Dr. Xiaoning Liang
Associate Professor, Trinity Business School
Email XIAONING.LIANG@tcd.ie Phone3531896 4981Biography
Xiaoning Liang is an associate professor in Digital Marketing at TBS. Xiaoning received her M.A. (H1) and B.A. (H1) from Northeastern University (China) and her PhD from DCU Business School, Dublin City University. Xiaoning"s research centres around three major research areas: strategic marketing, emerging marketing tools and responsible marketing, and cross-cultural adjustment. She has over 20 publications in top-tier marketing and management journals such as Journal of Product Innovation Management, Journal of Business Research, and European Journal of Marketing, along with interdisciplinary journals. Her work has been presented and published in leading national and international conference proceedings, including Irish Academy of Management Conference, Academy of Management Conference, European Marketing Academy Conference, American Marketing Association Conference, Global Marketing Conference, and Informs Marketing Science Conference. Xiaoning has completed numerous projects with the industry and provided consultancy services to Irish companies in various industries, such as Value Science, Connect the Dots, PACE100, Peevers Slye Cotter, Havas Dublin, and etc. She has a proficiency in data analytics, digital marketing, and marketing performance measurement.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
- Hao Zhang, Xiaoning Liang, Shiquan Wang, Customer Value Anticipation, Product Innovativeness, and Customer Lifetime Value: The Moderating Role of Advertising Strategy, Journal of Business Research, 69, (9), 2016, p3725 - 3730Journal Article, 2016, DOI
- Weilin Liu, Fu Guo, Guoquan Ye, Xiaoning Liang, How Homepage Aesthetic Design influences Users' Satisfaction: Evidence from China, Displays, 42, 2016, p25 - 35Journal Article, 2016, DOI
- Xiaoning Liang, Johanna Frosen, Yuhui Gao, The Role of Formal and Informal Marketing Controls in Enhancing Market-‐focused Learning and Firm Performance, 46th European Marketing Academy Conference, University of Groningen, the Netherlands, 23rd-25th May 2017, 2017Conference Paper, 2017
- Xiaoning Liang, Theo Lynn, Michael Gannon, Ryanair Takes Off on Twitter: A Pre- and Post-Decision Analysis of Twitter Brand Sentiment, Irish Academy of Management Conference, Belfast, 30th Aug-1st Sept, 2017Conference Paper, 2017
- Xiaoning Liang, Examining the indirect Effects of Comprehensive Marketing Performance Measurement Systems on Firm Performance: A Mixed-Method Study, The 1st EMAC Junior Faculty & Doctoral Student Research Camp, University of Vienna, Austria, 1st-2nd Sept, 2016Conference Paper, 2016
- Anna Gourinovitch, Xiaoning Liang, Pierangelo Rosati, Theo Lynn, Communicating Complex Services using Electronic Word-of-Mouth on Twitter: An Exploratory Study, American Marketing Association Conference, San Francisco, 4th -6th August, 2017Conference Paper, 2017
- Xiaoning Liang, Yuhui Gao, Theo Lynn, Enhancing Marketing Capabilities through the Use of Marketing Control Systems., The 45th European Marketing Academy Conference, Oslo, Norway, 24th-27th May, 2016Conference Paper, 2016
- Yuhui Gao, Xiaoning Liang, Marketing Metrics Practices: Insights from Irish Firms, The 45th European Marketing Academy Conference, Oslo, Norway, 24th-27th May, 2016Conference Paper, 2016
- Xiaoning Liang, The Indirect Effects of Marketing Performance Measurement Systems (MPMSs) on Firm Performance: The Mediating Effect of the Use of MPMSs and Marketing Capabilities, The 45th European Marketing Academy Conference Doctoral Colloquium, Oslo, Norway, 24th-27th May, 2016Conference Paper, 2016
- Xiaoning Liang, Yuhui Gao, Michael Gannon, Marketing Performance Measurement Practices in Ireland: Some Insights from 2007 to 2015, Irish Academy of Management Conference, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, 31st Aug-2nd Sept, 2016Conference Paper, 2016
- Xiaoning Liang, Yuhui Gao, Building Externally Focused Organizational Learning Capability through the Use of Marketing Performance Measurement Systems, American Marketing Association Conference, Atlanta, 5th - 7th August, 2015Conference Paper, 2015
- Xiaoning Liang, Yuhui Gao, How Marketing Performance Measurement System Influences the Development of Adaptive Marketing Capability, The 3rd International Conference on Contemporary Marketing Issues, London, 30th June-3rd July, 2015Conference Paper, 2015
- Xiaoning Liang, Yuhui Gao, The Mediating Effect of Marketing Capabilities on the MPMS-Performance Relationship, The 44th European Marketing Academy Conference, Belgium, 26th-29th May, 2015Conference Paper, 2015
- Xiaoning Liang, Yuhui Gao, Marketing Performance Measurement System (MPMS) and Firm Performance: The Indirect Effect of Marketing Capabilities and the Uses of MPMS, The 42nd Academy of International Business-UK and Ireland Chapter, Manchester, 16th-18th April, 2015Conference Paper, 2015
- Xiaoning Liang, Yuhui Gao, Marketing Performance Measurement System: A Review and Research Agenda, Irish Academy of Management Conference, Limerick, 4th-5th Sept, 2014Conference Paper, 2014
- Hao Zhang, Tony Garrett, Xiaoning Liang, The Effects of Innovation-Oriented Mission Statements on Innovation Performance and Non-financial Business Performance, Global Marketing Conference , Singapore, 15th -18th July, 2014Conference Paper, 2014
- Xiaoning Liang, Yuhui Gao, Developing a Comprehensive Marketing Performance Measurement System, 36th Informs Marketing Science Conference,, Emory University, Atlanta, 11th-14th June, 2014Conference Paper, 2014
- Hao Zhang, Tony Garrett, Xiaoning Liang, The Effects of Innovation-Oriented Mission Statements on Innovation Performance and Non-Financial Business Performance, Asian Journal of Technology Innovation, 23, (2), 2015, p157-171Journal Article, 2015
- Xiaoning Liang, Yuhui Gao, Qing Shan Ding, "What You Measure is What You will Get?": Exploring the Effectiveness of Marketing Performance Measurement Practices, Cogent Business & Management, 5, (1), 2018, p1 - 12Journal Article, 2018
- Xiaoning Liang, Johanna Frosen, Examining the Link between Marketing Controls and Firm Performance: The Mediating Effect of Market-focused Learning Capability, Journal of Business Research, 109, 2019, p545 - 556Journal Article, 2019
- Weilin Liu, Xiaoning Liang, Fantao Liu, The Effect of Webpage Complexity and Banner Animation on Banner Effectiveness in a Free Browsing Task, International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 35, (13), 2018Journal Article, 2018
- Weilin Liu, Xiaoning Liang, Xueshuang Wang, Fu Guo, The Evaluation of Emotional Experience on Webpages: An Event-Related Potential Study, Cognition Technology and Work, 2018Journal Article, 2018
- Theo Lynn, Xiaoning Liang, Anna Gourinovitch, John P Morrison, Grace Fox, Pierangelo Rosati, Understanding the Determinants of Cloud Computing Adoption for High Performance Computing, 51st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-51), University of Hawaii at Manoa, 2018-01-03, 2018Conference Paper, 2018
- Xiaoning Liang, Yuhui Gao, Hao Zhang, Xin Guan, The Use of Marketing Metrics by Chinese Firms: A Survey of Current Practices, 2018 Global Marketing Conference at Tokyo, Tokyo, 2018/7/30, 2018Conference Paper, 2018
- Hao Zhang, Xiaoning Liang, Electronic Word-of-Mouth, Interpersonal Relationship, and Brand Evaluation in a Closed Virtual Group of Friends, 2018 Global Marketing Conference at Tokyo, Tokyo, 2018/7/30, 2018Conference Paper, 2018
- Yuhui Gao & Xiaoning Liang, Marketing Performance Measurement: A Critical Review and Future Research Directions, China International Marketing Conference , China, 2019-07-22, 2019Conference Paper, 2019
- Qing Shan Ding & Xiaoning Liang, Brexit and Brand Origin: National Branding in Times of Crisis, China International Marketing Conference , China, 2019-07-22, 2019Conference Paper, 2019
- Xiaoning Liang, Marketing Performance Measurement as a Strategy Tool: Explore its Impact on Firms' Architectural Marketing Capability, EUROMED Academy of Business Conference, Greece, 2019Conference Paper, 2019
- Hao Zhang, Xiaoning Liang, Chenyue Qi, Investigating the Impact of Interpersonal Closeness and Social Status on Electronic Word-of-Mouth Effectiveness, Journal of Business Research, 130, 2021, p453 - 461Journal Article, 2021
- Xiaoning Liang, Yuhui Gao, Marketing Performance Measurement Systems and Firm Performance: Are Marketing Capabilities the Missing Links?, European Journal of Marketing, 54, (4), 2020, p885 - 907Journal Article, 2020
- Hao Zhang, Xiaoning Liang, Hakil Moon, Fashion Cewebrity Involvement in New Product Development: Scale Development and an Empirical Study, Journal of Business Research, 120, 2020, p321 - 329Journal Article, 2020
- Xiaoning Liang, Chenyue Qi, Yaoqi Li, Chun Zhang, A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Factors Influencing Users' Continuous Usage of Mobile Payment Between China and the U.S., 2021 Royal Bank International Research Seminar, Virtual, September 24-25, 2021Conference Paper, 2021
- Xiaoning Liang, Na Fu, Xin Zhao, Patrick Flood, Exploring Customer Orientation in Service Teams and its Impact on Customer Outcomes, Academy of Management Conference , Virtual, 29th July-4th August, 2021Conference Paper, 2021
- Gang Wu, Xiaoning Liang, Jifan Ren, Research on the Influence of Social Advertising Features on Advertising Avoidance: Based on Wechat and Weibo Advertising, The IEEE International Conference on Management Science, 1st -4th August, 2019Conference Paper, 2019
- Xiaoning Liang, Guoxin Li, Hao Zhang, Eimear Nolan, Fadong Chen, Firm Performance and Marketing Analytics in the Chinese Context: A Contingency Model, Journal of Business Research, 141, 2022, p589 - 599Journal Article, 2022
- Nolan, Eimear & Liang, Xiaoning, Determinants of Cross-Cultural Adjustment among Self-Initiate Expatriate Medical Doctors Working in Ireland, Journal of Global Mobility, 10, (3), 2022, p289 - 311Journal Article, 2022, URL
- Hao Zhang, Qingyue Lin, Chenyue Qi, Xiaoning Liang, The Effects of Online Reviews on the Popularity of User-Generated Design Ideas within the LEGO Community, European Journal of Marketing, 2022Journal Article, 2022
- Dongyun Nie, Michael Scriney, Xiaoning Liang, and Mark Roantree, From data acquisition to validation: a complete workflow for predicting individual customer lifetime value, Journal of Marketing Analytics, 2022, p1 - 21Journal Article, 2022
- Xiaoning Liang, Johanna Frosen, & Yuhui Gao, Don"t settle for simple assessment: The effects of marketing metric uses on market sensing capability, European Journal of Marketing, 57, (5), 2023, p1502 - 1530Journal Article, 2023
- 2. Liu, W., Cao, Y., Liang, X., Proctor, R. W., & Duffy, V. G., Facing a trend of icon simplicity: Evidence from event-related potentials, International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 2023Journal Article, 2023
- Zhao, X., Liang, X. & Fu, N., Whose Customer Orientation? Exploring the Relationships between Leaders, Team Customer Orientation Climate, and Customer Satisfaction, Journal of Service Theory and Practice, 33, (5), 2023, p629 - 646Journal Article, 2023
- Xiaoning Liang, Chenyue Qi, Chun Zhang, Yaoqi Li, Psychological ownership and users" continuous usage of domestic vs. foreign mobile payment apps: A comparison between China and the US, Journal of Business Research, 2024Journal Article, 2024
- Hao Zhang, Zengguang Ma, Xiaoning Liang, Tony C. Garrett, Antecedents and outcomes of open innovation over the past twenty years: A framework and meta-analysis, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 41, (4), 2024, p793 - 815Journal Article, 2024
- Ruby Zhang, Xiaoning Liang, & Szu-Hsin Wu, When chatbots fail: Exploring user coping following a service failure with chatbots, Information Technology and People, 2024, pIn pressJournal Article, 2024
- Xiaoning Liang, Yuhui Gao, Qinhai Ma, Is a Comprehensive Marketing Performance Measurement System Better than a Partial One?, 2015 China International Marketing Conference, Xi'an China, 24th-27th July, 2015Conference Paper
- Zhang, H., Liang, X., & Xu, L., 'Global Marketing', 7th, China, China Machine Press, 2019, 124 - 304Translation
- Xiaoning Liang, Ashish Ja Kumar, Review and optimization of pricing analytics methodology, 2020Report
Research Expertise
Economics and Business Administration, Psychology and cognitive sciences,
- 2020 TBS Teaching Excellence Award
- Visiting academic, University of Glasgow March 2023- September 2023
- 2021 TBS Teaching Excellence Award
- 2021 National Forum Teaching Hero Award
- Global Scholar Award, University of Dundee May 2023
- Academy of Management 2022-01
- European Marketing Academy
- Global Alliance of Marketing & Management Associations
- Academy of Marketing Science
- European Academy of Management
- American Marketing Association
- Irish Academy of Management
- Leading proponent of a digital marketing strategy symposium at 2020 European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM) 2020
- Session Chair at the 2021 Global Fashion Management conference 2021
- Local organising committee member of the 2020 European Academy of Management Conference 2020-06-10
- Track Chair at the 2022 Irish Academy of Management Conference 2022
- Local organising committee member of the 2020 European Academy of Management Conference 2020-06-10
- Session Chair at the 2021 Global Fashion Management conference 2021
- Session Chair of the 2018 Global Marketing Conference 2018-06-26
- Track Chair at the 2022 Irish Academy of Management Conference 2022
- Track Chair at 2023 Global Marketing Conference
- Session Chair of the 2014 Informs Marketing Science Conference 2014-06-11