz, Martin R. ]Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc, 2015, URL
- Justice, organizational, P.C. Flood & Y.M. Freeney, Wiley Encyclopedia of Management - Organizational Behaviour, 3rd Edition, Vol. 11 , Wiley, 2015, [Fellenz, Martin R.]Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc, 2015, URL
- Justice, procedural, P.C. Flood & Y.M. Freeney, Wiley Encyclopedia of Management - Organizational Behaviour, 3rd Edition, Vol. 11 , Wiley, 2015, [Fellenz, Martin R.]Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc, 2015, URL
- Justice, distributive, P.C. Flood & Y.M. Freeney, Wiley Encyclopedia of Management - Organizational Behaviour, 3rd Edition, Vol. 11 , Wiley, 2015, [Fellenz, Martin R.]Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc, 2015, URL
- Freeney, Y.M., & Fellenz, M.R., Optimising performance and mental well-being through employee engagement: A study in a healthcare context, Positive Occupational Health Psychology International Seminar, , Dublin, Positive Occupational Health Psychology International Seminar, Dublin, June 7 - 8, 2012Conference Paper, 2012
- Freeney, Y.M., & Fellenz, M.R., Work engagement, job design and the role of the social context at work: Exploring antecedents from a relational perspective , Human Relations, 66, (11), 2013, p1427 - 1445Journal Article, 2013, DOI
- Freeney, Y., & Fellenz, M.R., Work engagement as a key driver of quality of care: A study with midwives, Journal of Health Organization and Management, 27, (3), 2013, p330 - 349Journal Article, 2013, DOI , URL
- Freeney, Y.M., & Fellenz, M.R., Who cares for the doctor? Job demands and resources as predictors of junior physician well-being, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, August 1 - 5, 2014Conference Paper, 2014
- Individual adaptation to organizational change: Evidence from Eastern Germany in, editor(s)M. Schnake , Southern Management Association Proceedings, Valdosta, GA, SMA, 1994, pp140-143 , [Martin R. Fellenz]Book Chapter, 1994
- Measurement Instruments as a Tool for Advancing Research in Organisational Learning in, editor(s)M. Easterby-Smith, L. Araujo, & J. Burgoyne , Organisational Learning, Lancaster, Lancaster University, 1999, pp418 - 442, [Ashley Gallagher & Martin R. Fellenz]Book Chapter, 1999
- Dennis Rondinelli, Martin R. Fellenz, Privatization and Private Enterprise Development in Hungary: An Assessment of Market Reform Policies, Business and the Contemporary World, 5, (4), 1993, p75-88Journal Article, 1993
- Fellenz, M.R., Forming the Professional Self: Bildung and the Ontological Perspective on Professional Education and Development, Educational Philosophy and Theory, 48, (3), 2016, p267 - 283Journal Article, 2016, URL
- Fellenz, Martin R., Sisyphus or Hercules? Rehabilitating our patients, our health service, ourselves, Keynote, Annual Ernest Goulding Memorial Lecture, National Rehabilitation Hospital, Dún Laoghaire, January 18, 2016, NRHInvited Talk
- Sub-committee of the Graduate Studies Committee, 'Supervision of Research Students: Best practice guidelines', Trinity College Dublin, 2012, -Protocol or guideline
- Fellenz, M.R., Qué será será? Leadership, Change & Me , Annual CNS Meeting, Our Lady's Children Hospital, Crumlin, April 5, 2016, OLCHCInvited Talk
- Fellenz, M.R., 'Salary Secrecy', The Business (Radio Show), Dublin, RTE Radio 1, 2014, -Broadcast, URL
- Fellenz, M.R., 'The right to diconnect', The Sunday Business Show, Dublin, TodayFM, 2017, -Broadcast, URL
- Fellenz, Martin R., Opinion: 'Too little accountability creates monsters. Too much blame creates fools', 2017, -Miscellaneous, URL
- Fellenz, Martin, Managing work: Learning how to "unexpect the expected"; The Irish Times, June 8,, 2018, -Miscellaneous, URL
- Fellenz, M. R., Theresa May is right about one thing - it's time politicians worked together on Brexit, 2019, -Miscellaneous, URL
- Fellenz, M.R. , Keynote: Unpacking Management and Leadership, Annual International EAQUALS Conference, Madrid, Spain, April 11 - 13, 2019, EAQUALSInvited Talk, URL
- Fellenz, M.R. , Martin Fellenz: Creating dialogue not debate: The power of advocacy and inquiry, Annual International EAQUALS Conference, Madrid, Spain, April 11 - 13, 2019, EAQUALSInvited Talk, URL
- Fellenz, M.R., Keynote: Agile leadership, Shepard Moscow Conversation Series (40th Anniversary) - Leading with Agility , Dublin, Ireland, June 28, 2019, Sheppard MoscowInvited Talk
- Fellenz, M.R., Negotiation Skills, Seminar, WiSER (Centre for Women in Science & Engineering Research), Dublin, Ireland, 2009, WiSERInvited Talk
- Fellenz, Martin, Brady, Mairead and MacMahon, Michelle, 'A Guide to Deploying Comparison Activities to Support Student Learning', National Forum for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning in Education, Trinity College Dublin, 2021, 1 - 20Protocol or guideline, URL
- Martin Fellenz, Mairead Brady, Michelle Macmahon, 'Deploying comparison based activities to support student self directed learning', https://compare-trinity.weebly.com/, 2021, 1 - 20Digital research resource production
- Martin R. Fellenz, Justice and Fairness in Human Resources and People Management., Meeting of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, Galway, March 2003, 2003, CIPD-GalwayInvited Talk
- Martin R Fellenz, Rethinking the role of assessment as a teaching and learning tool., Annual Scientific Meeting of the British Society for Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology, Trinity College Dublin, September 2002, 2002Invited Talk
- Martin R. Fellenz, Modes of engagement: Using assessment as a teaching and learning tool., International Conference on Learning and Assessment, Dublin School of Dental Sciences, Trinity College Dublin, July 2002, 2002Invited Talk
- Martin R. Fellenz, On-the-job training for team work., Conference on Trainign beyond the classroom: Innovative resources, methods, and tools for during-the-job training., Milan, Italy, November 1998, 1998Invited Talk
- Fellenz, M.R., Leadership in Times of Austerity - Individual and Collective Challenges, Biannual Research Day, Children's University Hospital, Temple Street , June 29, 2012Invited Talk
- Fellenz, M.R., Leadership and the Science of Muddling Through, IADNAM Annual Conference "Winning Against the Tide - Positive and Optimistic Leadership, Kilkenny, October 4-5, 2012, Irish Association of Directors of Nursing and MidwiferyInvited Talk
- Fellenz, M.R., What do effective leaders actually do?, National Acute Medicine Programme Forum, Dublin, April 30, 2013, Acute Medicine ProgrammeInvited Talk
Research Expertise
Economics and Business Administration, Education, Psychology and cognitive sciences,
- Dean's Commendation for Superior Teaching Evaluations, UNC-Chapel Hill 1994
- Fulbright Cultural Enrichment Grant 1990
- Fulbright Scholarship 1989 - 1990
- NAIRTL National Award for Teaching Excellence 2012
- Beta Gamma Sigma, National Academic Honor Society (Business Administration) 1990
- Halsey International Scholarship 1989 - 1990
- Provost Teaching Award, University of Dublin, Trinity College 2001
- Academic Fellow, Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development 2016
- Phi Kappa Phi, National Academic Honor Society (Interdisciplinary) 1990
- Fulbright Extension Scholarship 1990
- Silver Award, 'Best Innovation in the Science of Learning', Global QS Reimagine Education Awards (Consortium submission with researchers from the University of Glasgow & Trinity College Dublin (2020) 2020
- Outstanding Service Award, MED Division, Academy of Management 2019, 2020
- American Psychological Association (APA) to date
- Management & Organizational Behavior Teaching Society to date
- Chartered Institute of Personnel Development to date
- Academy of Management (US) to date
- INFORMS College of Organization Science to date
- Regional Health Areas Advisory Group 2021
- Regional Health Areas Advisory Group 2021