Dr. Gemma Donnelly Cox
Associate Professor, Trinity Business School
Email Gemma.Donnelly-Cox@tcd.ie Phone3531896 2316http://people.tcd.ie/gdnnllycBiography
Gemma Donnelly-Cox (BA, MPhil, DPhil) is an Associate Professor of Management at Trinity Business School, Trinity College Dublin. Her research is focused on nonprofit governance, philanthropy, organizational hybridity and organizational responses to altered conditions of support at the level of organization, organizational field and society. She is Co-Director of the Trinity Centre for Social Innovation and has expertise in research, consulting and management in the nonprofit and philanthropic sectors. She has published widely on nonprofit management and hybridization of organizational forms. She has served on several boards of nonprofit organizations and as an Expert for the European Commission. She is a member of the coordinating team for the EGOS Standing Working Group on Civil Society (2019-22). Her current research is on nonprofit govrenance, philanthropy and social investment, and the dynamics of organizational fields, with a focus on institutional logics and entrepreneurship. Her PhD students are exploring the social entrepreneurial character of state-funded nonprofit organizations and managerial work in faith based organizations. She completed her DPhil in Management at Saïd Business School, University of Oxford in 2001 and her MPhil in Management at Templeton College, University of Oxford in 1990. She also has a BA in History and Politics from the University of Waterloo.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
- Civil society governance: Hybridization within third sector and social enterprise domains in, editor(s)Jean-Louis Laville, Dennis Young, Philippe Eynaud , Civil Society, the Third Sector and Social Enterprise: Governance and Democracy, London, Taylor and Francis, Routledge Goup, 2015, pp6 - 20, [Gemma Donnelly-Cox]Book Chapter, 2015, URL
- Organisational Development in the Ashfield Youth Corps in, editor(s)RT Golembiewski and JG Stevenson , Cases and Applications in Nonprofit Management, Illinois, Peacock, 1998, pp123 - 132, [D Coghlan and G Donnelly-Cox]Book Chapter, 1998
- Rhodes,ML and Donnelly-Cox, Gemma, What's in a Name?: The meaning of 'Hybrid' in housing organisations in Ireland, Int'l Society for Third-sector Research, Siena, Italy, 10-13 July, 2012, 2012Conference Paper, 2012
- ML Rhodes & Gemma Donnelly-Cox, What's in a Name? Social Entrepreneurship and Hybridity in Social Housing in Ireland, 4th Int'l Social Innovation Research Conference, Univ. of Birmingham, UK, 12-14 Sep, 2012, 2012Conference Paper, 2012
- John A Healy and Gemma Donnelly-Cox, Scaling a winding path - The importance of understanding the adaptive processes by which social entrepreneurs influence social services, Social and Sustainable Finance and Impact Investing Conference, Osford, UK, 23-24 April 2015, 2015, pp1-24Conference Paper, 2015
- Gemma Donnelly-Cox and Mary Lee Rhodes, How do Social Impact Bonds Affect the Creation of a Social and Sustainable Finance Ecosystem? The Case of Using SIBs to Tackle Long-term Homelessness in Dublin, Social and Sustainable Finance and Impact Investing Conference, Oxford, UK, 23-24 April 2015, 2015Oral Presentation, 2015
- Culture, communication and organisation: what can linguists, psychologists and organisation theorists learn from each other? in, editor(s)Chambers, Angela and Ó Baoill, Dónall P. , Intercultural communication and language learning , Dublin, Irish Association for Applied Linguistics in association with the Royal Irish Academy, 1999, pp263 - 272, [Martin, Gillian S. and Donnelly-Cox, Gemma and Keating, Mary]Book Chapter, 1999
- Cross-cultural leadership research: the case for an interdisciplinary approach? in, editor(s)Beneke, Jürgen , Thriving on diversity: cultural differences in the workplace, Bonn, Dümmler Verlag, 1998, pp47 - 63, [Martin, Gillian S. and Keating, Mary A. and Donnelly-Cox, Gemma]Book Chapter, 1998
- Cannon, S. M.; G. Donnelly-Cox, Surviving the peace: Organizational responses to deinstitutionalization of Irish peacebuilding, Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 44, (2), 2015, p360 - 378Journal Article, 2015, DOI , URL
- Cannon, Sheila, Surviving the peace: Processes of organisational identity work in response to deinstitutionalisation of Irish peacebuilding, Trinity College Dublin, 2014Thesis, 2014
- Cannon, S.; K. Kreutzer; G. Donnelly-Cox, Mission accomplished? Organizational identity work in Irish peacebuilding organizations, Annual Colloquium of the European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS), Montreal, Canada, July 2013, 2013Conference Paper, 2013
- Donnelly-Cox, G; S. Cannon; J. Harrison, Ireland Country Report: Eufori Study. European Foundations for Research and Innovation, Brussels, Belgium, European Commission, 2015, 597-634Report, 2015, URL , TARA - Full Text
- Donnelly-Cox, Gemma, A White Paper for the Irish Voluntary Sector: Linkages between Policy and Third Sector Organisational Issues, Third Sector in a Changing Policy Context: Proceedings of the 20th Anniversary Conference of the Centre for Voluntary Organisations., Third Sector in a Changing Policy Context: Proceedings of the 20th Anniversary Conference of the Centre for Voluntary Organisation, London School of Economics, 1998, edited by Harris, Margaret and Billis, David , London School of Economics, 1998, pp83-97Conference Paper, 1998
- Den Hartog, D.N., House, R.J., Hanges, P.J., Antonio Ruiz-Quintanilla, S., Dorfman, P.W., Abdalla, I.A., Adetoun, B.S., Aditya, R.N., Agourram, H., Akande, A., Akande, B.E., Akerblom, S., Altschul, C., Alvarez-Backus, E., Andrews, J., Arias, M.E., Arif, M.S., Ashkanasy, N.M., Asllani, A., Audia, G., Bakacsi, G., Bendova, H., Beveridge, D., Bhagat, R.S., Blacutt, A., Bao, J., Bodega, D., Bodur, M., Booth, S., Booysen, A.E., Bourantas, D., Brenk, K., Brodbeck, F., Carl, D.E., Castel, P., Chang, C.-C., Chau, S., Cheung, F., Chhokar, J.S., Chiu, J., Cosgriff, P., Dastmalchian, A., Coleta, J.A.D., Coleta, M.F.D., Deneire, M., Dickson, M., Donnelly-Cox, G., Earley, C., Elgamal, M.A.E., Erez, M., Falkus, S., Fearing, M., Field, R.H.G., Fimmen, C., Frese, M., Fu, P., Gorsler, B., Gratchev, M.V., Gupta, V., Gutierrez, C., Hartanto, F.M., Hauser, M., Holmberg, I., Holzer, M., Hoppe, M., Howell, J.P., Ibrieva, E., Ickis, J.C., Ismail, Z., Jarmuz, S., Javidan, M., Jesuino, J.C., Ji, L., Jone, K.-Y., Jones, G., Jorbenadse, R., Kabasakal, H., Keating, M., Keller, A., Kennedy, J.C., Kim, J.S., Kipiani, G., Kipping, M., Konrad, E., Koopman, P.L., Kuan, F.-Y., Kurc, A., Lacassagne, M.-F., Lee, S.M., Leeds, C., Leguizamon, F., Lindell, M., Lobell, J., Luthans, F., Maczynski, J., Mansor, N., Martin, G., Martin, M., Martinez, S.M., Messallam, A., McMillen, C., Misumi, E., Misumi, J., Al-Homoud, M., Ngin, P.M., O"Connell, J., Ogliastri, E., Papalexandris, N., Peng, T.K., Preziosa, M.M., Prieto, J.M., Rakitsky, B., Reber, G., Rogovsky, N., Roy-Bhattacharya, J., Rozen, A., Sabadin, A., Sahaba, M., De Bustamante, C.S., Santana-Melgoza, C., Sauers, D.A., Schramm-Nielsen, J., Schultz, M., Shi, Z., Sigfrids, C., Song, K.-C., Szabo, E., Teo, A.C., Thierry, H., Tjakranegara, J.H., Trimi, S., Tsui, A.S., Ubolwanna, P., Van Wyk, M.W., Vondrysova, M., Weibler, J., Wilderom, C., Wu, R., Wunderer, R., Yakob, N.R.N., Yang, Y., Yin, Z., Yoshida, M., Zhou, J., Culture specific and crossculturally generalizable implicit leadership theories: Are attributes of charismatic/transformational leadership universally endorsed?, Leadership Quarterly, 10, (2), 1999, p219-252Journal Article, 1999
- Rhodes, M.L. and Donnelly-Cox, G., Social Impact Bonds as Temporary Innovation Systems: towards a framework for analysis, Comparative perspectives on SIBs and outcomes-based approaches to public seervice commissioning, Oxford, UK, 6-7 Sep, 2018Conference Paper, 2018
- Rhodes, M.L. and Donnelly-Cox, G., Social Impact Bonds as Temporary Innovation Systems: a new model for understanding wicked problem interventions, IRSPM, Wellington, NZ, 16-18 Apr, 2019Conference Paper, 2019
- Theo Schuyt, Jorge Cortell, Gemma Donnelly-Cox, Stefan Einarsson, Barbara Gouwenberg, Ignasi Lopez Verdeguer, Cathy Pharoah, Bjoern Struewer, Liisa Suvikumpu, Ignacio Puente Gonzalez, Driving Progress for Research and Innovation in Europe: The Potential of R&I Foundations, Brussels, European Commission DG-RTD, June, 2018, p1 - 75Report, 2018, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Cannon, Sheila M.; Danielle Byrne; Mary Lee Rhodes; Gemma Donnelly-Cox; Raymond Dart, Social Enterprise in Ireland: A country case study, ARNOVA (Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action) 48th Annual Conference, San Diego, California, USA, November 2019, 2019, pp1 - 23Conference Paper, 2019
- Non-profit Governance in, editor(s)Helmut K. Anheier and Theodor Baums , Advances in Corporate Governance: Comparative Perpsectives, Oxford, England, Oxford University Press, 2020, pp142 - 179, [Gemma Donnelly-Cox, Michael Meyer, and Filip Wijkström]Book Chapter, 2020, TARA - Full Text
- Donnelly-Cox, Gemma, Meyer, Michael and Wijkström, Filip, Research Handbook on Nonprofit Governance, First, Cheltenham, United Kingdom and Northampton, Mass, USA, Edward Elgar, 2021, vi - 423ppBook, 2021, DOI , URL
- Harrow, Jenny; Donnelly-Cox, Gemma, Healy, John and Wijkström, The management and organization of philanthropy: New directions and contested undercurrents., International Journal of Management Reviews, 23, (3), 2021, p3 - 11Journal Article, 2021, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Rhodes, Mary Lee, McQuaid, Siobhán and Donnelly-Cox, Gemma, Social innovation and temporary innovations systems (TIS): insights from nature-based solutions in Europe, Social Enterprise Journal, Vol. ahead-of-print, (No. ahead-of-print), 2021, p1-19Journal Article, 2021
- Deepening and broadening the field: introduction to Research Handbook on Nonprofit Governance in, editor(s)Donnelly-Cox, Gemma; Meyer, Michael and Wijkström, Filip , Research Handbook on Nonprofit Govenance, Cheltenham, United Kingdom and Northampton, Mass, USA, Edward Elgar, 2021, pp1 - 25, [Donnelly-Cox, Gemma; Meyer, Michael and Wijkström, Filip]Book Chapter, 2021, TARA - Full Text
- Donnelly-Cox, Gemma and Breathnach, Catherine, Differing Images: The Irish Nonprofit Sector and Comparative Perspectives, 1, Dublin, Liffey Press, 2007, 1 - 120ppBook, 2007
- Donnelly-Cox, Gemma and Breathnach, Catherine (eds), Conflict and consensus : assumptions, values and roles in the Irish nonprofit sector, Dublin, Centre for Nonprofit Management, School of Business, Trinity College, 2008, 1 - 108ppBook, 2008
- Brodbeck, F., Frese, M. and Donnelly-Cox, G., Keating, M., Martin, G.S., et al.,, Cultural variation of leadership prototypes across 22 European countries, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 73, (1), 2000, p1 - 29Journal Article, 2000, URL
- Coleman, John Dominic, Coping with circumstance: development, and application to niche software development firms, of an integrative process model of adaptation, Trinity College Dublin, 2006Thesis, 2006
- O'Regan, Imaging the voluntary actor : interpreting narratives of intent and meaning, Trinity College Dublin, 2009Thesis, 2009
- Healy, John A. , Institutional complexity and the construction of collective action in nonprofit fields, Trinity College Dublin, 2015Thesis, 2015
- Jaffro, Gwénaëlle., The boards and board members of Irish voluntary agencies: an exploratory study , Trinity College Dublin, 2004Thesis, 2004
- The Case of Aborted New-Company Formation: Organizational Failure or Emergent Potentiality? in, Gowler, Dan; Legge, Karen; Clegg, Chris W , Case Studies in Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management, London, Paul Chapman, 1993, pp159 - 165, [Gemma M. Cox]Book Chapter, 1993
- Cannon Sheila, Byrne Danielle, Donnelly-Cox Gemma, and Rhodes Mary-Lee, Institutional influences on social enterprise types in the Republic of Ireland, The Irish Journal of Management, 2023, p1-16Journal Article, 2023, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Research on Giving in Ireland in, editor(s)Hoolwerf, L.K. & Schuyt, Th.N.M. , Giving in Europe. The state of research on giving in 20 European countries, Amsterdam, Lenthe, 2017, pp139 - 146, [Gallo, M. & Donnely-Cox, G.]Book Chapter, 2017
- John Healy, Jeffrey Hughes, Gemma Donnelly-Cox, Amanda Shantz, A long and winding road: The hard graft of scaling social change in complex systems, Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 21, (e00455), 2024, p1 - 7Journal Article, 2024, TARA - Full Text
- Applying Open Systems Theories to a Central Question of Organising in, editor(s)Litton, F; T. Farmar; F. Scott-Lennon , Ideas at Work: Essays in Honour of Geoffrey MacKechnie, Dublin , A&A Farmar, 2006, pp98 - 122, [G. Donnelly-Cox]Book Chapter, 2006
- Mary Lee Rhodes and Gemma Donnelly-Cox, Social Entrepreneurship as a Performance Landscape: The case of Front Line, E:CO, 10, (3), 2008, p35 - 50Journal Article, 2008, URL , TARA - Full Text
- Mary Lee Rhodes and Gemma Donnelly-Cox, In What Way is Social Entrepreneurship Complex?, 1st Int'l Conference on Social Entrepreneurship and Complexity, Adelphi Univ., NY, April 24-26, 2008Conference Paper, 2008
- Donnelly-Cox, G and S McGee , Institutionalizing Support for Nonprofit Management Education: Developing a Case for State Investment., Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, Supplement to v.3, (4), 2007, p136s - 147sJournal Article, 2007
- On the Distinctiveness of Nonprofit Organisations: Perspectives of Irish Managers in, editor(s)G Donnelly-Cox, and C Breathnach , Differing Images: The Irish Nonprofit Sector and Comparative Perspectives, Dublin, The Liffey Press, 2007, pp63 - 74, [Donnelly-Cox, Gemma, Bradley, Elaine and Hunter, Andrew ]Book Chapter, 2007
- Social Entrepreneurship as a Performance Landscape: The Case of Front Line. in, editor(s)Jeffrey A. Goldstein, James K. Hazy and Joyce Silberstang , Complexity Science & Social Entrepreneurship: Adding Social Value Through Systems Thinking. , Arizona, ISCE Publishing, 2009, pp559 - 580, [Rhodes, Mary Lee and Gemma Donnelly-Cox ]Book Chapter, 2009
- Gemma Donnelly-Cox, Searching for Solutions: Organisational Responses to Altered Conditions of Support in Ireland. , Symposium on the Global Financial Crisis and its Implications for Nonprofit Organizations, Civil Society and Social Investment, Centre for Social Investment, University of Heidelberg, 16th September, 2009, University of Heidelberg's Centre for Social Investment (CSI) and supported by the Manfred Lautenschläger Stiftung (MLS).Invited Talk, 2009
- Gemma Donnelly-Cox, Corporate Philanthropy in Ireland? Some Reflections on Corporate-Nonprofit Relationships during an Economic Crisis, ESRC Seminar Series Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): When Worlds Collide - Contested Paradigms of Corporate Responsibility, Institute of Chartered Accountants, London, 25th March, 2010, ESRC and Centre for Charity Effectiveness, CASS Business School, London City UniversityInvited Talk, 2010
- Gemma Donnelly-Cox, Between Relational Governance and Regulation of the Third Sector , International Research Symposium on Public Management, Glasgow Caledonian University, 10-12 April 2006, 2006Conference Paper, 2006
- Gemma Donnelly-Cox and Sheila M. Cannon, Responses of Non-profit Organisations to Altered Conditions of Support: The Shifting Irish Landscape, Voluntary Sector Review, 1, (2), 2010, p335 - 353Journal Article, 2010, DOI , URL
- Between Relational Governance and Regulation of the Third Sector: The Irish Case in, editor(s)Susan D. Phillips and Steven Rathgeb Smith , Governance and Regulation in the Third Sector: International Perspectives, New York and Oxford, Routledge, 2011, pp99 - 114, [Gemma Donnelly-Cox and Siobhan McGee]Book Chapter, 2011
- Gemma Donnelly-Cox, Now you see it, now you don't: Government-nonprofit partnerships in Ireland, "The Recession and Beyond: Taking stock of Government-nonprofit Relationships" Seminar, Toronto, Canada, 16th November 2011, 2011, Public Policy and Third Sector Initiative, Queens University, 1 - 19ppInvited Talk, 2011
- Cannon, S.M., and G. Donnelly-Cox, A hidden landscape? Finding and exploring the changing field of peacebuilding organisations., 27th European Group on Organization Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, Reassembling Organisations, Gothenburg, Sweden, 7-9 July, 2011, pp1 - 24Conference Paper, 2011
- Donnelly-Cox, G. and S.M Cannon , Searching For Solutions: Reactions in Ireland to Crisis and Altered Conditions of Support. The Case of the Centre for Peace and Reconciliation, International Society for Third Sector Research (ISTR) 9th International Conference, Kadir Has University, Istanbul, Turkey, 7-10 July, 2010, pp1 - 18Conference Paper, 2010
- Steinbereithner, M.; G. Donnelly-Cox, F Maier, M Meyer, A O'Regan, Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose: Faces of Managerialism in Austria and Ireland, International Society for Third Sector Research (ISTR) 9th International Conference, Kadir Has University, Istanbul, Turkey, 7-10 July, 2010, pp1 - 14Conference Paper, 2010
- Donnelly-Cox, Gemma; Caroline Reid, Ciara Begley, Jennifer Finn and Declan Harmon, Nonprofit-State Relations in Ireland: Contexts, Issues and Alternatives, Nonprofit Policy Forum, 3, (1), 2012, p1 - 19Journal Article, 2012
- Corporate Philanthropy at a Time of (economic) Crisis - the Irish Experience in, editor(s)Kathryn Haynes, Alan Murray, Jesse Dillard , Corporate Social Responsibility: A Research Handbook, Abingdon, Oxford, Routledge, 2013, pp255 - 271, [Gemma Donnelly-Cox, Andrew O'Regan and Gerard McHugh]Book Chapter, 2013
- ML Rhodes, Ann Torres, Gemma Donnelly-Cox, A Place to Call Home: Addressing Dublin's HomelessnessCase Study, 2013, URL
- Post-Partnership Ireland: Organizational Survival and Social Change Strategies in an Era of Economic Restraint in, editor(s)Rachel Laforest , Taking Stock of Government-Nonprofit Relationships in Times of Recession, Montreal, McGill-Queen's University Press, 2013, pp1-16 , [Gemma Donnelly-Cox and John A. Healy]Book Chapter, 2013
- Mary Lee Rhodes and Gemma Donnelly-Cox, Hybridity and Social Entrepreneurship in Social Housing in Ireland, Voluntas, 2014, p1-18Journal Article, 2014, URL
- Donnelly-Cox, G, Donoghue, F and Hayes, T, Conceptualizing the Third Sector in Ireland, North and South, Voluntas, 12, (3), 2001, p195 - 204Journal Article, 2001
- The Voluntary Sector in the Republic of Ireland in, editor(s)B Harvey and A Williamson , Researching Voluntary Action and Civil Society in Ireland, North and South., University of Ulster, Centre for Voluntary Action Studies, The AVARI Research Monograph Series, 1999, pp1 - 30, [G Donnelly-Cox and G Jaffro]Book Chapter, 1999
- Management Education for the Irish Voluntary Sector: First Steps in Programme Design in, editor(s)M O'Neill and K Fletcher , Nonprofit Management Education: US and World Perspectives, Praegar, 1998, pp47-60 , [G Donnelly-Cox and G MacKechnie]Book Chapter, 1998
- Metaphor in the Development of Organisation Theory in, editor(s)D Grant and C Oswick , Metaphor and Organisations, London, Sage, 1996, pp37-52 , [G Donnelly-Cox and G MacKechnie]Book Chapter, 1996
- Donnelly-Cox, Gemma and O'Regan, Andrew, The Irish Voluntary Sector: A Case-Based Exploration of Organisational Growth Patterns and Organisational Dynamics, CONFERENCE WORKING PAPERS SERIES- VOLUME I - Geneva, Switzerland, 1998, "The Contribution of the Third Sector to Social, Economic and Political Change" , Geneva, Switzerland, 8-11 July 1998, edited by International Society for Third Sector Research , 1, International Society for Third Sector Research, 1999, pp1 - 39Conference Paper, 1999
- Donnelly-Cox, G. and Jaffro, G., The Irish Voluntary Sector. The Way Forward, Dublin, VOLORG, School of Business Studies, Trin, 1997Report
- M Keating, G Martin, and G Donnelly-Cox, An Interdisciplinary and Cross-cultural Approach to Research: The GLOBE Project., Proceedings of the 5th European Congress of Psychology, University College Dublin, 1997, pp327Conference Paper
- Donnelly-Cox, Gemma Rhodes, Mary-Lee Hogan, Benn Lawlor, Mary, Corporate Human Rights Reporting, Accountancy Ireland, 52, (4), 2020, p33 - 35Journal Article
- Donnelly-Cox, Gemma, O'Regan, Andrew and the members of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Sector Roles, Relationships and Resources, Submission on the White Paper on the Community and Voluntary Sector, 1998, - 1-40Miscellaneous
- Andrew O'Regan, Gemma Donnelly-Cox, Edwina Hughes, Model development for Nonprofit Management; a case study of emergent issues of theoretical sufficiency, managerial utility, and pedagogic capacity, EIASM 5th Workshop on the Challenges of Managing the 3rd Sector, Queen's University Belfast, 6-7 September 2005, 2005Conference Paper
- R. Loidl-Keil, G. Donnelly-Cox, Social Entrepreneurship Education: A Critical Consideration of Programme Design, EIASM 5th Workshop on the Challenges of Managing the 3rd Sector, Queen's University, Belfast, 6-7th September 2005, 2005Conference Paper
- Gemma Donnelly-Cox, Siobhan McGee, Institutionalizing Support for Nonprofit Management Education: Developing a Case for State Investment, BenchMark3 Conference on Nonprofit and Philanthropic Studies, Tempe, Arizona, 16-19 March 2006, 2006Conference Paper
- G. Donnelly-Cox, Social Entrepreneurship Education for Business Studies Students: A Case Study, BenchMark3 Conference on Nonprofit and Philanthropic Studies, Tempe, Arizona , 16-19 March 2006, 2006Conference Paper
- G. Donnelly-Cox, F. Donoghue, Liberal and Conservative Welfare Regimes - the cases of Ireland and Austria. Panel on "State-Third Sector Relationships in an Insecure World: New Forms of Resourcing or Just a Re-working of the Old?" , International Society for Third Sector Research, Bangkok, Thailand, 5-7 July 2006, 2006Conference Paper
- G. Donnelly-Cox, S. McGee, Research, Education and Dialogue: Logic of a Three-Strand Programme Model. Panel on "Nonprofit Management Education Theory and Practice: Moving from program design to assessment and practice". , Association for Research on Nonprofit Organization and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA), Chicago, 16-18 November 2006, 2006Conference Paper
Research Expertise
I am an organization theorist who studies development in fields of organizing. I am an effective collaborator, in identifying opportunities and bringing together partners to pursue them. My research career commenced with leadership effectiveness (GLOBE Project). This evolved to leadership and organizational development in third sector organizing domains, the interface between nonprofit, public, and private sectors, changes in organizing and resourcing patterns within these, and the evolution of nature-based enterprises. I have published on leadership, civil society organization and management, hybrid organizational forms , organization responses to altered conditions of support, nonprofit governance, social entrepreneurship, organizing and resourcing social innovation, foundations and philanthropy. In developing my research interests, I have invested in building new and developing existing research infrastructure. I founded the Voluntary Organization Research Group (1997-2000), the Centre for Nonprofit Management (2000-2017) and co-founded the Centre for Social Innovation (2018-present). Internationally, I co-founded the European Third Sector PhD Network. My teaching is research-led, My contributions to post-experience MBA, and Fenix and European Programme in Civil Society Leadership (EPICS) executive education programmes draw on my participation in international collaborative research projects. In 2017-18 I served on the EU Expert Group on Venture Philanthropy and Social Investment. The recommendations from this report address important elements of philanthropic foundation activity in Europe, including cross-border giving. The interface between research and teaching is the focus of my most recent EU grant. I am PI on NBS EduWORLD, a HORIZON Action project to transfer knowledge about nature based solutions and enterprises into education. My team is responsible for third level curriculum development.
TitleEUFORI (European Foundations for Research and Innovation) StudySummaryStudy on foundations supporting research and innovation in the EU: Quantitative and qualitative assessment, comparative analysis, trends and potential ("EUFORI")Funding AgencyEuropean Commission DG Research and InnovationDate From2012Date To2014
TitleConnecting NatureSummaryThe overarching objective of CONNECTING NATURE is to position Europe as a global leader in the innovation and implementation of nature-based solutions. The project partners will form a community of cities fostering peer-to-peer, transdisciplinary capacity building between front-runner, fast-follower and multiplier cities facilitated by the project consortium. The project collaborative will co-develop the policy and practices necessary to scale up urban resilience, innovation and governance via nature-based solutions. An open innovation ecosystem approach bringing together city governments, SMEs, academia and civic society will be used to co-produce usable and actionable knowledge in all cities. CONNECTING NATURE will provide the reference framework for a new generation of urban nature-based solution processes and empower transitioning ambassadors who will globalise this approach through a strategy targeting multiplier cities. This novel approach, coupled with the high capacity of the consortium, makes CONNECTING NATURE a unique and exciting prospect.Funding AgencyEuropean Commission H2020Date From1 Jun 2017Date To30 May 2022
TitleNBS EduWorldSummaryThe overall objective of NBS EduWORLD is to nurture an NBS literate society, supporting a just transition to a sustainable future. For this, NBS EduWORLD will create an NBS community that facilitates synergies between NBS professionals and education providers and ensures free and easy access to NBS knowledge and resources for all. To achieve this goal, NBS EduWORLD will summarise the state of play of NBS education in Europe and evaluate the initiatives already in place, determine how to expand and replicate them and establish a basis and framework for the project itself and future initiatives, resulting in guidance and (policy) recommendations. In parallel, the project will analyse NBS demonstrators, with an educational dimension (Tier-1), across Europe (NBS EduSystems), to support the testing and improvement of approaches and resources with NBS demonstrators with no or a limited educational dimension (Tier-2) and create the means and opportunities for all NBS practitioners to engage with educators, inter alia via Tier-3 NBS EduSystems. This will be done whilst supporting the overarching goal of promoting NBS as a viable career prospect for European citizens of all ages. To adequately engage educators who are at different points on their NBS journey, the project will provide specific activities for those who are not yet familiar with the concept and benefits of NBS, and those already aware but in need of support to progress to the next stage. These activities will be scaled up/out by extensive dissemination and communication activities to maximise the project's outreach and ensure its long-term success. Only by joining with NBS experts + Education Experts + Civil Society + supportive policies can we create an NBS EduWORLD - a community that makes a difference.Funding AgencyEuropean CommissionDate From2022Date To2025
- Snow Foundation Award for Best Case or Simulation in Collaborative Nonprofit Management, Syracuse University Maxwell School of Public Affairs 2013
- Ideell Arena Leadership Award, Stockholm, Sweden 2016
- Teaching Excellence Award, Trinity Business School 2021
- Teaching Excellence Awards (2), Trinity Business School 2022
- Social Enterprise Journal Literati Award - Outstanding Reviewer 2022
- Association for Voluntary Action Research in Ireland (AVARI) 2002
- European Group for Organizational Studies present
- Association for Research on Nonprofit Organisations and Voluntary Action present
- European Research Network on Philanthropy Present
- International Society for Third Sector Research present
- Editorial Board Member, Nonprofit Policy Forum 2010
- Chair, Local Committee, International Society for Third Sector Research (ISTR) Biennial Conference. July 2000
- Programme Coordinator, European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM) EDEN Doctoral Programme in Nonprofit Organisation and Management Nov 2006 & Nov 2009
- Co-Editor, Nomos Book Series on European Civil Society 2010
- Convenor, European Group on Organisation Studies (EGOS) Civil Society Standing Working Group - Organizing in and through Civil Society: Perspectives, Issues, Challenges 2019-22
- Opponent for PhD Defence, Stockholm University Jan 2007 & Feb 2008
- Visiting Scholar at UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate School of Business - honorary position held while on academic sabbatical from Trinity Business School 7 Aug 2017 - 1 Mar 2018
- External Examiner for suite of five MSc degrees in Voluntary Organisation Managment, Philanthropy and Fundraising, Cass (now Bayes) Business School, City, University of London 2014-2019
- Opponent for PhD Defence, Stockholm School of Economics December 2018
- Member of EU Expert Group on Venture Philanthropy and Social Investment, reporting to DG Research and Innovation (RTD) January 2017-February 2018
- Member of the National Social Innovation Consultative Advisory Group, on the development of a National Competence Centre on Social Innovation (NCCSI) Dec 2021 - May 2023
- External Examiner, Master of Arts in the Management of Community and Voluntary Services, All Hallows College, Dublin 2007-2012
- Board Member, Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action 2006-2008
- Co-Founder and Convenor, European Third Sector PhD Network Feb 2001- Feb 2003