Dr. Giulio Buciuni
Associate Professor, Trinity Business School
Email buciunig@tcd.ie Phone3531896 2631Biography
Dr. Giulio Buciuni is an Associate Professor in Entrepreneurship and Innovation at Trinity College Dublin and is the Associate Director of the M.Sc. in Entrepreneurship and Innovation, which he launched in September 2017. Prior to joining Trinity Business School, he worked as a research fellow at the University of Toronto and at Cà Foscari University of Venice. Giulio's research interest focuses on entrepreneurial ecosystems, SMEs' internationalization strategies and innovation in Global Value Chains (GVC). In particular, his most recent research analyses the evolution of industrial clusters and entrepreneurial ecosystems in the global economic scenario. The results of his works have been published in several leading academic journals such as Global Strategy Journal, Regional Studies and Journal of Economic Geography. In addition to working in the academic sector, Dr. Buciuni is the co-founder of two entrepreneurial ventures.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
- Giulio Buciuni; Giancarlo Coro'; Stefano Micelli, "Rethinking Manufacturing in Global Value Chains. An International Comparative Study in the Furniture Industry",, Industrial and Corporate Change, 2014Journal Article, 2014, URL
- "Keeping up in an era of global specialization. Semi-public goods and the competitiveness of integrated manufacturing districts", in, editor(s)D. Audretsch, A. Link, and M. Walshok , The Oxford Handbook of Local Competitiveness, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2015, [Buciuni; Breznitz]Book Chapter, 2015
- Ryan, P., Buciuni, G., Giblin, M., Andersson, U., Intra-MNE Global Value Chain orchestration for Innovation, iBEGIN Annual Conference, University of Venice, December 18-19, 2017, pp20 - 40Conference Paper, 2017
- Buciuni, G., Finotto, V., Innovation in Global Value Chains: Co-location of Production and Development in Italian Low-Tech Industries, Regional Studies, 50, (12), 2016, p2010-2023Journal Article, 2016
- Buciuni, G., Mola, L., How do entrepreneurial firms establish cross-border relationships? A global value chain perspective, Journal of International Entrepreneurship, 12, (1), 2014, p67-84Journal Article, 2014
- Buciuni G.; Pisano, G., Knowledge integrators and the survival of manufacturing clusters, Journal of Economic Geography, 18, (5), 2018, p1069 - 1089Journal Article, 2018, URL
- Ryan, P., Buciuni, G., Giblin M., Kogler, D., ., The Role of MNEs in the Genesis and Growth of a Resilient Entrepreneurial Ecosystem, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 33, (1), 2021, p36 - 53Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- Ryan, P., Buciuni, G., Giblin M., and Andersson, U.., ., Subsidiary Upgrading and Global Value Chain Governance in the Multinational Enterprise, Global Strategy Journal, 10, (3), 2020, p496 - 519Journal Article, 2020, DOI
- Buciuni Giulio, Pisano Gary, Variety of Innovation in Global Value Chains, Journal of World Business, 56, 2021, p101167-Journal Article, 2021
- Sunghwan Cho, Paul Ryan, Giulio Buciuni, Evolutionary entrepreneurial ecosystems: a research pathway, Small Business Economics, 2021Journal Article, 2021
- Paul Ryan, Giulio Buciuni, Majella Giblin, Ulf Andersson, Global Value Chain Governance in the MNE: A Dynamic Hierarchy Perspective , California Management Review , 2022Journal Article, 2022
- Canello, J., Buciuni, G, and Gereffi, G., "Reshoring by small firms: dual sourcing strategies and local subcontracting in value chains.", Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 2022, p237-259Journal Article, 2022
- Buciuni, G., Canello, J., and Gereffi, G., Buciuni, Giulio, Jacopo Canello, and Gary Gereffi. "Microfoundations of global value chain research: Big decisions by small firms.", Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 2022, p1086-1111Journal Article, 2022
- Breznitz, D., Buciuni, G., and Murphree, M., "Still sticky after all those years? The resurgence of Marshallian districts in a world of global production networks.", Regional Studies, 2023, p1-15Journal Article, 2023
- Cho, D., Buciuni, G. and Ryan, P., Saints and Sinners: The Doubled-Edged Impact of Multinational Enterprises on the Evolution of an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem, Academy of International Business Annual Conference, Seoul, July 2-6, 2024, 2024, pp1-28Conference Paper, 2024
- Buciuni G., The elgar companion to innovation and knowledge creation, Journal of Economic Geography, 19, (5), 2019, p1171 - 1172Journal Article
Research Expertise
Dr. Buciuni's research focuses on the evolution of entrepreneurial ecosystems and the dynamics underlying innovation development in global value chains (GVCs). Overall, his research analyses how small and medium-sized enterprises develop innovation in the global economy, and what is their impact on local economic development. To date, Dr. Buciuni has published 12 articles in ABS 3 and ABS 4 journals, with 10 of them published after he joined TCD in 2016. As for his ongoing research, Dr. Buciuni has lately dedicated specific attention to a relatively new topic in Business Studies, notably Entrepreneurial Ecosystems (EEs). After having published a first article on the evolution of the entrepreneurial ecosystem on the Galway medical devices production, Giulio is currently focusing on the impact of multinational enterprises on the Dublin's tech ecosystem. In parallel, he has recently started an international research project comparing the evolution of the entrepreneurial ecosystems of Galway and San Jose, Costa Rica. The results emerging from these projects should carry important implications for managers and policymakers interested in the analysis of new ventures creation and local economic development from foreign direct investments (FDIs). The analysis that Dr. Buciuni has conducted over the past decade relied on fieldwork that he conducted in several different industries and countries. While Dr. Buciuni started his research career analysing low-tech industries like furniture and bicycle in Italy and the US, more recently he has turned to high-tech sectors like biomedical production and internet-based firms in Ireland and Costa Rica. The variety of sectors and firms that Giulio has analysed over the years has allowed him to obtain an in-depth knowledge of the economic phenomena that he investigates. This represents a key strength of Dr. Buciuni's research production, which is reflected in the several articles that he was able to publish recently in highly-ranked journals.
TitleThe Furniture Value Chain in North CarolinaSummaryProject developed by the Center on Globalization, Governance & Competitiveness (CGGC) at Duke UniversityFunding AgencyThe High Point Market AuthorityDate FromJanuary 2013Date ToSeptember 2013
TitleREMAKINGSummaryExploring the impact of remote working on rural places' ecosystem development.Funding AgencyEuropean Commission
- Best Referee Award, Journal of Economic Geography September, 2020
- Finalist, best paper in Applied International Management, Academy of Management Conference August, 2013
- Finalist, best published paper in Global Strategy Journal (year 2021) December, 2021
- Member of the Society for the Advancement of Socio Economics 2020
- Member of the Association of International Business Ongoing
- Member of the Regional Studies Association Ongoing
- Journal review for Journal of Economic Geography and Journal of World Business