Professor David Coghlan
Fellow Emeritus, Trinity Business School
Email David.Coghlan@tcd.ie Phone http://people.tcd.ie/dcoghlanBiography
David Coghlan is a Professor Emeritus and Fellow Emeritus at the Trinity Business School, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. He specializes in organization development and action research and is active in both communities internationally. He has published over 300 articles and book chapters. Recent books include: The Handbook of Research Methods in Organizational Change (Elgar 2023), Collaborative Inquiry for Organization Development and Change (Elgar, 2021), Doing Action Research in Your Own Organization (5th ed. Sage, 2019, Inside Organizations (Sage, 2016), Organizational Change and Strategy (Routledge, 2016), Collaborative Strategic Improvement through Network Action Learning (Edward Elgar, 2011). He is co-editor of the The Sage Encyclopedia of Action Research (2014) and of the 4 volume sets Fundamentals of Organization Development (Sage, 2010) and Action Research in Business & Management (Sage, 2016). He serves on the editorial advisory boards of: Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, Action Research, Action Learning: Research and Practice, Systemic Practice and Action Research, Organization Development Review among others.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
- Organization Development Journal [Exploiting ICT-Based Capabilities - The Challenge of Integrated Change], 19, 1, (2001), Joe McDonagh and David Coghlan, [eds.]Journal, 2001
- David Coghlan, Tony Dromgoole, Pat Joynt, Peter Sorensen, Managers Learning in Action, London, Routledge, 2004, 193ppBook, 2004
- David Coghlan, Eilish Mc Auliffe, Changing Healthcare Organisations, Dublin, Blackhall, 2003, 200ppBook, 2003
- Organization Development Journal [Grandmasters of Organization Development], 15, 2, (1997), David Coghlan, [eds.]Journal, 1997
- Organization Development Journal [Organization Development in Voluntary Organizations], 14, 3, (1996), David Coghlan, [eds.]Journal, 1996
- David Coghlan, Journal of Managerial Psychology [Action Science and Organisational Research], 10, 6, 1995Journal Article, 1995
- P. Coughlan, D. Coghlan, Action Learning: Towards a Framework in Inter-Organisational Settings, Action Learning: Research and Practice , 1, (1), 2004, p43 - 61Journal Article, 2004
- David Coghlan, Practitioner Research for Organizational Knowledge: Mechanistic- and Organistic-oriented Approaches to Insider Action Research', Management Learning, 34, (4), 2003, p451 - 463Journal Article, 2003
- A. Gardon, D. Coghlan, Reflections on Practice: A Conversation between an OD Practitioner and an OD Academic', OD Practitioner, 35, (4), 2003, p38 - 43Journal Article, 2003
- D. Coghlan, P. Coughlan, Acquiring the Capacity for Operational Improvement: An Action Research Opportunity, Human Resource Planning, 26, (2), 2003, p30 - 38Journal Article, 2003
- D. Coghlan, E. Mc Auliffe, A. Pathe, Internal Organisation Development and Change Agents in the Irish Health Boards: Current Practices and Issues, Administration, 50, (4), 2002, p81 - 101Journal Article, 2002
- P. Nolan, D. Coghlan, Confronting Long Term Unemployment through Social Entrepreneurship: An Action Research Study, Concepts and Transformation, 7, (3), 2002, p277 - 299Journal Article, 2002
- David Coghlan, Interlevel Dynamics in Clinical Inquiry, Journal of Organizational Change Management, 13, (2), 2000, p190 - 200Journal Article, 2000
- How to conduct action research in healthcare settings in, editor(s)Michael Byrne , How to Conduct Research for Service Improvement: A Guidebook for Health and Social Care Professionals 2nd Edition, Dublin, Health Service Executive, 2015, pp97 - 105, [Hynes, G., Coghlan, D.]Book Chapter, 2015
- Developing the practice of leading change through insider action research: A dynamic capability perspective in, editor(s)H.Bradbury , The Sage Handbook of Action Research, 3rd ed., London, Sage, 2015, pp47 - 54, [.D Coghlan & A.B. (Rami) Shani]Book Chapter, 2015
- Developing the practice of leading change through insider action research: A dynamic capability perspective in, editor(s)H.Bradbury , The Sage Handbook of Action Research, 3rd ed., London, Sage, 2015, pp47 - 54, [.D Coghlan & A.B. (Rami) Shani]Book Chapter, 2015
- Organization development: Action research for organizational change in, editor(s)H. Bradbury , The Sage Handbook of Action Research, 3rd ed., London, 2015, pp417 - 424, [D. Coghlan]Book Chapter, 2015
- Sensemaking in collaborative management research; Insights from an Italian social cooperative in, editor(s)A.B. Shani & D, Noumair , Research in Organizational Change and Development, Vol 23, Bingley, Emerald, 2015, pp167 - 194, [L. Solari, D. Coghlan & A.B. Shani]Book Chapter, 2015
- Action research for HRD research in, editor(s)M. K.Saunders & P. Tosey , Handbook of Research Methods on Human Resource Development, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2015, pp141 - 154, [R. Holian & D. Coghlan]Book Chapter, 2015
- D. Coghlan & P. Coughlan, Effecting change and learning in networks through network action learning, Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 51, (3), 2015, p375 - 400Journal Article, 2015
- D Coghlan & M. Brydon-Miller, Sage Encyclopedia of Action Research , London, Sage, 2014, 863ppBook, 2014
- The dissertation: Contributing to practical knowing in, editor(s)L. Anderson, J. Gold, J. Stewart & R. Thorpe , A Guide to Professional Doctorates in Business and Management , London, Sage, 2015, pp167 - 181, [D. Coghlan & R. Holian]Book Chapter, 2015
- Mirror, mirror: Action research takes a hard look at higher education. in, J. Kearney and M. Todhunter (eds.) , Lifelong Action Learning and Research: A Tribute to the Life and Pioneering Work of Ortrun Zuber-Skerritt., Rotterdam, Sense, 2015, pp11 - 20, [Brydon-Miller & D. Coghlan.]Book Chapter, 2015
- D.Coghlan, Retrieving the philosophy of practical knowing for action research. , International Journal of Action Research, , 12 , (1), 2016, 84 - 107Journal Article, 2016
- D. Coghlan, A.B. Shani & J, Roth, Institutionalizing insider action research initiatives in organizations: The role of learning mechanisms, Systemic Practice and Action Research, 29, 2016, p83 - 95Journal Article, 2016
- Forms of knowing: Developing the scholarship of practice in, editor(s)E. Cendon, A. Moerth & A. Pellert , Theorie und Praxis Verzahnen, Munster, Waxman, 2016, pp45 - 49, [D.Coghlan]Book Chapter, 2016
- Canterino, F., Shani A.B. (Rami), Coghlan, D. and Brunelli M. , Collaborative management research as a modality of action research: Learning from a merger-based study., Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 52, (2), 2016, p157 - 186Journal Article, 2016
- David Coghlan & Teresa Brannick, Doing Action Research in Your Own Organization, 2nd edition. , London, Sage, 2005, 153ppBook, 2005
- Action research in, editor(s)C.Karlsson , Research Methods for Operations Management, 2nd ed., Abingdon OXON, Routledge, 2016, pp233 - 267, [P. Coughlan & D. Coghlan]Book Chapter, 2016
- D. Coghlan & A,B, Shani (eds.) , Action Research in Business and Management, 4 volumes, London, Sage, 2016Book, 2016
- D. Coghlan, Inside Organizations: Exploring Organizational Experiences, London, Sage, 2016, 108 ppBook, 2016
- Meehan, C. & Coghlan, D. , Developing Managers as Healing Agents: A Cooperative Inquiry Approach, , Systemic Practice and Action Research, , 17 , (5 ), 2004, p407 - 423Journal Article, 2004
- Insider Action Research Projects: Implications for Practicing Managers in, editor(s)Cooke, B. & Woolfram Cox, J. , Fundamentals of Action Research, Vol. III, London, Sage, 2005, pp229 - 224, [David Coghlan]Book Chapter, 2005
- Jacobs, C. & Coghlan, D. , Sound from Silence: On Listening in Organizational Learning, Human Relations, 58, (1), 2005, p115 - 138Journal Article, 2005
- Supporting sustainability through developing a learning network among traditional food producers: Applications of action learning. in, editor(s)R. Cagliano F. Caniato & C. Worley . , Organizing Supply Chain Processes for Sustainable Innovation in the Agri-Food Industry: Organizing for Sustainable Effectiveness , Abingdon OXON, Emerald, 2016, pp59 - 81, [Coughlan, P., Coghlan, D., O'Leary, D., Rigg, C. and Barrett, D.]Book Chapter, 2016
- Rigg, C. & Coghlan, D. , Action learning and action research - Revisiting similarities, differences, complementarities and whether it matters., Action Learning: Research & Practice, 13, (3), 2016, p201 - 203Journal Article, 2016
- O'Leary, D., Coughlan, P., Rigg, C. & Coghlan, D. ., Turning to case studies as a mechanism for learning in action learning. , Action Learning: Research & Practice, , 14, (1), 2017, p3 - 17Journal Article, 2017
- Coghlan, D, Ignatian Spirituality as Transformational Social Science, Action Research, 3, (1), 2005, p89 - 107Journal Article, 2005
- D. Coghlan & A.B. (Rami) Shani, Inquiring in the present tense: The dynamic mechanism of action research. , Journal of Change Management, 17 , (2), 2017, p121 - 137Journal Article, 2017
- Insight and reflection as key to collaborative engagement in, editor(s)J.M. Bartunek and J. McKenzie , Academic practitioner research partnerships: Developments, complexities and opportunities. , Abingdon, Routledge, 2017, pp36 - 49, [D. Coghlan]Book Chapter, 2017
- How might we learn about the philosophy of ODC research from 24 volumes of ROCD? An invitation to interiority. in, editor(s)A.B. (Rami) Shani & D. Noumair , Research in organizational change and development, Vol 25, Bingley, Emerald, 2017, pp335 - 361, [D. Coghlan]Book Chapter, 2017
- Edgar H. Schein: The scholar practitioner as a clinical researcher. in, editor(s)D. Szabla, W. A. Pasmore, M. Barnes, & A. Gipson. , The Palgrave Handbook of Organizational Change Thinkers, New York, PalgraveMacmillan, 2017, pp1147 - 1159, [D. Coghlan]Book Chapter, 2017
- Paul Coughlan, Vincent Hargaden, David Coghlan, Aida Idris and Pär Åhlström, The role of OM EDEN in building the EurOMA community, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 38, (8), 2018, p1664 - 1682Journal Article, 2018, DOI
- M. Casey, D.O'Leary & D. Coghlan, Unpacking action research and implementation science: Implications for nursing. , Journal of Advanced Nursing, 74, (5 ), 2018, p1051 - 1058Journal Article, 2018
- David Coghlan & Abraham B. (Rami) Shani, Conducting Action Research for Business and Management Students, London, SAGE, 2018, 126 pagesppBook, 2018
- M.R. Gearty & D. Coghlan, First - second- and third-person dynamics in learning history., Systemic Practice and Action Research, 31, (5 ), 2018, p463 - 478Journal Article, 2018
- David Coghlan, Edgar Schein at 90: A celebratory and exploratory metalogue. , Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 54, (4), 2018, p385 - 398Journal Article, 2018
- David Coghlan & Paul Coughlan, Yes we can: Towards assurance of learning by scholarly academics through a praxeology of the scholarship of teaching., Action Learning: Research & Practice, 15, (3), 2018, p210 - 223Journal Article, 2018
- David Coghlan, Paul Coughlan, Abraham B. (Rami) Shani , Exploring Doctorateness in Insider Action Research, International Journal of Action Research, 15, (1), 2019, p47 - 61Journal Article, 2019
- A. Ystrom, S Ollila, M. Agogue, & D. Coghlan, The role of a learning approach in building an inter-organizational network aiming for collaborative innovation. , Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 55 , (1), 2019, p27 - 49Journal Article, 2019
- Brydon-Miller, M. & Coghlan, D. , First - second- and third-person values-based ethics in educational action research: Personal resonances, mutual regard and social responsibility. , Educational Action Research , 27, (2), 2019, p303 - 331Journal Article, 2019
- David Coghlan, Doing Action Research in Your Own Organization, 5th , London, SAGE, 2019, 218ppBook, 2019
- D. Coghlan, P. Coughlan & A.B (Rami) Shani,, Exploring doctorateness in insider action research. , International Journal of Action Research,, 15, (1), 2019, p47 - 61Journal Article, 2019
- Demystifying action research in, editor(s)O.Zuber-Skerritt & L. Wood , Action Learning an Action Research: Genres and Approaches, Bingley, Emerald Publlshing, 2019, pp83 - 96, [D. Coghlan]Book Chapter, 2019
- Toward a social science philosophy of organization development and change. in, D.A Noumair & A.B. (Rami) Shani , Research in organizational change and development, Vol 27,, Bingley, Emerald Publishing, 2019, pp1 - 29, [D. Coghlan, A.B. (Rami) Shani, & G.W. Hay ]Book Chapter, 2019
- David Coghlan & Erik Lindhult, The status and future of action research: An interview with Professor David Coghlan. , Technology Innovation Management Review,, 9, (6), 2019, p42 - 49Journal Article, 2019
- D.Coghlan, A.B. (Rami) Shani & P.C Dahm, Knowledge production in organization development: An interiority-based perspective. , Journal of Change Management, 20, (1), 2020, p81 - 98Journal Article, 2020
- A.B. Shani, D. Coghlan & B.N. Alexander, Rediscovering abductive reasoning in organization development and change research., Journal of Applied Behavioral Science , 56 , (1), 2020, p60 - 72Journal Article, 2020
- D. Coghlan, Developing a spirituality of scholarship: A first person methodological approach. , Studies in Spirtuality, 30, 2020, p33 - 46Journal Article, 2020
- D. Coghlan, Edgar Schein on change: Insights into the creation of a model , Journal of Applied Behavioral Science , 57, (1), 2021, p11 - 19Journal Article, 2021
- D. Coghlan, Fostering undergraduate research through insider inquiry: Exploiting student work experiences. , Management Teaching Review, 6, (1), 2021, p66 - 72Journal Article, 2021
- Abraham B (Rami) Shani & David Coghlan, Collaborative Inquiry for Organization Development and Change , Cheltenham, UK, Edward Elgar, 2021, i) - 120ppBook, 2021
- Paul Coughlan & David Coghlan, What happens to P? Lessons from network action learning research, Action Learning: Research and Practice, 18, (2), 2021, p91 - 101Journal Article, 2021, URL
- Action research- for practitioners and researchers in, editor(s)J. Crossman & S. Bordia , Handbook of Qualitative Research Methodologies in Workplace Contexts , Cheltenham, UK, Edward Elgar, 2021, pp67 - 81, [M. Casey & D. Coghlan]Book Chapter, 2021
- D. Coghlan & A.B.(Rami) Shani, Abductive reasoning as the integrating mechanism between first- second- and third person practice in action research., Systemic Practice & Action Research , 34, (4), 2021, p463 - 474Journal Article, 2021
- P. Coughlan, D.Coghlan, C./Rigg & D O'Leary, Coughlan, P., Coghlan, D., Rigg, C. & O'Leary, D. (2021). Exploring and exploiting the dynamics of networks in complex applied research projects: A reflection on learning in action. , British Journal of Management, 32, 2021, p1442 - 1455Journal Article, 2021
- A.B. (Rami) Shani & D. Coghlan, Researching change and changing: Integrating collaboration and action through interiority. , Journal of Applied Behavioral Science , 57, (4), 2021, p478 - 483Journal Article, 2021
- C. Rigg, P., Coughlan, D O'Leary, & D. Coghlan, A practice perspective on knowledge, learning and innovation - insights from an EU network of small food producers., Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, , 33, (7-8), 2021, p621 - 640Journal Article, 2021
- A.B. (Rami) Shani & D. Coghlan, Action research in business and management: A reflective review, Action Research, 19, (3), 2021, p518 - 541Journal Article, 2021
- D. Coghlan & C.Rigg, Writing an account of practice as a process of theorising in action learning, Action Learning: Research & Practice, 18, (3), 2021, p250 - 256Journal Article, 2021
- D. Coghlan & R. Holian, Insider action research as leadership-as- practice: A methodological reflection for OD scholar-practitioners, Organization Development Review, 53, (5), 2021, p13 - 17Journal Article, 2021
- Wu SH, Coughlan P, Coghlan D, McNabola A, Novara D., Developing green process innovation through network action learning, Creativity & Innovation Management, 31, 2022, p248 - 259Journal Article, 2022, URL
- Action research in hospitality and tourism research. in, editor(s)In F. Okumus, S.M. Rasoolimanesh & S. Jahani , Contemporary research methods in hospitality and tourism , Bingley, UK, Emerald, 2022, pp237 - 251, [D. O'Leary & D. Coghlan]Book Chapter, 2022
- The Application of Action Learning and Action Research in Collaborative Improvement within the Extended Manufacturing Enterprise in, editor(s)H. Kotzab, S. Seuring, M. Muller & G. Reiner , Research Methodologies in Supply Chain Management, Heidelberg, Physica-Verlag, 2005, pp365 - 380, [R. Middel, L. Brennan, D. Coghlan & P. Coughlan]Book Chapter, 2005
- D Coghlan, Developing interiority through insider inquiry: Enabling students' learning from organizational experiences., The International Journal of Management Education, 20, (3), 2022Journal Article, 2022, URL
- D Coghlan, Contemplating the spiritualty of scholarship, Nursing Philosophy, 24, (1), 2023Journal Article, 2023, URL
- Creating and building shared scholarship in organization development and change: A metalogue. in, editor(s)D.A Noumair, A.B (Rami) Shani & D.P. Zandee , Research in organizational change and development, Vol 30, Bingley, UK, Emerald, 2023, pp73 - 94, [D Coghlan]Book Chapter, 2023
- Action Research in, editor(s)P. Glăveanu , The Palgrave Encyclopedia of the Possible, London, Springer , 2023, pp9 - 16, [D Coghlan]Book Chapter, 2023
- D. Coghlan, A.B Shani & P Coughlan, Coghlan, D. Shani, A.B. (Rami) & Coughlan, P. (2023). Enhancing the quality of project management through action research. , International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 16, (1), 2023, p9 - 21Journal Article, 2023, URL
- ÒD through Interlevel Dynamics in, editor(s)W. J. Rothwell & R. Sullivan , Practicing Organization Development, San Francisco, Pfeiffer, 2005, pp456 - 463, [David Coghlan]Book Chapter, 2005
- D Coghlan, Interiority in the work of Edgar H. Schein: A personal reflection , Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 59, (2), 2023, p191 - 196Journal Article, 2023, URL
- D. Szabla, D. Coghlan, W. Pasmore & J.Y. Kim , The Handbook of Research Methods in Organizational Change , Cheltenham, K, Edward Elgsa, 2023, 2 - 537ppBook, 2023
- Action research as the social science of change and changing. in, editor(s)D. Szabla, D. Coghlan, W. Pasmore & J.Y. Kim , The Handbook of Research Methods in Organizational Change , Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2023, pp19 - 46, [D. Coghlan]Book Chapter, 2023
- Reflections on guiding doctorates on organizational change. in, editor(s)D. Szabla, D. Coghlan, W. Pasmore & J.Y. Kim , The Handbook of Research Methods in Organizational Change, Cheltenham UK, Edward Elgar, 2023, pp486 - 509, [D. Coghlan & J.Y. Kim.]Book Chapter, 2023
- Co-inquiring in a digital age: Enhancing the practice of strategy work in government organisations through action research. in, editor(s)B. Simeonova & R.D. Galliers , The Cambridge handbook of qualitative digital research, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2023, pp192 - 189, [J. McDonagh, D. Coghlan, P. Coughlan]Book Chapter, 2023, URL
- D Coghlan, Developing the practice of scholarship: The case of insider action research. , Malaysian Journal of Action Research, , 1, (1), 2023, p4 - 10Journal Article, 2023, URL
- Collaborative Research across Borders and Boundaries: Action Research insights from the CO-IMPROVE Project in, editor(s)R. Woodman & W. Pasmore , Research In Organizational Change and Development, Vol. 15, Oxford, Elsevier, 2005, pp275 - 295, [D. Coghlan & P. Coughlan]Book Chapter, 2005
- Shani, A.B. Coghlan, D., Paine, J. W. & Canterino, F., Collaborative inquiry for change and changing : Advances in science- practice transformation., Journal of Applied Behavioral Science,, 59, (4), 2023, p541 - 555Journal Article, 2023, URL
- Coghlan, D., Brady, V.I., O"Leary, D.& Hynes, G., Exploring vulnerability and risk in an action researcb writing group: A cooperative inquiry., Educational Action Resesrch, 31, (1), 2024, p25 - 42Journal Article, 2024
- David Coghlan, Edgar H. Schein: The Artistry of a Reflexive Organizational Scholar Practitioner., Abingdon, Routledge, 2024, xi - 179ppBook, 2024
- D. Coghlan. A.B. (Rami) Shani & J. Bartunek, Becoming a collaborative scholar: A metalogue., Journal of Management Inquiry,, 34, (1), 2025, p126 - 135Journal Article, 2025, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- D.P> Zandee & D Coghlan, Action research for impact in addressing the grand challenges,, Strategic Organization, 33, (1), 2025, p147 - 161Journal Article, 2025, URL
- Coghlan David, Action Research in the Academy: Why and Whither? Reflection on the Changing Nature of Research, Irish Journal of Management, 25, (2), 2005, p1 - 10Journal Article, 2005
- D. Coghlan & C. Jacobs, Building the Capacity for Learning and Change through Reflective Conversation, International Journal of Action Research, 1, (2), 2005, p243 - 262Journal Article, 2005
- D. Coghlan & C. Jacobs, Lewin on Reeducation: Foundations for Action Research, Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 41, (4), 2005, p444 - 457Journal Article, 2005
- R. Middel, D. Coghlan, P. Coughlan, L. Brennan & T. McNichols, Action Research in Collaborative Improvement, International Journal of Technology Management, 33, (1), 2006, p67 - 91Journal Article, 2006
- David Coghlan & A.B. (Rami) Shani, Roles, Politics and Ethics in Action Research Design, Systemic Practice & Action Research, 18, (6), 2005, p533 - 546Journal Article, 2005
- David Coghlan & Paul Coughlan, Designing and Implementing Collaborative Improvement in the Extended Manufacturing Enterprise: Action Learning and Action Research (ALAR) in CO-IMPROVE, The Learning Organization, 13, (2), 2006, p152 - 165Journal Article, 2006
- D. Coghlan, N.S. Rashford, J. Neiva de Figeuiredo, Organizational Change and Strategy: An Interlevel Dynamics Approach, 2nd , Abingdon, OXON, Routledge, 2016, 234ppBook, 2016
- Coghlan, D. & Davis, K., Evaluating Practitioner Research, Revue Sciences de Gestion-Management Sciences-Ciencias de Gestion, 50, 2006, p19 - 30Journal Article, 2006
- Brannick, T & Coghlan, D. , To Know and to Do: Academics' and Practitioners' Approaches to Management Research , Irish Journal of Management, 26, (2), 2005, p1- - 22Journal Article, 2005
- Raelin, J.A. & Coghlan, D. , Developing Managers as Learners and Researchers: Using Action Learning and Action Research, Journal of Management Education, 30, (5), 2006, p670 - 689Journal Article, 2006
- Action Learning in inter-organizational sets in, editor(s)C. Rigg and S. Richards , Action Learning, Leadership and Organizational Development in Public Services, Abingdon, OXON, Routledge, 2006, pp181 - 191, [Coghlan D. and Coughlan, P.]Book Chapter, 2006
- D. Coghlan & M. Pedler, Action Learning Dissertations: Structure, Supervision and Examination, Action Learning: Research and Practice, 3, (2), 2006, p127 - 139Journal Article, 2006
- McDonagh, J. & Coghlan, D. , Information Technology and the Lure of Integrated Change: A Neglected Role for Organization Development, Public Administration Quarterly, 30, (1), 2006, p22 - 55Journal Article, 2006
- Brannick, T. & Coghlan, D. , In Defense of Being "Native": The Case for Insider Academic Research, Organizational Research Methods, 10, 2007, p59 - 74Journal Article, 2007
- Coughlan, P., Coghlan, D., Brennan, L., Lombard, F., McNichols, T & Nolan, R., Collaboration in high Technology Companies in Ireland: Three Case Studies, Irish Journal of Management, 23, (2), 2002, p19 - 29Journal Article, 2002
- Coughlan, P., Coghlan, D., Lombard, F., Brennan, L., McNichols, T & Nolan, Managing Collaborative Relationships in a Period of Discontinuity, International Journal of Operations & Production Management,, 23, (10), 2003, p1246 - 1259Journal Article, 2003
- Coghlan, D. Coughlan, P. & Brennan, L., Organizing for Research and Action: Implementing Action Research Networks, Systemic Practice & Action Research , 17, (1), 2004, p37 - 49Journal Article, 2004
- Action Research special issue "Insider Action Research", 5, 1, (2007), David Coghlan & Rosalie Holian , [Guest eds.]Journal, 2007
- T. Brannick & D. Coghlan, Reflexivity in Management and Business Research: What do We Mean?, Irish Journal of Management, 27 , (2 ), 2007, p143 - 160Journal Article, 2007
- Coghlan, D., Insider Action research: Opportunities and Challenges, Management Research News, 30, (5), 2007, p335 - 343Journal Article, 2007
- Coghlan, D., Insider Action Research: Opportunities and Challenges, Management Research News, 30, (5), 2007, p335 - 343Journal Article, 2007
- David Coghlan, Insider Action Research Doctorates: Generating Actionable Knowledge, Higher Education, 54, 2007, p293 - 306Journal Article, 2007
- 'Learning through Listening': Conversation for Change in a Health-Care Provider in, editor(s)D. Styvanek & E. McChrystal , Refining Familiar Constructs: Alternative Views in OB, HR and I/O, Charlotte, NC, Information Age Publishers, 2007, pp129 - 150, [D. Coghlan & C. Jacobs]Book Chapter, 2007
- Collaborative Research in and by an Interorganizational Network in, editor(s)A.B. (Rami Shani, S.A. Mohrman, W.A. Pasmore, B. Stymne & N. Adler , Handbook of Collaborative Management Research , Thousand Oaks, CA, Sage, 2008, pp443 - 460, [David Coghlan & Paul Coughlan]Book Chapter, 2008
- Collaborative Management Research through Communities of Inquiry in, editor(s)A.B.(Rami) Shani, S.A. Mohrman, W.A.Pasmore, B. Stymne & N. Adler , Handbook of Collabortive Management Research, Thousand Oaks, CA, Sage, 2008, pp601 - 614, [David Coghlan & A.B. (Rami) Shani]Book Chapter, 2008
- Ìnsider Action Research: The Dynamics of Developing New Capabilities in, editor(s)P. Reason & H. Bradbury , Handbook of Action Research, 2nd edition., London, Sage, 2008, pp643 - 655, [Coghlan, D. & Shani, A.B (Rami) ]Book Chapter, 2008
- Coughlan, P. & Coghlan, D. , Codifying implementation guidelines for a collaborative improvement initiative, Action Learning: Research & Practice, 5, (1), 2008, p39 - 54Journal Article, 2008
- Coghlan, D. & Coughlan, P. , Action Learning and Action Research (ALAR): A Methodological Integration in an Inter-Organisational Setting , Systemic Practice and Action Research, 21, 2008, p97 - 104Journal Article, 2008
- D. Coghlan, Towards a Science of Practice: Lonergan's Common Sense Knowing and Argyris' Action Science, Milltown Studies, 58, 2006, p100 - 120Journal Article, 2006
- D. Coghlan, Exploring Insight: The Role of Insight in a General Empirical Method in Action Research for Organization Change and Development, Revue Sciences de Gestion-Management Sciences-Ciencias de Gestion, 65, 2008, p343 - 355Journal Article, 2008
- Researching spirituality: What action research can offer us in, editor(s)U. Agnew, B. Flanagan & G. Heylin , With Wisdom Seeking God: The Academic Study of Spirituality, Leuven, Peeters, 2008, pp211 - 218, [D. Coghlan]Book Chapter, 2008
- A. McDermott, D. Coghlan & M. Keating, Research for Action and Research in Action: Processual and Action Research in Dialogue, Irish Journal of Management, 29, (1), 2008, p1 - 18Journal Article, 2008
- David Coghlan, Authenticity as First Person Practice: An Exploration based on Bernard Lonergan, Action Research , 6, (3), 2008, p351 - 366Journal Article, 2008
- Module 3 Learning-in -Action in, editor(s)A.B. Shani, D. Chandler, J-F Coget & J. Lau , Behavior in Organizations: An Experiential Approach. 9th ed. , New York, McGraw-Hill, 2009, pp47 - 61, [David Coghlan]Book Chapter, 2009
- Action Research in, editor(s)C. Karlsson , Researching Operations Management, New York/Abingdon, Routledge, 2009, pp236 - 264, [Paul Coughlan & David Coghlan]Book Chapter, 2009
- D. Coghlan & P. Coughlan, Exploiting the Reach to Explore the Richness in Inter-organizational Action Research , International Journal of Action Research , 4, (3), 2008, p291 - 313Journal Article, 2008
- D. Coghlan, Toward a Philosophy of Clinical Inquiry/Research, Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 45, (1), 2009, p106 - 121Journal Article, 2009
- D. Coghlan & A.B. (Rami) Shani, The Challenges of the Scholar-Practitioner: Introduction to the Special Issue, Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 45, (1), 2009, p5 - 7Journal Article, 2009
- Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, special issue "The Challenges of the Scholar Practitioner: A Special Issue in Honor of Edgar H. Schein", 45, 1, (2009), D. Coghlan & A.B. (Rami) Shani, [Guest eds.]Journal, 2009
- P. Coughlan & D. Coghlan, Reconciling Market Requirements and Operations Resource: An Opportunity for Action Learning, Action Learning: Research and Practice, 6, (2), 2009, p109 - 119Journal Article, 2009
- Graham, A. & Coghlan, D. , Creating the learning space for insider inquiry: Threshold concepts in observing organisations, Improving Student Learning through the Curriculum. , Improving Student Learning through the Curriculum. 16th International Symposium, Improving Student Learning, University of Durham, September 2008, edited by C. Rust , Vol. 16, Oxford Brookes University, 2009, pp220 - 232Conference Paper, 2009
- David Coghlan & Teresa Brannick, Doing Action Research in Your Own Organization. , 3rd ed., London, Sage, 2010, 170 pagesppBook, 2010
- David Coghlan & A.B. (Rami) Shani (eds.) , Fundamentals of Organization Development. 4 volumes, London, Sage, 2010, 426ppBook, 2010
- Seekling common ground in the diversity and diffusion of action research and collaborative management research modalities: toward a general empirical method in, editor(s)W.A. Pasmore, A. B (Rami) Shani & R.W. Woodman , Research in Organizational Change and Development, Vo., 18, Bingley, UK, Emerald, 2010, pp149 - 181, [Coghlan, David]Book Chapter, 2010
- D. Coghlan & P. Coughlan, Notes toward a philosophy of action learning research , Action Learning: Research & Practice, 7, (2), 2010, p193 - 203Journal Article, 2010
- Creating value for scholars and practitioners: Lessons from organisation development through action research and the processual approach in, editor(s)B.Brogger & O. Eikeland , Turning to Practice with Action Research, Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang, 2009, pp217 - 231, [D. Coghlan & A. McDermott]Book Chapter, 2009
- D. Coghlan, Interiority as the cutting edge between theory and practice: A first person perspective, International Journal of Action Research, 6, (2-3), 2010, p288 - 307Journal Article, 2010
- P.Coughlan & D.Coghlan, Collaborative Strategic Improvement through Network Action Learning: The Path to Sustainability, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2011, 201ppBook, 2011
- D. Coghlan & P. Coughlan, Transforming networks through network action learning, OD Practitioner, 43, (2), 2011, p1 - 6Journal Article, 2011
- D. Coghlan, Action Research: Exploring perspectives on a philosophy of practical knowing, Academy of Management Annals, V, (1), 2011, p53 - 87Journal Article, 2011
- Organization development and action research: then and now in, editor(s)D.M. Boje, B. Burnes & J. Hassard , The Routledge Companion to Organizational Change, Abingdon: OXON, Routledge, 2012, pp46 - 58, [D. Coghlan]Book Chapter, 2012
- Roberts, C. & Coghlan, D. , Concentric collaboration: A model of leadership development for healthcare organizations, Action Learning: Research & Practice, 8, (3), 2011, p231 - 252Journal Article, 2011
- Practical knowing: The philosophy and methodology of action learning research in, editor(s)M. Pedler , Action Learning in Practice, 4th ed., Farnham, UK, Gower, 2011, pp357 - 367, [D. Coghlan]Book Chapter, 2011
- A.B. (Rami) Shani, D. Coghlan & S. Cirella , Action research and collaborative management research: More than meets the eye?, International Journal of Action Research, 8, (1), 2012, p45 - 67Journal Article, 2012
- G.S. Hynes, D. Coghlan & M. McCarron, Developing practice in healthcare: The contribution of bildung to negotiating the tensions among practical, professional and organisational knowing, International Journal of Action Research, 8, (2), 2012, p159 - 184Journal Article, 2012
- Action Learning as praxis in learning and change. in, editor(s)A.B. (Rami) Shani, W.A.Pasmore & R. W.Woodman , Research in Organizational Change and Development, vol 20, Bingley: UK, Emerald, 2012, pp59 - 89, [D. Coghlan & C. Rigg]Book Chapter, 2012
- Gespardi's dilemma: Building collaborative relationships in the extended manufacturing enterprise in, editor(s)D.D. Warrick & J. Mueller , Lessons in Leading Change, Oxford, UK., RossiSmith, 2012, pp203 - 209, [D. Coghlan & P. Coughlan]Book Chapter, 2012
- Implementing a new cancer control programme in Ireland: A case of sustainable large scale change? in, editor(s)S.A. Mohrman & A.B. (Rami) Shani , Organizing for Sustainable Healthcare, Bingley: UK, Emerald, 2012, pp199 - 226, [E. McAuliffe, T. O'Brien & D. Coghlan]Book Chapter, 2012
- Implementing a new cancer control programme in Ireland: A case of sustainable large scale change? in, editor(s)S.A. Mohrman & A.B. (Rami) Shani , Organizing for Sustainable Healthcare, Bingley: UK, Emerald, 2012, pp199 - 226, [E. McAuliffe, T. O'Brien & D. Coghlan]Book Chapter, 2012
- G. Hynes, D. Coghlan & M. McCarron, Participation as a multi-voiced process: Action research in the acute hospital, Action Research, 10, (3), 2012, p293 - 312Journal Article, 2012
- D. Coghlan, Understanding insight in the context of Q, Action Learning: Research & Practice, 9, (3), 2012, p247 - 258Journal Article, 2012
- D. Coghlan & A. Graham Cagney, 'Multisensory holistic immerson: A method of insider inquiry skills as a threshold concept , Journal of Learning Development in Higher Educaation, 5, 2013, p2 - 20Journal Article, 2013
- D. Coghlan, Action learning research? Reflections from the colloquium at the Third International Conference on Action Learning , Action Learning: Research & Practice, 10, (1), 2013, p54 - 57Journal Article, 2013
- Process consultation, E.H.Kessler, Encyclopedia of Management Theory, Vol. 2, Thousand Oaks, CA, Sage, 2013, pp608 - 611, [D. Coghlan]Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc, 2013
- D. Coghlan, From individual value judgments to collective action: Lonergan's wheel as a framework for developing ethical action, Theoforum, 43, 2012, p69 - 84Journal Article, 2012
- Organization development research interventions: Perspectives from action research and collaborative management research in, editor(s)S.Skipton, R.Lewis, A.M.Freedman & J.Passmore , The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of the Psychology of Leadership, Change and Organizational Development, Chicester, UK, Wiley, 2013, pp443 - 460, [D. Coghlan & A.B. (Rami) Shani]Book Chapter, 2013
- D. Coghlan, Action research as a scholarship of praxis: Toward a social science of common sense knowing, The Lonergan Review, 4, 2013, p181 - 194Journal Article, 2013
- Messy, iterative groping in the swampy lowlands: The challenges of insider scholar-practitioner inquiry in, editor(s)A.B.(Rami) Shani, W.A. Pasmore, R.W. Woodman & D.A Noumair , Research in Organizational Change & Development, Vol. 21, Bingley, Emerald, 2013, pp121 - 147, [D. Coghlan]Book Chapter, 2013
- R. Holian & D. Coghlan, Ethical issues and role duality in insider action research: Challenges for action research degree programmes, Systemic Practice & Action Research, 26, 2013, p399 - 418Journal Article, 2013
- D.Coghlan, What will I do? Toward an existential ethics for first person action research practice, International Journal of Action Research, 9, (3), 2013, p333 - 352Journal Article, 2013, TARA - Full Text
- Giving Voice in a Multi-Voiced Environment: The Challenges of Palliative Care Policy Implementation in Acute Care in, editor(s)Keating, Mary McDermott, Aoife Montgomery, Kathleen , Patient-Centred Health Care: Achieving Co-ordination, Communication and Innovation, Basinstoke, Palgrave, 2014, pp133 - 144, [Hynes, Geralyn Coghlan, David McCarron, Mary]Book Chapter, 2014
- D.Coghlan & T. Brannick, Doing Action Research in your Own Organization, 4th , London, Sage, 2014, 206 pagesppBook, 2014
- Brydon-Miller, M. & Coghlan, D. , The big picture: Implications and imperatives for the action research community from the SAGE Encyclopedia of Action Research, Action Research, 12, (2), 2014, p224 - 233Journal Article, 2014
- P. Coughlan, D. Coghlan, T. Dromgoole, D. Duff, R. Caffrey, K. Lynch, I. Rose, P. Stack, A. McGill & P. Sheridan, Effecting Operational Improvement through Inter-organisational Action Learning, Integrated Manufacturing Systems, 13, (3), 2002, p131-140Journal Article, 2002
- Developing Organizational Learning Capabilities through Interorganisational Action Learning in, editor(s)M.A. Rahim, R.T. Golembiewski & K.MacKenzie , Current Topics in Management, New Brunswick, NJ, Transaction, 2002, pp33-46 , [D. Coghlan & P. Coughlan]Book Chapter, 2002
- Paul Coughlan & David Coghlan, Action Research for Operations Management, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 22, (2), 2002, p220-240Journal Article, 2002
- Action research e collaborative management research. Piu di quanto sembra? in, editor(s)A.B. (Rami) Shani, M Guerci & S. Cirella , Collaborative Management Research: Teoria, Metodi, Esperienze, Milan, Rafaello Cortina, 2014, pp77 - 97, [A.B. (Rami) Shani, D. Coghlan & S. Cirella]Book Chapter, 2014
- La collaborative research tra limiti e confini. Intuizioni sull'action research da un progetto di CO-IMPROVE in, editor(s)[A.B. (Rami) Shani, M. Guerci & S. Cirella] , Collaborative Management Research: Teoria, Metodi, Esperienze , Milan, Rafaello Cortina, 2014, pp213 - 234, [D. Coghlan & P. Coughlan]Book Chapter, 2014
- Organization Development in the Ashfield Youth Corps. in, editor(s)Robert T Golembiewski, & Jerry G. Stevenson , Cases and Applications in Non-Profit Management, Itasca, ILL., Peacock, 1998, pp123-132 , [D. Coghlan, & G. Donnelly-Cox]Book Chapter, 1998
- The Art of Clinical Inquiry in Information Technology-related Organisational Research in, editor(s)P. Reason & H. Bradbury , Handbook of Action Research, London, Sage, 2001, pp372-378 , [J. McDonagh & D. Coghlan]Book Chapter, 2001
- Research and Practice in IT-Related Change: The Case for Clinical Inquiry in, editor(s)R. Woodman & W.Pasmore , Research in Organizational Change and Development, Elsevier Science, 2001, pp195-211 , [D.Coghlan & J. McDonagh]Book Chapter, 2001
- McDonagh, J. and Coghlan, D., Sustaining the Dilemma with IT Related Change: The Fortuitous Role of Academia, Journal of European Industrial Training, (5), 2000, p297-304Journal Article, 2000
- McDonagh, J. and Coghlan, D., From the Editors: Exploiting ICT-Based Capabilities - The Challenge of Integrated Change, Organization Development Journal, (1), 2001, p3 - 8Journal Article, 2001
- Coghlan, D. and McDonagh, J., Academic Formation and IT-Enabled Change - A Conspicuous Relationship?, Organization Development Journal, (1), 2001, p21-29Journal Article, 2001
- McDonagh, J. and Coghlan, D., Information Technology and the Lure of Integrated Change: A Neglected Role for Organization Development?, Public Administration Quarterly, 2000Journal Article, 2000
- Joe McDonagh & David Coghlan, Exploiting ICT-Based Capabilities - The Challenge of Integrated Change, Organization Development Journal, (1), 2001Journal Article, 2001
- McDonagh, J. and Coghlan, D., Can OD Help Solve the IT Dilemma? OD in IT Related Change., Organization Development Journal, 17, (4), 1999, p41-48Journal Article, 1999
- David Coghlan & Teresa Brannick, Doing Action Research in your Own Organization, London, Sage, 2001Book, 2001
- Rashford, N.S., & Coghlan, D., The Dynamics of Organizational Levels: A Change Framework for Managers and Consultants, Reading, MA, Addison-Wesley, 1994, 156ppBook, 1994
- Authenticity, D.Coghlan & M. Brydon-Miller, The SAGE Encyclopedia of Action Research, London, Sage, 2014, pp68 - 70, [D. Coghlan]Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc, 2014
- Christian spirituality of action, D.Coghlan & M. Brydon-Miller, The SAGE Encyclopedia of Action Research, London, Sager, 2014, pp92 - 94, [D. Coghlan]Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc, 2014
- Clinical inquiry, D. Coghlan & M. Brydon-Miller, The SAGE Encyclopedia of Action Research, London, Sage, 2014, pp107 - 109, [D. Coghlan]Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc, 2014
- Dissertation writing, D. Coghlan & M. Brydon Miller, The SAGE Encyclopedia of Action Research, London, Sage, 2014, pp280 - 283, [D. Coghlan &. P. Gaya]Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc, 2014
- Force field analysis, D. Coghlan & M. Brydon-Miller, The SAGE Encyclopedia of Action Research, London, Sage, 2014, pp361 - 363, [D. Coghlan]Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc, 2014
- Insider action research, D. Coghlan & M. Brydon-Miller, The SAGE Encyclopedia of Action Research, London, Sage, 2014, pp443 - 445, [D. Coghlan]Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc, 2014
- Mapping the Progress of Change through Organizational Levels: the Example of a Religious Order in, editor(s)R. Woodman & W. Pasmore , Research in Organizational Change and Development, Vol. 9, Greenwich, CT, JAI Press, 1996, pp123-150 , [David Coghlan]Book Chapter, 1996
- Mode 1 and mode 2 methods of knowledge production, D. Coghlan & M. Brydon-Miller, The Sage Encyclopedia of Action Research, London, Sage, 2014, pp541 - 543, [D. Coghlan]Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc, 2014
- Organization development, D. Coghlan & M. Brydon-Miller, The SAGE Encyclopedia of Action Research, London, Sage, 2014, pp575 - 578, [D. Coghlan]Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc, 2014
- Practical knowing, D. Coghlan & M. Brydon--Miller, The SAGE Encyclopedia of Action Research, London, Sage, 2014, pp636 - 637, [D. Coghlan]Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc, 2014
- Process consultation, D. Coghlan & M. Brydon -Miller, The SAGE Encyclopedia of Action Research, London, Sage, 2014, pp657 - 658, [D. Coghlan]Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc, 2014
- Organizational Learning as a Dynamic Inter-level Process in, editor(s)M.A. Rahim, R.T. Golembiewski & L.E. Pate , Current Topics in Management, Greenwich, CT, JAI Press, 1997, pp27-44 , [David Coghlan]Book Chapter, 1997
- Perceiving, Evaluating and Responding to Change: An Interlevel Approach in, editor(s)Robert T. Golembiewski , Handbook of Organizational Consultation, New York, Marcel Dekker, 2000, pp213-217 , [David Coghlan]Book Chapter, 2000
- D. Coghlan & E. McIlduff, Facilitating Change in Organisations: Toward a Framework of Organization Development for Person-Centered Practitioners, Person-Centered Journal, (1), 1999, p48-58Journal Article, 1999
- D. Coghlan, & E. McIlduff, Process Consultation and The Person-Centered Approach: Schein and Rogers on the Helping Process, Organization Development Journal, (3), 1995, p45-56Journal Article, 1995
- David Coghlan, Journal of Managerial Psychology, Special Issue: Action Science and Organisational Research, Journal of Managerial Psychology, Special Issue: Action Science and Organisational Research, (6), 1995Journal Article, 1995
- David Coghlan, Organization Development Journal,Special Issue "Organization Development in Voluntary Organizations", Organization Development Journal,Special Issue "Organization Development in Voluntary Organizations", (3), 1996Journal Article, 1996
- David Coghlan, Organization Development Journal, Special Issue, "Grandmasters of Organization Development", Organization Development Journal, Special Issue, "Grandmasters of Organization Development", (2), 1997Journal Article, 1997
- David Coghlan, Research as a Process of Change: Action Science in Organisations, Irish Business & Administrative Research, 1994, p119-130Journal Article, 1994
- David Coghlan, Organization Development through Inter-Level Dynamics, International Journal of Organizational Analysis, (3), 1994, p264-279Journal Article, 1994
- David Coghlan, Change as Re-education: Lewin Revisited, Organization Development Journal, (4), 1994, p8 - 8Journal Article, 1994
- David Coghlan, Rediscovering Organizational Levels for OD Interventions, Organization Development Journal, (2), 1995, p19-27Journal Article, 1995
- David Coghlan, Action Science and Organisational Research, Journal of Managerial Psychology, (6), 1995, p20 - 26Journal Article, 1995
- David Coghlan, Organization Development in Voluntary Organizations, Organization Development Journal, (3), 1996Journal Article, 1996
- David Coghlan, Grandmasters of Organization Development, Organization Development Journal, (2), 1997Journal Article, 1997
- David Coghlan, Interlevel Dynamics in Systemic Action Research, Systemic Practice and Action Research, 15, (4), 2002, p273 - 283Journal Article, 2002
- David Coghlan, 'Putting "Research" back into OD and Action Research: A Call to OD Practitioners', Organization Development Journal, 20, (1), 2002, p62-64Journal Article, 2002
- David Coghlan, Inter-Organizational OD through Action Learning, OD Practitioner, 34, (1), 2002, p26-30Journal Article, 2002
- David Coghlan, Insider Action Research Project: Implications for Practising Managers, Management Learning, 32, (1), 2001, p49-60Journal Article, 2001
- David Coghlan, The Interlevel Dynamics of Systemic Learning and Change, Reflections, 2, (2), 2000, p67-74Journal Article, 2000
- David Coghlan, Interlevel Dynamics in Clinical Inquiry, Journal of Organizational Change Management, (2), 2002, p190-200Journal Article, 2002
- David Coghlan, The Interlevel Dynamics of Large System Change, Organization Development Journal, (1), 2000, p41-50Journal Article, 2000
- David Coghlan, The Process of Change through Inter-Levels Dynamics in a Large Group Intervention of a Religious Organisation, Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 34, (1), 1998, p105-119Journal Article, 1998
- E. McAuliffe, D. Coghlan & A. Pathe, Organisation Development and Change Management in Irish Health Boards: Current Policy Practices, Administration, 50, (3), 2002, p43 - 62Journal Article, 2002
- Edward McIlduff & David Coghlan, Understanding and Contending with Passive-Aggressive Behaviour in Teams and Organizations, Journal of Managerial Psychology, 15, (7), 2000, p716-736Journal Article, 2000
- D. Tuohy & D. Coghlan, Development in Schools: A Systems Approach Based on Organisational Levels, Educational Management & Administration, 25, (1), 1997, p65-77Journal Article, 1997
- David Coghlan, The Interlevel Dynamics of Information Technology, Journal of Information Technology, 13, 1998, p139-149Journal Article, 1998
- A.B. (Rami) Shani & D. Coghlan, Collaborate with practitioners: An alternative perspective. A rejoiner to Kieser and Leiner (2012) , Journal of Management Inquiry, 23, (4), 2014, p433 - 437Journal Article, 2014
- A.B. (Rami) Shani & D. Coghlan, Action and collaboration between scholarship and practice: Core values of OD research, OD Practitioner, 46, (4), 2014, p35 - 38Journal Article, 2014
- D. Coghlan & A,B, (Rami) Shani, Creating action research quality in organization development: Rigorous, reflective and relevant, Systemic Practice & Action Research, 27, 2014, p523 - 536Journal Article, 2014
- D. Coghlan, A.B. (Rami) Shani, J. Roth and R. Sloyan, Executive development through insider action research: Voices of insider action researchers, Journal of Management Development, 33, (10), 2014, p991 - 1003Journal Article, 2014
- Hynes, G., Kavanagh, F., Hogan, C., Ryan, K., Rogers, L., Brosnan, J., Coghlan, D., Understanding the challenges of palliative care in everyday clinical practice: an example from a COPD action research project, Nursing Inquiry, 2, (3), 2015, p249 - 260Journal Article, 2015
- McDonagh, J. and Coghlan, D., Exploring the Role of Academia in Nurturing IT-enabled Business Change, Proceedings of the Informing Science and IT Education Conference, Pori, Finland, June 24-27, 2003, Turku School of Economics and Business A, 2003, pp1201-1210Conference Paper
- David Coghlan, Retrieving action research as research in OD, Organization Development Journal, 35, (2), 2017, p11 - 16Journal Article
- A.B. (Rami) Shani & D. Coghlan, Enhancing action, research and collaboration in organization development, Organization Development Journal, 36, (3), 2018, p37 - 43Journal Article
- David Coghlan, Another tree to hug: Contemporary OD action research. Organization Development Review, 51 (3), 2019: 19, Organization Development Review, , 51, (3), 2019, p19-Journal Article
- D. Coghlan & A.B.(Rami) Shani, Coghlan, D. & Shani, A.B. (Rami). (2021). Abductive reasoning as the integrating mechanism between first- second- and third person practice in action research. , Systemic Practice & Action Research , 34, (4), 2021, p463 - 474Journal Article
- D. Coghlan , The humble inquirer. Edgar H. Schein, 1928-2023: A reflective appreciation, Action Research, 21, (3), 2023, p371 - 375Journal Article, URL
- David Coghlan, Towards a Spirituality of Academic Work: Lessons from Action Research , Human Development, 27, (2), 2006, p38 - 41Journal Article
- David Coghlan, Reflections on Interlevel Dynamics in Change and Strategy, OD Seasonings, 2, (3), 2006Journal Article
- Action Research as a Method of Praxis in, editor(s)Lawrence F. , Lonergan Workshop 20, Boston, Boston College, 2008, pp71 - 86, [David Coghlan]Book Chapter
- Doing Action Science in Your Own Organisation. in, editor(s)Brannick, T. and Roche, W. , Business Research Methods ? Strategies, Techniques, and Sources, Dublin, Oak Tree Press, 1997, pp139-161 , [D. Coghlan & J. McDonagh]Book Chapter
- David Coghlan, Renewing Apostolic Religious Life, Dublin, Columba Press, 1997Book
- Challenges of Educational Leadership: Meaning, Community and Excellence in, editor(s)J.M Feheney , Ideal to Action: The Inner Nature of a Catholic School Today, Dublin, Veritas, 1998, pp168-178 , [D. Tuohy & D. Coghlan]Book Chapter
- Change Processes in Catholic Religious Orders in, editor(s)F. Massarik , Advances in Organization Development, Norwood, NJ, Ablex, 1995, [David Coghlan]Book Chapter
- Integrating Organizational Dynamics through Organizational Levels in, editor(s)R. Rosenfeld & D. Wilson , Managing Organizations: Text, Readings & Cases, London, McGraw-Hill, 1999, pp320-326 , [David Coghlan]Book Chapter
- The Thoul Plant in, editor(s)R. Rosenfeld & D. Wilson , Managing Organizations: Text, Readings & Cases, London, McGraw-Hill, 1999, pp233-235 , [David Coghlan]Book Chapter
Research Expertise
Organisation development through action research Insider action research Action learning
- FTCD 2005
- Academy of Management
- Academy of Management
- Irish Academy of Management
- Systemic Practice & Action Research 2004-
- Action Learning: Theory and Research 2007-
- Research in Organizational Change and Development 2024-
- Associate Editor - International, Organization Development Journal 1996-2003
- Organization Development Review 2001-
- Irish Journal of Management, 2000-2007
- Action Research 2003-
- Journal of Applied Behavioral Science 2004-
- Revue Sciences de Gestion 2006