Dr. Joseph Mc Donagh
Associate Professor, Trinity Business School
Email Joe.McDonagh@tcd.ie Phone3531896 2330http://people.tcd.ie/jmcdonghPublications and Further Research Outputs
- Research and Practice in IT-related Change: The Case for Clinical Inquiry' in, editor(s)R.W. Woodman & W.A. Passmore , Research in Organizational Change and Development, Greenwich, Conn, JAI Press Inc, 2001, pp195 - 211, [Coghlan, D. & McDonagh, J.]Book Chapter, 2001, URL
- McDonagh, J. & Coghlan, D., From the Editors: Exploiting ICT-Based Capabilities - The Challenge of Integrated Change', Organization Development Journal, 19, (1), 2001, p3 - 8Journal Article, 2001
- David Coghlan & Joe McDonagh, Academic Formation and IT-Enabled Change - A Conspicuous Relationship?, Organization Development Journal, 19, (1), 2001, p21 - 29Journal Article, 2001
- The Art of Clinical Inquiry in Information Technology Related Change in, editor(s)Reason, P. and Bradbury, H. , Handbook of Action Research: Participative Inquiry & Practice, Thousand Oaks, CA, Sage Publications, 2000, pp372 - 378, [McDonagh, J. & Coghlan, D.]Book Chapter, 2000
- McDonagh, J. & Coghlan, D., Sustaining the Dilemma with IT Related Change: The Fortuitous Role of Academia', Journal of European Industrial Training, 24, (5), 2000, p297 - 304Journal Article, 2000
- McDonagh, J. & Coghlan, D., Can OD Help Solve the IT Dilemma? OD in IT Related Change, Organization Development Journal, 17, (4), 1999, p41 - 48Journal Article, 1999
- Doing Action Science in Your Own Organisation' in, editor(s)Brannick, T. and Roche, W. , Business Research Methods - Strategies, Techniques, and Sources, Dublin, Oak Tree Press, 1997, pp139 - 161, [Coghlan, D. & McDonagh, J.]Book Chapter, 1997
- McDonagh, J., Surfacing Occupational Threats to Electronic Government ? A Neglected Role for Organization Development?, Proceedings of the 2003 Information Resources Management Association International Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, May 18-21, 2003, pp416-419Conference Paper, 2003
- McDonagh, J., When Information Technology Fails to Deliver: The Role of Occupational Groups, Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the British Academy of Management, Manchester, England, September 1-3, 1999, Manchester Metropolitan University, 1999, pp691-703Conference Paper, 1999
- McDonagh, J., Addressing the Enduring Dilemma with IT: The Role of Action-Oriented Inquiry, Proceedings of the Fifth Americas Conference on Information Systems, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, IL, August 13-15, 1999, pp698-700Conference Paper, 1999
- McDonagh, J. & Harbison, A., Behind the Celtic Tiger: Key Issues in the Management of Information Technology in Ireland in the Late 1990s, Proceedings of the Information Resource Management Association International Conference, Anchorage, Alaska, May 21-24, 2000, pp197-201Conference Paper, 2000
- Saxena, D., Dempsey, B. & McDonagh, J., Beyond the One-Dimensional Construct of Failure - The Curious Case of Enterprise System Failure Rates, UK Academy for Information Systems Conference Proceedings, University of Oxford, 11-13 April, 2016, pp1 - 20Conference Paper, 2016
- Hughes, J. & McDonagh, J., In Defence of the Case Study Methodology for Research into Strategy Practice, Irish Journal of Management, 36, (2), 2017, p129-145Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- Saxena, D. & McDonagh, J., Critical Realism as an Underlying Philosophy for Explaining Technology-Mediated Change Processes, 29th Annual Conference of the British Academy Of Management, Newcastle University, Newcastle, United Kingdom, 6-8 September , 2016, pp1 - 20Conference Paper, 2016
- Behind the Celtic Tiger: Key Issues in the Management of Information Technology in Ireland in the Late 1990s' in, editor(s)Tan, F.B. , Global Perspective of Information Technology Management, Hershey, PA, IRM Press, 2002, pp208 - 218, [McDonagh, J. & Harbison, A.]Book Chapter, 2002
- McDonagh, J. & Coghlan, D., Information Technology and the Lure of Integrated Change: A Neglected Role for Organization Development?, Public Administration Quarterly, 30, (1), 2006, p22 - 55Journal Article, 2006
- McDonagh, J. & Coghlan, D., Exploring the Role of Academia in Nurturing IT-enabled Business Change, Proceedings of the Informing Science and IT Education Conference, Turku School of Economics and Business Administration, Pori, Finland, June 24-27, 2003, pp1201 - 1210Conference Paper, 2003
- McDonagh, J. & Coghlan, D., Clinical Inquiry in IT Related Research, American Academy of Management Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada, August 4-9, 2000Conference Paper, 2000
- Cussen, E. & McDonagh, J., Defining Success in Large Scale IT-enabled Change Programmes in the Irish Public Sector: The Pulse Programme, Irish Academy of Management Annual Conference, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, September 2-3, 2004, pp1 - 36Conference Paper, 2004
- Diaz-Padilla, J., & McDonagh, J., Researching ICT and Business Integration in Public Sector Organizations, Irish Academy of Management Annual Conference, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, September 2-3, 2004Conference Paper, 2004
- Loonam, J. & McDonagh, J., Exploring Top Management Support for the Introduction of Enterprise Information Systems: A Grounded Theory Approach, Irish Academy of Management Annual Conference, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, September 2-3, 2004, pp1 - 30Conference Paper, 2004
- Nolan, J. & McDonagh, J., Operationalising Change: The PULSE Programme within An Garda Siochana, Irish Academy of Management Annual Conference, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, September 2-3, 2004, pp1 - 34Conference Paper, 2004
- Moody, S. & McDonagh, J., Issues and Challenges in the Management of IS Implementations, Irish Academy of Management Annual Conference, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, September 2-3, 2004, pp1 - 31Conference Paper, 2004
- McDonagh, J. and Coghlan, D., Sustaining the Dilemma with IT Related Change: The Fortuitous Role of Academia', Paper presented at the Irish Academy of Management Annual Conference, University of Limerick, Ireland, September 9-10, 1999Conference Paper, 1999, URL
- Loonam, J. & McDonagh, J., Exploring Top Management Support for the Introduction of Enterprise Information Systems: A Grounded Theory Approach within the Irish Health Services, Irish Journal of Management, 26, (1), 2005, p163 - 178Journal Article, 2005
- Brady, M. & McDonagh, J., An Empirical Study of the Assimilation of Information Technology into Marketing Practice: Not for the Faint Hearted, Annual Conference of the British Academy of Management, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, England, 16-18 September, 2003Conference Paper, 2003
- Diaz-Padilla, J. and McDonagh, J., The Evolution of the IS Strategic Planning Field: An Assessment via Published Articles?, Annual Conference of the UK Academy for Information Systems, University of Warwick, England, April 9-11, 2003, pp1 - 16Conference Paper, 2003
- A Perspective on the Roles of Middle Managers in Aligning Strategy and Information Technology in Public Service Organisations in, editor(s)L. Rusu & G. Viscusi , Information Technology Governance in Public Organisations: Theory and Practice, Springer International Publishing, Integrated Series in Information Systems 38, 2017, pp59 - 83, [Caffrey, E. & McDonagh, J.]Book Chapter, 2017
- Saxena, D. & McDonagh, J. , Yet Another 'List' Of Critical Success 'Factors' For Enterprise Systems: Review Of Empirical Evidence and Suggested Research Directions, UKAIS: 22nd Annual Conference: Ubiquitous Information Systems: Surviving and thriving in a connected society, St Catherine's College, Oxford, United Kingdom, 03-05 April, 2017Conference Paper, 2017
- Holohan, J. & McDonagh, J., How Information System Managers Align Business and Information Systems Strategies in Public Service Organisations: A Practice-Based Taxonomy, 17th European Academy of Management Conference, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland, 21-24 June, 2017Conference Paper, 2017
- Burke, A. & McDonagh, J., Impediments to the Alignment of Business and Information Systems Strategies in Public Service Organisations: A Processual View, 17th European Academy of Management Conference, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland, 21-24 June, 2017Conference Paper, 2017
- Saxena, D. & McDonagh, J., A Systematic Literature Review of the Enterprise Systems Research in Leading IS Journals (2000-2015), Midwest Association for Information Systems Conference 2017, University of Illinois at Springfield, Springfield, Illinois, USA, 2017Conference Paper, 2017
- Davis, B., McDonagh, J., The evolving role of the Chief Information Officer (CIO), Technology, Innovation, and Enterprise Transformation, 2014, p207-232Journal Article, 2014, URL
- Caffrey, E., McDonagh, J., The theory and application of process research to the study of IT strategy-making, Enhancing Qualitative and Mixed Methods Research with Technology, 2014, p392-427Journal Article, 2014, URL
- Loonam, J., McDonagh, J., A grounded theory study of enterprise systems implementation: Lessons learned from the irish health services, Information Systems Research Methods, Epistemology, and Applications, 2008, p58-72Journal Article, 2008, URL
- Enns, H.G., McDonagh, J., The impact of CIO influence attempts on the relational side of ICT-business alignment, 16th European Conference on Information Systems, ECIS 2008, 2008Journal Article, 2008, URL
- John Loonam, Joe McDonagh, A Grounded Theory Study of Enterprise Systems Implementation, Enterprise Information Systems, 2011, p1631--1645Journal Article, 2011
- Joe McDonagh, Enterprise Systems and the Challenge of Integrated Change, Managing Business with SAP, 2005, p110--125Journal Article, 2005
- Joe McDonagh, Investigating the Dynamics of IT-Enabled Change, The Handbook of Information Systems Research, 2003, p103--116Journal Article, 2003
- Joe McDonagh, Surfacing Occupational Threats to IT-Enabled Change, Issues of Human Computer Interaction, 2005, p179--191Journal Article, 2005
- Burke, A. & McDonagh, J., A Phased Model of Information Systems Strategic Alignment in Public Sector Organisations, Irish Academy of Management Annual Conference , Cork University Business School, University College Cork, September 3-5, 2018, pp1724-1741Conference Paper, 2018
- Burke, A. & McDonagh, J., Reflections on the Impediments to Strategic Alignment Identified Through a Processual Lens, 11th IADIS International Conference on Information Systems, Lisbon, Portugal, 14-16 April, 2018Conference Paper, 2018
- Saxena, D. & McDonagh, J., Factors Influencing Enterprise Systems Procurement in Public Service Organisation: A Socio -Technical Case Study, Twenty Sixth European Conference on Information Systems, Portsmouth, United Kingdom, June 23-28, 2018, pp1-17Conference Paper, 2018
- Holohan, J. and McDonagh, J., A Practice-Based Methodology to Enlighten Strategic Alignment Research, Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, 14th European, Mediterranean, and Middle Eastern Conference on Information Systems, EMCIS 2017, Coimbra, Portugal, 7-8 September, 299, 2017, pp515-530Conference Paper, 2017
- McDonagh, J., Burke, L. & O'Leary, Gerard., Tracing the Evolution and Development of a Senior Management Network in a Government Organisation: The Case of the Environmental Protection Agency, Administration, 66, (4), 2018, p27 - 48Journal Article, 2018, URL
- Why Change Programmes Don't Produce Change - The Case of IT-Enabled Change in Public Service Organisations in, Project Management: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, Hershey, PA, USA, Information Resources Management Association, 2016, pp2095 - 2116, [McDonagh, Joe]Book Chapter, 2016
- Saxena, Deepak; McDonagh Joe, Evaluating ERP Implementations: The Case for a Lifecycle-based Interpretive Approach, Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation, 22, (1), 2019, p29 - 37Journal Article, 2019
- Sinz, S. & McDonagh, J., Strategic Alignment: Towards a holistic perspective embracing complexity - advancing the research agenda., 24th UK Academy of Information Systems International Conference, St Catherine's College, University of Oxford, England, April 09-10, 2019, 2019, pp1-26Conference Paper, 2019
- Burke, A. & McDonagh, J., A Phased Model of Information Systems Strategic Alignment in Public Sector Organisations, Connacht-Ulster Alliance (CUA) Research Symposium, Sligo Park Hotel, Sligo, Ireland, 16-17 January, 2020, pp1 - 18Conference Paper, 2020
- Saxena, D. & McDonagh, J., The Evolving Nature of Information Systems Controls in Health Service Organisations: The Case of a Blood Banking System from Western Europe, Australasian Journal of Information Systems, 24, 2020, p1-30Journal Article, 2020
- Saxena, D. & McDonagh, J., Exploring Enterprise Information Systems Procurement in Public Service Organisations, Electronic Journal of eGovernment, 18, (1), 2020, p54 - 68Journal Article, 2020
- Hughes, J. & McDonagh, J., SISP as practice: De-isolating SISP activity across multiple levels, Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 30, (2), 2021Journal Article, 2021
- Co-Inquiring in a Digital Age: Enhancing the Practice of Strategy Work in Government Organisations through Action Research in, editor(s)Galliers, R.D. & Kawalek, P. , The Cambridge Handbook of Qualitative Digital Research, Cambridge, United Kingdom, Cambridge University Press, 2023, pp172 - 189, [McDonagh, J., Coghlan, D. & Coughlan, P.]Book Chapter, 2023
- Aligning Strategy and Digital Technology in Government Organizations: A Call to Action in, editor(s)Shani, A.B. & Noumair, D.A. , Research in Organizational Change and Development, Volume 29, United Kingdom, Emerald Publishing, 2022, pp235 - 260, [McDonagh, J.]Book Chapter, 2022
- Conducting Processual Research on Organizational Change in, editor(s)Szabla, D.B., Coghlan, D., Pasmore, W.A., & Kim, J.Y. , Research Methods on Organization Change, United Kingdom, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023, pp47 - 68, [Saxena, D. & McDonagh, J.]Book Chapter, 2023
- Principles for Productive Inquiry in ICT-enabled Change into Organisations in, editor(s)Szabla, D.B., Coghlan, D., Pasmore, W.A., & Kim, J.Y. , Research Methods in Organizational Change, United Kingdom, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023, pp221 - 241, [McDonagh, J.]Book Chapter, 2023
- Saxena, D. & McDonagh, J., Communication Breakdowns During Business Process Change Projects: Insights from a Socio-technical Case Study, International Journal of Project Management, 40, (3), 2022, p181 - 191Journal Article, 2022
- Hughes, J., Orr, K., & McDonagh, J., Practice Makes Perfect? Translating the Strategic Information Systems Planning Literature Through a Strategy-as-Practice Lens: A Systematic Review and Research Agenda, International Journal of Management Reviews, 2023Journal Article, 2023
- McDonagh, J., Aligning Strategy and Digital Technology in Government Organizations: A Call for Action, 82nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management: Creating a Better World Together, Seattle, Washington, USA., 5-9 August, 2022Conference Paper, 2022
- Ahvari, H., Ekhlassi, A., & McDonagh, J. , Investigating the Effect of Motives, Social Capital, and Human Capital on Commercialization of Self-Developed Products by User Innovators: A Study of a Crowdfunding Platform, International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, 2023, p2250036-1 - 2250036-22Journal Article, 2023
- Saxena, D., Muzellec, L., & McDonagh, J. , From Bureaucracy to Citizen-Centricity: How the citizen-journey should inform the Digital Transformation of Public Services, International Journal of Electronic Government Research, 18, (1), 2022, p1 - 17Journal Article, 2022
- McDonagh, J., Inquiring Together into the Dynamics of ICT-Enabled Change in Organisations - The Case of the Clinical Scholar-in-Residence (CSiR) , Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 2023Journal Article, 2023
- Implementing Enterprise Systems: A Review of Critical Success Factors in, editor(s)Salazar, A.J. & Sawyer, S. , Handbook of Information Technology in Organisations and Electronic Markets, London, England, World Scientific Press, 2007, pp93 - 117, [Loonam, J. & McDonagh, J.]Book Chapter, 2007, URL
- Kieran, T. & McDonagh, J., Electronic Government and Public Service Modernisation: Experience from the Frontline, Global Conference on Emergent Business Phenomena in the Digital Economy, Tampere University of Technology, Tampere, Finland, 28 Nov - 2 Dec, edited by Maula, M., Hannula, M., Seppa, M., and Tommila, J. , 2006, pp1 - 5Conference Paper, 2006, URL
- Kieran, T. & McDonagh, J. , Electronic Government and Public Service Modernisation: Connected Thinking and Disjointed Action?, Breaking New Ground: Innovation in the Public Sector, University College Cork, Ireland, 22-23 September, 2005, pp1 - 14Conference Paper, 2005
- Kieran, T. & McDonagh, J., Electronic Government and Public Service Modernisation: Connected Thinking and Disjointed Action?, Administration, 53, (3), 2005, p103 - 113Journal Article, 2005
- Burke, A. and McDonagh, J., Enduring Dilemmas with the Deployment of Modern ICT Systems across Government, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Business Innovation and Information Technology, Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland, 24 January 2008, edited by Helfert, M. and Connolly, R. , Logos Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 2009, pp200 - 213Conference Paper, 2009
- Burke, A. & McDonagh, J., Recurring Issues with the Deployment of Modern ICT Systems Across Government: A Case of Misalignment Between Business and ICT Strategies?, Irish Academy of Management, 11th Annual Conference, New Ideas for a New Century, Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland, 3-5 September, 2008, pp1 - 15Conference Paper, 2008
- Enns, H. and McDonagh, J., The Impact of CIO Influence Attempts on the Relational Side of ICT-Business Alignment, 16th European Conference on Information Systems, J.E. Cairnes Graduate School of Business and Public Policy, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland, 9-11 June, edited by Golden, W., Acton, T. Conboy, K., van der Heijden, H., and Tuunainen, V. K. , 2008, pp2452 - 2459Conference Paper, 2008
- Loonam, J. & McDonagh, J., Top Management and Information Systems: A Grounded Theory Study of the Irish Health Service, Academy of Management Annual Conference, Anaheim, California, USA, 8-13 August, 2008, pp1 - 40Conference Paper, 2008
- Burke, A. and McDonagh, J., The Importance of ICT Alignment in the Success of Large Scale Change in the Public Sector, Irish-Italian Pre-conference Workshop on Information Systems - 16th European Conference on Information Systems, J.E. Cairnes Graduate School of Business and Public Policy, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland, 9-11 June, 2008, pp1 - 20Conference Paper, 2008
- Enns, H.G. and McDonagh, J.J., Irish CIO's Influence on Technology Innovation and IT-Business Alignment, Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 30, (Article 1), 2012, p1 - 10Journal Article, 2012, URL
- Caffrey, E. and McDonagh, J., A Longitudinal Perspective on Critical Issues in the Management of Information Systems in Large Organisations, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Business Innovation and Information Technology, Dublin City University, Ireland, 24 January 2008, edited by Helfert, M. and Connolly, R. , Logos Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 2009, pp36 - 64Conference Paper, 2009
- Information Technology and the Lure of Integrated Change: A Neglected Role for Organisation Development in, editor(s)Coghlan, D. and Shani, A.B. , Fundamentals of Organization Development, Volume IV, Organization Development - Emerging Issues and Challenges, Sage Publications, London, 2010, pp383 - 401, [McDonagh, J. and Coghlan, D.]Book Chapter, 2010
- A Grounded Theory Study of Enterprise Systems Implementation: Lessons Learned from the Irish Health Service in, editor(s)Cater-Steel, A. and Al-Hakim, L. , Information Systems Research Methods, Epistemology, and Applications, Hershey, PA, USA, Information Science Reference, 2009, pp58 - 72, [Loonam, J. and McDonagh, J.]Book Chapter, 2009
- Burke, A. and McDonagh, J., Exploring the Nature of Information Technology (IT) Strategy-making in Public Service Organizations - Some Preliminary Findings, ICBME'10 - 6th International Conference on Business, Management and Economics, Yasar University, Cesme - Izmir, Turkey, 7-9 October, 2010, pp1 - 17Conference Paper, 2010
- A Grounded Theory Study of Enterprise Systems Implementation - Lessons Learned from the Irish Health Services in, editor(s)Information Resource Management Association , Enterprise Information Systems: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications, Hershey, PA, USA, Information Science Reference, 2011, pp1631 - 1645, [Loonam, J. and McDonagh, J.]Book Chapter, 2011
- Kieran, T. and McDonagh, J., Electronic Government and Public Service Modernization: Connected Thinking and Disjointed Action?, Frontiers of e-Business Research, Tampere University of Technology, Tampere, Finland, edited by Seppä, M., Hannula, M., Järvelin, A., Kujala, J., Ruohonen, M. and Tiainen, T. , Tampere University of Technology (TUT) and University of Tampere (UTA), 2005, pp752 - 759Conference Paper, 2005
- Kieran, T. and McDonagh, J., Electronic Government and Public Service Modernisation: Connected Thinking and Disjointed Action?, 8th Irish Academy of Management Annual Conference, University College Galway, Ireland, 8-9 September, 2005, pp1 - 14Conference Paper, 2005
- Information and Communications Technology and Organizational Change in, editor(s)Coghlan, D. & Brydon-Miller, M. , The Sage Encyclopaedia of Action Research, London, England, Sage Publications, 2014, pp439 - 440, [McDonagh, J.]Book Chapter, 2014
- Information Systems in, editor(s)Coghlan, D. & Brydon-Miller, M , The Sage Encyclopaedia of Action Research, London, England, Sage Publications, 2014, pp440 - 443, [McDonagh, J.]Book Chapter, 2014
- The Evolving Role of the Chief Information Officer in, editor(s)Wadhwa, M. & Harper, A. , Technology, Innovation, and Enterprise Transformation, Hershey, PA, IGI Global, 2015, pp207 - 232, [Davis, B. & McDonagh, J]Book Chapter, 2015
- Aligning Strategy and Information Technology in, editor(s)Wadhwa, M. & Harper, A. , Technology, Innovation, and Enterprise Transformation, Hershey, PA, IGI Global, 2015, pp233 - 261, [Caffrey, E. & McDonagh, J.]Book Chapter, 2015, URL
- Applying Grounded Theory to a Qualitative Study of CIO Interactions with External Peer Networks in, editor(s)Hai-Jew, S. , Enhancing Qualitative and Mixed Methods Research with Technology, Hershey, PA, IGI Global, 2015, pp450 - 474, [Davis, B. & McDonagh, J.]Book Chapter, 2015, URL
- The Theory and Application of Process Research in the Study of IT Strategy-Making in, editor(s)Hai-Jew, S. , Enhancing Qualitative and Mixed Methods Research with Technology, Hershey, PA, IGI Global, 2015, pp392 - 427, [Caffrey, E. & McDonagh, J.]Book Chapter, 2015
- RTE / Mary Raftery, 'Behind the Walls', Ireland, RTE, 2009, -Broadcast, 2009, URL
- Loonam, J., McDonagh, J., Kumar, V., & O'Regan, N., Top Managers and Information Systems: Crossing the Rubicon, Strategic Change, 23, (3-4), 2014, p205 - 224Journal Article, 2014, URL
- Holohan, J. & McDonagh, J. , Towards a Systematic Approach to Reviewing the Strategic Alignment Literature, UK Academy for Information Systems Conference Proceedings, University of Oxford, 7-9 April 2014, 2014, pp1-30Conference Paper, 2014
- Sarhan, M. & McDonagh, J., The Practice Turn in Strategic Alignment Research: Fostering a Strategy-as-Practice Perspective, UK Academy for Information Systems Conference Proceedings, University of Oxford, 7-9 April 2014, 2014, pp1-22Conference Paper, 2014
- Dempsey, B. & McDonagh, J., Integrating Process Inquiry and the Case Method in the Study of Information Systems Failure, UK Academy for Information Systems Conference Proceedings, University of Oxford, 7-9 April 2014, 2014, pp1-26Conference Paper, 2014, URL
- Integrating Process Inquiry and the Case Method in the Study of Information Systems Failure in, editor(s)Hai-Jew, S. , Enhancing Qualitative and Mixed Methods Research with Technology, Hershey, PA, IGI Global, 2015, pp475 - 493, [Dempsey, B. & McDonagh, J.]Book Chapter, 2015
- Why Change Programes Don't Produce Change: The Case of IT-Enabled Change in Public Service Organizations in, editor(s)Gao, S. & Rusu, L. , Modern Techniques for Successful IT Project Management, Hershey, PA, IGI Global, 2015, pp285 - 306, [McDonagh, J.]Book Chapter, 2015, URL
- Dempsey, B. & McDonagh, J., Chief Information Officers and Information Systems Failure: Towards a New Research Agenda, European Conference on Information Systems Management and Evaluation, Ghent, Belgium, 9-10 September 2014, 2014Conference Paper, 2014, URL
- Sarhan, M. & McDonagh, J., Rekindling Strategic Alignment Research: The Lure of a Practice-Based Perspective, Proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference of the British Academy of Management, Ulster Business School, University of Ulster, Belfast, 9-11 September 2014, 2014, pp1-19Conference Paper, 2014
- Saxena, D. & McDonagh, J., Towards a More Holistic Approach to the Study of Enterprise Systems: The Case for Integrating Process Inquiry and Sociomateriality, Proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference of the British Academy of Management, Ulster Business School, University of Ulster, Belfast, 9-11 September 2014, 2014, pp1-20Conference Paper, 2014
- Caffrey, E. & McDonagh, J., Aligning Strategy and Information Technology in Public Service Organizations: Reclaiming the Role of Middle Managers, Proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference of the British Academy of Management, Ulster Business School, University of Ulster, Belfast, 9-11 September 2014, 2014, pp1-25Conference Paper, 2014
- Hughes, J. & McDonagh, J., New Avenues in Strategic Information Systems Planning Research: A Strategy-as-Practice Perspective, Proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference of the British Academy of Management, University Business School, University of Ulster, Belfast, 9-11 September 2014, 2014, pp1-22Conference Paper, 2014
- Holohan, J. & McDonagh, J. , Reimagining Strategic Alignment Research: A Strategy-as-Practice Perspective, 28th Annual Conference of the British Academy of Management, Ulster Business School, University of Ulster, Belfast, 9-11 September 2014, 2014, pp1-33Conference Paper, 2014
- Hughes, J. & McDonagh, J., In Defence of the Case Method in the Study of Strategy Practice, 17th Annual Irish Academy of Management Conference, University of Limerick, 4-5 September 2014, 2014Conference Paper, 2014
- Information Technology and the Lure of Integrated Change: A Neglected Role for Organization Development? in, editor(s)Gordon, S. , Information Technology and E-Business in Financial Services, Georgia, USA, Ivy League Publishing, 2004, pp316 - 338, [McDonagh, J.]Book Chapter, 2004
- Principles, Foundations and Issues in Enterprise Systems in, editor(s)Lau, L.K. , Managing Business with SAP: Planning, Implementation and Evaluation, Hershey, PA, Idea Group Publishing, 2005, pp1 - 32, [Loonam, J. & McDonagh, J. ]Book Chapter, 2005
- Enterprise Systems and the Challenge of Integrated Change: A Focus on Occupational Communities in, editor(s)Lau, L.K. , Managing Business with SAP: Planning, Implementation and Evaluation, Hershey, PA, Idea Group Publishing, 2005, pp110 - 125, [McDonagh, J. ]Book Chapter, 2005
- Surfacing Occupational Threats to IT-enabled Change: A Neglected Role for Organization Development? in, editor(s)Sarmento, A. , Issues of Human Computer Interaction, Hershey, PA, Idea Group Publishing, 2005, pp179 - 191, [McDonagh, J.]Book Chapter, 2005
- Investigating the Dynamics of IT-Enabled Change: The Appeal of Clinical Inquiry in, editor(s)Whitman, M.E. and Woszczynski, A.B. , The Handbook for Information Systems Research, Hershey, PA, Idea Group Publishing, 2004, pp103-116 , [McDonagh. J.]Book Chapter, 2004
- McDonagh, J., Not for the Faint Hearted: Social and Organizational Challenges in IT-Enabled Change, Organization Development Journal, 19, (1), 2001, p11 - 20Journal Article, 2001
- Aligning Strategy and ICT in Public Organisations: A Critical Management Challenge in, editor(s)Reddick, C.G. & Anthopoulos, L. , Information and Communication Technologies in Public Administration: Innovations from Developed Countries, Abingdon, United Kingdom, Taylor & Francis Group, 2016, pp139 - 160, [Caffrey, E. & McDonagh, J.]Book Chapter, 2016
- McDonagh, J., ICT Strategy (2018-2020): Mid-Term Review, Version 1.8, Dublin, Ireland, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, September, 2019, p1 - 60Report
- McDonagh, J., The Evolution and Development of the Strategic HR Advisory Group, Version 1.3, Dublin, Ireland, Department of Public Expenditure and Reform, March, 2020, p1 - 17Report
- McDonagh, J., Modernising Health Service Organisations: Learning from the PPARS Saga, Dublin, Ireland, Health Service Executive, February, 2006, 1, 49Report
- McDonagh, J. , Modernising Service Delivery: A Blueprint for Development and Change, Dublin, Ireland, Reach Agency, November, 2004, 1, 135Report
- McDonagh, J., Developing the Capability of Senior Management in the United Nations System of Organisations to Exploit the Full Potential of Modern ICT Systems, Geneva, Switzerland, United Nations International Computing Centre, September, 2007, 1, 36Report
- McDonagh, J., The Foundation Project: Realising the Promise of ICT-Enabled Change, Cardiff, Wales, National Assembly for Wales, March, 2005, 1, 20Report
- McDonagh, J., Electronic Government and the Challenge of Change, Bratislava, Slovakia, United Nations Development Programme, February, 2005, 1, 18Report
- McDonagh, J., Building a Dynamic eGovernment Directorate, Belfast, Northern Ireland, Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister, August, 2005, 1, 13Report
- McDonagh, J., Building a Dynamic ICT Capability Throughout the Health Service Executive, Dublin, Ireland, Health Service Executive, August, 2005, 1, 10Report
- McDonagh, J., Exploiting the Full Potential of ICT Throughout the Health Service Executive: A Blueprint for Development and Change, Dublin, Ireland, Health Service Executive, May, 2006, 1, 36Report
- McDonagh, J, Delivering an Effective Strategy for a Government ICT Academy, London, England, Cabinet Office, February, 2007, 1, 10Report
- McDonagh, J., The Effective Management of Information Technology Projects, London, England, House of Commons, March, 2004, 1, 10Report
- McDonagh, J., Shaping an Effective ICT Strategy for the United Nations System, New York, USA, United Nations Chief Executives Board for Coordination, July, 2004, 1, 10Report
- McDonagh, J., Making the Case for ICT-enabled Change, New York, USA, United Nations Chief Executives Board for Coordination, September, 2004, 1, 10Report
- McDonagh, J., Transforming ICT Governance Arrangements, New York, USA, United Nations Chief Executives Board for Coordination, September, 2004, 1, 10Report
- McDonagh, J., Integrating Electronic Government and Public Service Modernisation, Bratislava, Slovakia, United Nations Development Programme, May, 2005, 1, 10Report
- McDonagh, J., Delivering Large-scale Change Programmes, Dublin, Ireland, Health Service Executive, October, 2005, 1, 10Report
- McDonagh, J., Building a Dynamic ICT Capability throughout the Enterprise, Dublin, Ireland, Department of Communications, Marine and Natural Resources, October, 2005, 1, 15Report
- McDonagh, J., Strengthening the Capability and Capacity of WFP to Deliver the Business Value of WINGS II - Full Report, Rome, Italy, United Nations World Food Programme, January, 2008, 1, 66Report
- McDonagh, J., Strengthening the Capability and Capacity of WFP to Realise the Business Value of WINGS II - Executive Summary, Rome, Italy, United Nations World Food Programme, January, 2008, 1, 7Report
- McDonagh, J., Information Technology Strategy (2012-2019) - Final Report, Rome, Italy, United Nations System, Food and Agriculture Organization, February, 2011, 1, 55Report
- McDonagh, J., Maximizing the Business Value of ICT Resources and Capabilities: A Blueprint for Reform, New York, USA, United Nations System, Chief Executives Board for Coordination, August, 2010, 1, 38Report
- McDonagh, J., Maximizing the Business Value of Information Technology: Key Strategic Themes, Dublin, Ireland, Irish Blood Transfusion Service, May, 2010, 1, 27Report
- McDonagh, J., Embracing the Challenge of Transformational Change: A Blueprint for ICT Enabled Reform, Belfast, Northern Ireland, Department of Finance and Personnel, September, 2009, 1, 28Report
- McDonagh, J., Managing the Transition to ICT Shared Services: A Blueprint for Change, Belfast, Northern Ireland, Department of Finance and Personnel, June, 2009, 1, 12Report
- McDonagh, J., Shaping and Effective Statement of IT Strategy (2010-2015): A Blueprint for Change, Geneva, Switzerland, United Nations System, International Labour Organization, June, 2009, 1, 11Report
- McDonagh, J., Maximizing the Business Value of Information Technology: A Blueprint for Change, Geneva, Switzerland, United Nations System, International Labour Organization, August, 2009, 1, 22Report
- McDonagh, J., Strategic Review of LESS Business Case and LESS Business Plan, Rome, Italy, United Nations Systems, World Food Programme, April, 2013, 1, 46Report
Research Expertise
Principal interest in the process of leading large-scale change in complex systems of organizations, particularly change enabled by the deployment of modern ICT systems. Specific research themes include the diverse roles of managerial groups (e.g. executive management, senior management, middle management, ICT management) in leading large-scale change; integrating organizational strategy, change, and ICT; and collaborative approaches to inquiry and change.
- Member of the British Computer Society 2007
- Fellow of the British Computer Society